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Unique type combinations, excluding Legendaries/Mythics/Ultra-beasts


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I had the thought of a run using only unique typings, and thanks to Veekun's database, I got a list:


Normal/Ground: Diggersby
Normal/Fire: Litleo
Normal/Water: Bibarel
Normal/Grass: Deerling
Normal/Electric: Helioptile
Normal/Dragon: Drampa
Normal/Dark: Alolan Rattata
Fighting/Flying: Hawlucha
Fighting/Poison: Croagunk
Fighting/Bug: Heracross
Fighting/Steel: Lucario
Fighting/Water: Poliwrath
Fighting/Ice: Crabominable
Fighting/Dragon: Hakamo-o
Flying/Poison: Zubat
Flying/Ground: Gligar
Flying/Steel: Skarmory
Flying/Ice: Delibird
Flying/Fairy: Togetic
Poison/Ghost: Gastly
Poison/Fire: Salandit
Poison/Dragon: Dragalge
Ground/Fire: Numel
Ground/Grass: Torterra
Ground/Electric: Stunfisk
Ground/Psychic: Baltoy
Ground/Ice: Swinub
Ground/Dark: Sandile
Rock/Fire: Magcargo
Rock/Grass: Lileep
Rock/Electric: Alolan Geodude
Rock/Ice: Amaura
Rock/Dragon: Tyrunt
Rock/Dark: Tyranitar
Rock/Fairy: Carbink
Bug/Ghost: Shedinja
Bug/Fire: Larvesta
Bug/Fairy: Cutiefly
Ghost/Steel: Honedge
Ghost/Water: Frillish
Ghost/Electric: Rotom
Ghost/Ice: Froslass
Ghost/Fairy: Mimikyu
Steel/Water: Empoleon
Steel/Grass: Ferroseed
Steel/Ice: Alolan Sandshrew
Steel/Dark: Pawniard
Fire/Electric: Heat Rotom
Water/Grass: Lotad
Water/Dragon: Kingdra
Grass/Electric: Mow Rotom -
Grass/Psychic: Exeggcute
Grass/Ice: Snover
Electric/Psychic: Alolan Raichu
Electric/Ice: Frost Rotom
Electric/Dragon: Mega Ampharos
Electric/Fairy: Dedenne
Psychic/Ice: Jynx
Psychic/Dark: Inkay
Ice/Dark: Sneasel
Ice/Fairy: Alolan Ninetales
Dragon/Dark: Deino
Dragon/Fairy: Mega Altaria


SQL code, to use on the sqlite file:


SELECT s.identifier, t1.identifier AS type_one, t2.identifier AS type_two  FROM (
	SELECT *, COUNT(evolution_chain_id) AS count FROM (
		SELECT evolution_chain_id,p.identifier, type1, type2 FROM pokemon_species AS s
		LEFT JOIN pokemon AS p ON p.species_id==s.id
		LEFT JOIN pokemon_type_pairs AS tp ON p.id==tp.pokemon_id
		LEFT JOIN pokemon_abilities AS a1 ON s.id==a1.pokemon_id
		LEFT JOIN abilities AS a2 ON a1.ability_id==a2.id
		WHERE NOT (s.is_legendary OR s.is_mythical)
			AND a2.identifier != "beast-boost"
			AND s.generation_id <= 7
		GROUP BY s.evolution_chain_id,type1,type2
	GROUP BY MIN(type1,type2),MAX(type1,type2)
	) AS s
LEFT JOIN types AS t1 ON MIN(type1,type2)==t1.id
LEFT JOIN types AS t2 ON MAX(type1,type2)==t2.id
WHERE count<=1



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