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How do you make money fast


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I’m trying to ev train for the next gym and there is no way in hell I’m going to faint 150 Pokémon just so I can get one stat to 252 so is there any way to make money fast so I can buy stat boosting items

(I don’t have access to the amulet coin yet)



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You can fight the trainers at the Grand hall they give out a lot of money with the exception of Monday.

And it's not just your money that'll increase your Pokemon's level will as well although, to be honest you also have to buy berries at the mall in Obsidia to lower unwanted EVs.

Edited by DelRad
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1) Pick up pokemon. Any level pick up should help while ev training you get free stuff.

2) Grand hall trainers. they should be easy to beat but the problem here is you get random EV from the battles so you must either have decent mons which you do not care about their EV/can reset them when you have the reset baerries.

3) Meowth. Pay day+ team of pick up meowth used to be the way to farm money when the grand hall trainers were not repeatable, still a viable method plus A.meowth makes things easier as they dont try to  evolve constantly as they need happiness to evolve.


Just dump meowth in day care until it learns payday(level 30), dump 2 meowth so that you can get better pick up mons faster. yes they use up you money but 1 blast powder pick up and poof lots of money. i would start ev training abit with 5 mewoth with pick up in you team. Also if you dont want to bother checking for pick up items, just use the pick up mod in the mod market to auto pick up items when the meowth pick up something. You can grab A.meowth at the aqua hideout in lapis ward most are in the level 20 ish range so not that far from payday.

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Nice good luck farming and may all the meowth pick up blast powders, nuggets and rare candy for you.  As for other mons with pickup ability well you can soft reset the lilipup at onyx to get 1 with pickup and the zigzagoon at the opal ward. but meowth are the most common and easiest to obtain.

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