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Pokemon Desolation: A Ranger's Quest


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???: This is the world that you created. You wanted some fun, no? Just another adventure?

Female: Mmm… Created what…?

???: You tried to play hero in an unforgiving world, of your own creation.

Female: Me…? Hero…? No…

???: That’s what you say but this world you have created says otherwise. Tell me. Did you ever consider the consequences of what you did? All that you’ve done? Don’t worry though. I’m not so different from you.

Female: I’m… I’m not-

???: Now then… shall we start from the beginning?

Female: The… beginning…?

???: I want you to tell me the story 1 last time. From the very beginning of your existence.

Female: The beginning of… Yes… Ok…



Narrator: Hi! I’m the narrator of this story that’s going to unfold before you! I may not come up all the time but hey! It’s alright! The reason why I’m here now? Well I gotta tell you some stuff. This is an alternate reality of the Pokemon World. Not much is changed except for 2 things. 1st off, Pokemon from all over the world are in all the regions. What do I mean by this? Why it’s simple! For example, Pokemon that were native to a particular region can now be found in ANY region! Alternate forms of Pokemon will still be called Alolan or Galarian though. I guess not that much has changed from that. But 1 significant thing that has changed is this. The child that belongs to Professor Birch and his wife is not May. May does not exist in this timeline. Instead, their daughter’s name is called Felicia. This also takes place after Brendan takes care of Team Aqua and Magma. I’d tell you more about her but I think I’ll let her do the talking. This is her story after all. Hopefully I’ll get to see you all sometime in the future…


Well where do I even begin with this… CRAZY story. Well, not sure if you know this but I’m the daughter to Hoenn’s own Pokemon Professor, Professor Birch. That’s pretty cool I guess. And my mom is just a regular person but that’s ok. I love them both just the same. Now where to actually start. Hmm… Well nothing of interest happened until I was about 9 years old. I was a couple of months away from where most children would get a Starter Pokemon and start their journey. I was up late 1 night. You know how some kids are. Rebel against the parents by trying to stay up late. I could hear them talking and it was about me. I quietly got up, walked a couple of steps downstairs and listened in on their conversation.


 Prof. Birch: You know hun, our daughter is getting really close to the age where all the kids will be getting their 1st Pokemon.

Mother: Yes… That’s true…

Prof. Birch: What’s wrong? You don’t sound too excited about it.

Mother: Have you forgotten what’s happened just a couple of months ago?

Prof. Birch: You mean that whole ordeal with Team Aqua & Magma?

Mother: Exactly! And you want us to send our 10 year old daughter out there into something like that?

Prof. Birch: But honey, that whole ordeal is over and done with. Brendan took care of-

Mother: Yes I know he did! Honestly though… it shouldn’t have been down to a child to take down a team like that. Let alone 2.

Prof. Birch: But if he didn’t, things might have gotten worse.

Mother: Yes you’re probably right… But still, it should have been someone else to have taken that role.

Prof. Birch: I suppose you do have a point.

Mother: Someone that young? Having to deal with something that big? It’s gonna leave some kind of mental scarring on him.

Prof. Birch: Now I’m not so sure about that hun. He went to defeat the Pokemon League and is the Champion of the whole region now!

Mother: That may be true but I’ve talked to his mother recently. Even though everything is better now, he still has nightmares about what he encountered.

Prof. Birch: He… has?

Mother: Yes. He had to deal with not only 1 but 2 Legendary Pokemon and stop them from destroying the region! Everything was on his back and he took it for us! And now, he is suffering for it!

Prof. Birch: I… I see.

Mother: Do you understand now why I do not want our daughter to go on a Pokemon journey? It’s too dangerous. Even if things are going good right now.

Prof. Birch: I see your point now my dear. I really do. But…

Mother: But what? You’re still willing to have her be in that kind of potential danger?

Prof Birch: Of course I don’t want her in that kind of danger! But I think it should be up to her. Not u-

Mother: I’m sorry but no. I’m not having this discussion with you any longer. I’m not gonna let our daughter be in any danger. She can do something else.

Prof. Birch: Like what?

Mother: Umm… She could be a Pokemon Nurse!

Prof. Birch: A Pokemon Nurse? But we have loads of those as it is now.

Mother: It’s better than having her out there and possibly being harmed.

Prof. Birch: I suppose I’ll think about it…

Mother: There’s nothing to think about. This discussion is over.


My mother got up from the chair she was sitting on and went into the kitchen to get herself a glass of water. I looked at my father. He seemed upset with what had happened. He too got up but instead of going into the kitchen to join mother in the kitchen, he was heading for the stairs. I quickly ran up to my room, jumped into my bed, got under the covers and pretended I was asleep. I’m not sure why but I had a feeling that my dad peered into my room and looked at me. Before long, I actually fell asleep. The next couple of days, I could feel the weird tension between my mother and father. It was even affecting me. 1 evening, my mother came into my room, shut the door and sat down on my bed with me. I knew this meant that she wanted to talk to me about something.


Mother: Hey there Felicia.

Felicia: Hey mom…

Mother: You know, your birthday is in a couple of months.

Felicia: I know it is!

Mother: I need to talk to you about that.

Felicia: Ohh…?

Mother: Not sure if you noticed the past couple of days but… things have been weird with your father and I.

Felicia: I know mom.

Mother: Yes… Well…

Felicia: I know what you’re going to say.

Mother: Huh?

Felicia: You’re going to tell me that I’m not gonna get a Pokemon and start my journey… right?

Mother: How did you know about that?

Felicia: I listened in on your talk with dad the other night.

Mother: Well… yes. You’re correct. You won’t be going on an adventure like the others.

Felicia: I know you’re worried about me but I can take care of myself!

Mother: I’m sorry Felicia but my decision is final. I’m not gonna risk you getting hurt out there by some Legendary Pokemon or evil teams! It’s just not gonna happen!

Felicia: That’s not fair! What about what I wanna do?!

Mother: The decision is final!

Felicia: I hate you! Get out of my room!


I laid down on my bed under the covers and started to cry. My mother did as I requested and left my room. Before shutting the door though, I did hear her quietly tell me that she loved me. She then shut the door and I was laying in there in silence. I was hoping that her talking to me about this would have her change her mind but that wasn’t the case. Now because of my mother, I wouldn’t be going on my Pokemon Adventure. For the next couple of days, things were really awkward between my mother and I. We would barely look at each other or even speak. But then I started to slowly understand her thinking. She just wanted me to be safe. I mean what mother wouldn’t want their child to be safe? Then I was starting to think something else. Being a hero was really a good thing. I mean yea. Brendan did save the whole region but what he was going through now? That wasn’t worth it. I had decided right then and there that being a hero wasn’t something that I wanted to be. 1 day, my father came to me. He could see the conflict between my mother and I.


Prof. Birch: Hey there Felicia.

Felicia: Hey daddy.

Prof. Birch: Whatcha doing?

Felicia: Just playing around.

Prof. Birch: That’s good. Are things… good between you and your mother?

Felicia: I mean… not really.

Prof. Birch: I take it that she told you about our conversation the other day?

Felicia: Yea. She told me that I couldn’t go on my Pokemon Journey when I turn 10 next month.

Prof. Birch: I’m sorry hun. I tried to change her mind but you know how she is.

Felicia: Yea I know but… I’ve thought about it.

Prof. Birch: Ohh?

Felicia: Yea… I think maybe mom has a point.

Prof. Birch: She does?

Felicia: Yea. I mean she just wants me to be safe. And knowing what Brendan is going through right now? I wouldn’t want to risk that.

Prof. Birch: I see. And you’re absolutely sure about this?

Felicia: Yes. I know she wouldn’t change her mind if I tried to anyways but she’s right.

Prof. Birch: Well… if that’s how you see it then I support your decision.

Felicia: Thanks daddy.

Prof. Birch: So what are you gonna do then when your 10th birthday comes along?

Felicia: I’m not sure but I’m sure I’ll think of something.

Prof. Birch: Well how about we all come together and forgive each other? I’m sure you’ve felt the tension between all of us right?

Felicia: Yea. I’d really like it to stop now.


Daddy held my hand and the 2 of us walked downstairs and into the living room where my mom was. We walked up to her to where she was sitting. She looked at the 2 of us and we back at her. Tears started to swell up in my eyes. I let go of my father’s hand and jumped onto my mother, hugging her and feeling her returning it.


Felicia: -sobbing- I’m sorry mom!

Mother: It’s ok hun.

Felicia: -sobbing- I-I didn’t mean to tell you that I hated you!

Mother: It’s ok hun. I know you didn’t mean it.

Felicia: -starts to calm down- Y-You were right?

Mother: About what sweetie?

Felicia: Starting a Pokemon Journey. I might get into trouble and if I have to help save a region and become a hero, I might be worse off still. So… So I’m just gonna do something else with my life.

Mother: Ohh hun. I’m so glad you saw what I was saying. I just want you to be safe.

Felicia: I-I know that now mom. I love you. And you too dad!

Prof. Birch and Mother: We love you too Felicia.


The 3 of us embraced each other in a long hug. It felt good to finally have things to be back to normal after everything felt so awkward and tense for the last couple of days. After that, things got back to normal. My dad was happy doing his things as being a Professor, my mom just doing her mom duties and me being a kid. It was nice. My 10th birthday came and went and no journey happened but I was ok with that. Potentially becoming a hero wasn’t something I wanted to do or be apart of. Nothing of importance happened until my 12th birthday but I’ll save that story for another time.

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Nice. I appreciate that Felicia’s parents show actual concern as to a Pokemon adventure – this is like first-class care for the Pokemon world – but it’s funny how Felicia “doesn’t get it” (although, she’s 10, it’s normal). 

And yet the Desolation plot wants her to become a heroine... I’m looking forward to reading what’s going to happen! 

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I had done nothing for 2 years except be a young child. While I did get to see the kids of my little town get their starters and leave to start their journey, I stayed behind with my family. I can’t lie though. I did kind of have an itch to want to start an adventure with my own Pokemon but it wasn’t that big. I was able to push it to the back of my mind and relatively forget about it. When my 12th birthday came around, we had a big party. There was cake, balloons, presents. Dad even brought home some of the starters too. He wasn’t really suppose to do that but he decided to break the rules for me. It was a really fun time. Near the end of the party, my mom pulled me aside.


Mother: How you enjoying your party?

Felicia: It’s really fun! Thank you and dad so much for throwing it!

Mother: No problem dear. It was our pleasure. I do have to talk to you about something though.

Felicia: What is it?

Mother: Well I think it’s time for you to finally start doing something. Considering you are 12 years old now.

Felicia: What do you mean?

Mother: Well we agreed that you won’t be going on a Pokemon Adventure. So you need to do something else. And I have the perfect idea for what you should do.

Felicia: Ooo! What is it?

Mother: I want you to go to the PokeCenter in Oldale Town and apply there to become a Pokemon Nurse!

Felicia: You want me to… become a Pokemon Nurse?

Mother: Mhm. You’ll be helping Pokemon and Trainers. Isn’t that good?

Felicia: I mean… I guess…

Mother: What’s wrong? I thought you’d be happy about it.

Felicia: Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy I didn’t go on an adventure and risk becoming a hero. But becoming a nurse? That just sounds so… boring.

Mother: Well boring or not, you’re going to Oldale Town and you’re going to try to become a Pokemon Nurse.

Felicia: I… I guess so.

Mother: Good. I hope the rest of your party goes good hun.

Felicia: Thanks mom.


And with that, my mom went back to the party. I still had a good time but I was bummed out about mother wanting me to become a nurse. That was definitely something I didn’t want to do with my life. But she was my mom and I was only 12 years old. What else could I do? The party eventually died down. Dad took the Pokemon back to the lab and soon, we were all in our beds and fast asleep. The next day, I woke up but was in a grumpy mood. I didn’t want to go to Oldale Town to become some stupid nurse. But when I got downstairs, I could see my mom with my dad. She was giving me a big smile. I knew I couldn’t just blow it off. She would have a fit. The 2 of them came over to me.


Prof. Birch: So I hear you’re gonna go to Oldale Town and try to become a Pokemon Nurse Felicia.

Felicia: Y-Yea… That’s what I’m gonna do.

Mom: Good luck hun! I’m sure they’ll accept you.

Felicia: Yea. I’m sure they will.

Prof. Birch: Do you want me to take you there hun?

Felicia: No. It’s ok. I know a way to get there without running into any wild Pokemon.

Prof. Birch: Alright hun. Good luck!

Mother: You got this hun!

Felicia: Yea… Thanks. -leaves the house-

Prof. Birch: Hmm…

Mother: What?

Prof. Birch: She really doesn’t seem that excited about becoming a nurse.

Mother: That maybe so but she has to do something. Besides, I don’t think becoming a Pokemon Nurse is all that bad. She can still be by Pokemon!

Prof. Birch: I guess but it’s not the same.

Mother: It doesn’t matter sweetie.

Prof. Birch: Ohh boy.


I started to make my way to Oldale Town. As I made my way through the route to reach the town, I could see some trainers battling. It wasn’t anything big but just seeing them command their Pokemon had me feeling a certain way. I wanted to have a Pokemon battle as well. But I didn’t choose the life of a trainer. I was now apparently gonna be choosing the life of a Pokemon Nurse. I didn’t like the sound of that 1 bit. Eventually, I made it to Oldale Town. I made it to the PokeCenter and went inside. Nurse Joy was at the counter where the healing station was. I walked up to her.


Nurse Joy: Hello there! And welcome to the Pokemon Center! May I heal your Pokemon?

Felicia: Uhh… I’m not a trainer.

Nurse Joy: Ohh. Then what can I help you with?

Felicia: My mom told me that she needs me to do something with my life since I’m not going on a journey and… she wants me to be a nurse.

Nurse Joy: Like a Pokemon Nurse?

Felicia: Yes. That’s right.

Nurse Joy: Ahh. I see. Well unfortunately, you are unable to apply for a position such as that.


I won’t lie. I was pretty excited to hear those words come out of the mouth of Nurse Joy but at the same time, why did she decide right then and there that I wasn’t applicable to become a Nurse Joy? Did the way I say it make it seem like I wasn’t interested? I mean I wasn’t but still. Not like I had failed some kind of test or something of the sort.


Felicia: Ohh. I see. May I ask why not?

Nurse Joy: Ohh don’t worry! You didn’t do anything wrong. There’s just a major requirement in order to become a Pokemon Nurse.

Felicia: What’s that?

Nurse Joy: Quite simply, you have to be a Joy.

Felicia: A… Joy?

Nurse Joy: Yes. As in the family name. It’s my last name.

Felicia: Wait. Your last name is Joy?

Nurse Joy: Mhm. I have sisters and cousins with the same last name too.

Felicia: I did not know any of that.

Nurse Joy: Mhm. There’s an exception though. If your good friends with a boy named Brock, you might be able to get in. But that’s never happened.

Felicia: I see. Well that’s… I’m not sure.

Nurse Joy: Besides, I can tell that you definitely don’t want to become a Pokemon Nurse.

Felicia: That easy to spot ehh?

Nurse Joy: -chuckles- It was. Also, you told me that your mom wanted you to become 1.

Felicia: I suppose I did.

Nurse Joy: Is everything ok?

Felicia: I guess my mom just wants me to do something in my life since I didn’t go on a journey like everyone else.

Nurse Joy: Ahh. I see. I can understand her concerns. But if she just gives you time, then I’m certain you’ll find out what your true calling is.

Felicia: Yea… Yea you’re right. I should decide for myself what I want to become in the future. Thanks Nurse Joy. I guess you heal more than just Pokemon.

Nurse Joy: Why thank you for the nice words!

Felicia: I think I’m gonna go home now. See you later.

Nurse Joy: I hope to see you again!


I walked outside of the Pokemon Center but with a better attitude than when I arrived. I walked back through the route to get home. I got back to my house and stopped in front of my house. I knew I had to tell my mom what Nurse Joy told me but I was afraid of how she would take it. I took a deep breath and opened the door and walked inside. Almost instantly, my mother ran up to me to see how things went.


Mother: So?! How’d it go?!

Felicia: Ahh! M-Mom! You scared me! But umm… to answer your question… I didn’t get in.

Mother: What?! Why not?!

Felicia: Because I’m not a Joy.

Mother: You’re not a… what?

Felicia: That’s what I was thinking too.

Mother: Felicia, you’re not just making this up to try to get out of this are you?

Felicia: No no! I swear! You can go to her and ask her yourself! She’ll tell you the same thing!

Mother: Hmm… Fine. I believe you. But now, we gotta find something else for you to do.

Felicia: Actually… there’s something I need to tell you mother.

Mother: What is it?

Felicia: I know eventually that I will need to figure out what I need to do in my life. But right now… I don’t know what that is.

Mother: That’s precisely why-

Felicia: No mom. I need… I need time to know what I’m gonna do. That means I need to find out what I’m gonna do with my life. Not you. I hope I’m not being to mean but-

Prof. Birch: Nonsense hun. You’re making complete sense.

Mother: Huh?

Felicia: Really dad? You mean that?

Prof. Birch: Of course! Did you think that it took me a day to realize that I wanted to become a Pokemon Professor? It took me years and years until I figured out what it was that I wanted to do.

Felicia: Thanks dad. I really appreciate it.

Prof. Birch: No problem.

Felicia: So…? Mom?

Mother: I… He’s right… I’m sorry Felicia. I didn’t mean to try to force you into becoming something you obviously didn’t want to do. -hugs me- I just want to help you. That’s all.

Felicia: -hugs mom back- It’s ok mom. I appreciate it. But just let me figure it out myself.

Mother: I’ll do that.

Prof. Birch: Would you perhaps want to become a Pokemon Professor like your old man?

Felicia: No offense dad but-

Prof. Birch: -lets out a hardy laugh- I’m just kidding kid. I know you aren’t into that. Just remember this. No matter what you choose to do with your life, I will support you 100%.

Mother: Me too hun.

Felicia: Thanks you guys. I feel way better now.


I was shocked with how well that whole conversation went. I wholeheartedly expected my mother to flip out on me and try to make me try to do something else that I probably wouldn’t want to do. I guess if it wasn’t for my dad, I wouldn’t be where I’m at now. I didn’t really find out what I wanted to do with my life until I turned 13 years old.

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So the caring parents can turn dictatorial, but they can be reasoned with. And the Nurse Joys are a dynasty..

I guess one has to take the good with the bad. 😅



Desolation question:

Do you know when this start-of-game conversation is occurring in the Desolation timeline? Have we even reached that point? Because it sounds a little like (early e5 spoiler)


Aurora's early E5 "welcome to the real world" speech,

yet some of it doesn't really fit (especially the part about consequences). 

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3 hours ago, Mindlack said:

So the caring parents can turn dictatorial, but they can be reasoned with. And the Nurse Joys are a dynasty..

I guess one has to take the good with the bad. 😅



Desolation question:

Do you know when this start-of-game conversation is occurring in the Desolation timeline? Have we even reached that point? Because it sounds a little like (early e5 spoiler)

  Reveal hidden contents

Aurora's early E5 "welcome to the real world" speech,

yet some of it doesn't really fit (especially the part about consequences). 

You mean where the person is asking us if we want to be a hero?

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I'm speaking about the very first sentences of the game (which are also pretty much the first sentences of your prologue):



"This is the world that you created. You wanted some fun, no? Just another adventure? You tried to play hero in an unforgiving world, of your own creation. Did you ever consider the consequences of what you did? All that you've done? Don't worry, I'm not so different. So then... shall we start from the beginning? Tell me your story... one last time. Start from that boat..."


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When I turned 13 years old, that’s when I started to really wanna do something with my life. But I didn’t know what I wanted to do. So I started to try some things. 1st, I tried being a seller at the PokeMart. I was fired on the 1st day because… well, I kept accidentally spilling the Potions I was supposed to put on the shelves. I mean, it makes sense but sheesh. The caps weren’t ever on all the way. Although, maybe that’s how they’re supposed to be? That doesn’t make any sense though. Anyways, after that, I tried being a helper at the local daycare center that had opened up near us. An old couple owned that business and they treated me good. I would take in trainers Pokemon and sometimes clean them, play with them, make sure they were ok and well fed. It was quite fun. The only thing that I didn’t like about it is that sometimes I would see them… well, they’d be doing the Nasty Plot if you get what I’m saying. The straw that broke the Camerupt’s back is when I saw a Skitty and Wailord doing it… Yea. I couldn’t stay there after seeing that monstrosity. I even tried becoming a Professor after that. My dad would try to teach me about Pokemon and their habitats and stuff like that but it was just way too boring for me and I wasn’t able to pay attention much. I eventually stopped trying ton do that. It felt like there was nothing out there that I could do until 1 day, we got a knock at the door. My dad and I both answered the door. There was a somewhat old but very important looking man staring back at us. He seemed to be in some kind of uniform too.


Prof. Birch: Hello there.

Man: Hello. How are you doing today?

Prof. Birch: I’m doing just fine thank you.

Felicia: I’m great too!

Man: -chuckles- Well that’s good to hear little 1.

Prof. Birch: What is it that you want?

Man: Have you forgotten that we had a meeting with each other scheduled for today Professor?

Prof. Birch: -nervously laughs- It may have slipped my mind. But please. Come on in and have a seat.


The man came into the house and took a seat on the couch. My dad closed the door and sat on the other side of the couch next to the man. Mom must have heard the noise and came down to see what was going on. She joined them by sitting on a chair close to the couch. I sat on the floor, watching tv. Their conversation started.


Mother: Who’s this?

Kevin: Ahh. Apologies. Introductions! My name is Kevin.

Prof. Birch: Ahh yes! Now I remember you. You wanted to discuss something about me joining you in something that has been recently put together.

Kevin: Yes. So I have put together a group of people that will help trainer and Pokemon alike. We are called The Rangers.

Mother: The Rangers? That’s an odd name.

Kevin: Maybe so but I think it’s an important organization.

Prof. Birch: And how exactly does this all work?

Kevin: Very simple. See, some people might have some problems that they simply can’t do by themselves. They have a number of ways to tell us their problems that they need to be solved. They could come up to the building and tell the person at the counter their problems, they could mail it to us or email them to us. When a ranger completes a quest, they will be rewarded with a sum of money and possibly even another reward. Even Pokemon.

Mother: That sounds very interesting. Very helpful. And I assume you would like my husband to join this little group of yours?

Kevin: I’m not sure this is little ma’am. We’ve gotten reports that Rangers have been starting to pop up around a lot of other Regions. Kanto, Sinnoh, Unova. Even Alola. But you are correct. I think it would be a fantastic idea if Prof Birch here joined us.

Prof. Birch: I see. Well as my wife just stated, it does sound like a very good and helpful idea. However, as I’m sure you could understand, being a Professor, I can’t be away for too long as I have to study Pokemon. And also give away starters to trainers wanting to start their journeys. So I’m afraid my answer to your question is no.

Kevin: Ahh. I see. That is unfortunate but I can understand the reasoning. -gets up from the couch along with mom and dad- I thank you for your time though.

Prof. Birch: It was no problem. Feel free to come around again though!

Kevin: I may have to take you up on that offer! Later folks.


This man named Kevin then exited the house. Everything that was just said was still buzzing in my ears. People that do stuff to help other people? And they get rewards as well? That sounded amazing to my little ears. I quickly put on my shoes and ran outside to see if I could catch up to the somewhat old man. Luckily, he hadn’t gotten to far. I ran up to him, yelling his name.


Felicia: Kevin! Kevin, wait up!

Kevin: Hmm? -turns around- Ahh. The Professor’s daughter. I don’t believe I got your name.

Felicia: It’s Felicia!

Kevin: Well what can I do for you Felicia?

Felicia: That stuff you said about the Rangers. Is it true?

Kevin: I’m not sure to what you mean.

Felicia: Do they really help people and get rewards for them?

Kevin: Mhm. We sure do.

Felicia: That sounds amazing. What about you though? Do you go out on quests too?

Kevin: Not really. I only go on very dangerous ones. I lead my team when I do go.


I was completely in love hearing more details about these Rangers. There was no way I could let this opportunity slip through my fingers.


Felicia: Umm… Kevin?

Kevin: Yes. What is it?

Felicia: Do you think… Do you think I could join the Rangers?

Kevin: You want to join?

Felicia: Yes sir.

Kevin: Well you’re more than welcome to join us! I do have to tell you some stuff though.

Felicia: What’s that?

Kevin: Well… You’ll have to move away from your home. You’d be moving into our base. That was you could do your quest and then return there when you’re done to rest up.


Hearing that I would have to leave home didn’t make me feel sad as I thought it would. In fact, I felt kind of happy to hear that information. But I knew I couldn’t just leave without asking my parents 1st. I had Kevin wait as I ran back to the house to ask my parents.


Felicia: Mom! Dad! I need to ask you both something!

Mother: My my darling! You look out of breath. Is everything ok?

Felicia: Everything’s fine. I just need to ask you 2 something.

Prof. Birch: What is it?

Felicia: Is it ok if… if I join the Rangers?

Prof. Birch: You want to join the Rangers?

Felicia: Mhm.

Mother: But why? It sounds like it’d be difficult.

Felicia: I don’t know… The fact that I get to help Pokemon and people… it puts a smile on my face.

Prof. Birch: Hmm… Well, you have my blessing.

Felicia: Thanks dad! You’re the best! Soo… mom?

Mother: Hmmm… I’m not sure sweetie. I mean… it sounds dangerous.

Felicia: Ohh. And I’d have to move out and live at their base.

Mother: Move out?! Ohh I don’t know about this Felicia. Isn’t there something else you can do?

Felicia: Mom, I’ve tried to do other things but they just didn’t work out. I legit really wanna try this. It sounds amazing!

Kevin: Sorry. Didn’t mean to eavesdrop but I couldn’t help myself. I know you have your concerns ma’am and that’s alright. But I assure you, your daughter will be in safe hands. There will be other people there as well. I’m sure she’ll get along with everyone.

Mother: -sighs deeply- Dear, are you ABSOLUTELY sure you wanna do this?

Felicia: -shakes my head yes- Mhm!

Mother: Well… I’m gonna miss you a lot.

Felicia: Are you saying-

Mother: -chuckles- I am saying yes.

Felicia: Alright! Yes yes!

Prof. Birch: -laughs heavily- I haven’t seen her this excited about something in a long time.

Mother: So when does she leave?

Kevin: I can come back tomorrow to pick her up. Our base is up near Mauville. So we should make it there by the end of the day tomorrow.

Prof. Birch: Alright. Sounds reasonable. Go upstairs Felicia and start packing up.

Felicia: I will! Thank you again mom and dad! You’re the best! Later Kevin! I’ll see you tomorrow!


And with that, I ran upstairs and started to pack up the essentials I needed for the trip I was gonna be needing to get to the Rangers base. I couldn’t contain my excitement for the journey I was going to be going on. I was going to become a Ranger.

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I don’t remember Desolation well – Is Kevin an OC or a canon character? 

Anyway, nice chapter. I was a bit shocked that Felicia might see “the nasty plot” at the Daycare but actually, the inverse statement would have been more surprising. And I can’t blame her for leaving after seeing a Wailord and a Skitty. 

But I’m glad she found her calling.


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3 hours ago, Mindlack said:

I don’t remember Desolation well – Is Kevin an OC or a canon character? 

Anyway, nice chapter. I was a bit shocked that Felicia might see “the nasty plot” at the Daycare but actually, the inverse statement would have been more surprising. And I can’t blame her for leaving after seeing a Wailord and a Skitty. 

But I’m glad she found her calling.


Thanks! And I just came up with a name on the spot. Lol.

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I laid in bed trying to fall asleep but the excitement of going to this Ranger base tomorrow was keeping me awake. I was luckily able to fall asleep and get a decent amount of sleep. The next morning, I went over the things I packed before heading downstairs. When I was satisfied with what I had in my backpack, I headed downstairs. Mom and dad were downstairs waiting for me. Kevin was with them too. I ran up to them.


Felicia: Hi everyone!

Prof. Birch: Hello Felicia. You sure got a lot of pep in your step this morning!

Felicia: Why wouldn’t I? I’m going to the Ranger’s base and I’m gonna become a ranger!

Mother: -softly chuckles- It’s been a long time since I seen you this happy sweetheart.

Felicia: Mom. Not in front of Kevin.

Kevin: -laughs heartily- It’s alright Felicia.

Felicia: By the way, where did you stay at Kevin? I doubt you went all the way back to the Ranger’s base and then came all the way back.

Kevin: You’re right. I went to Oldale Town and stayed the night at the PokeCenter.

Prof. Birch: You could have stayed over here the night. Could have stayed on the couch or something.

Kevin: I didn’t want to seem needy or anything like that. So, are you ready Felicia?

Felicia: Yes! I’m shocked I got any sleep last night.

Mother: I’m… I’m gonna miss you dear.

Prof. Birch: I will as well hun.

Felicia: -tears welling up- Mom… Dad… -hugs them- I love you.

Prof. Birch and Mother: -hugs Felicia- We love you too.

Mother: Call us when you get there so we know you got there safe alright?

Felicia: I will! I promise!

Kevin: I’ll make sure she does. Well kiddo, we best be off or else we won’t make it til nighttime.

Felicia: Alright. Well… bye mom and dad! I’ll talk to you both later!

Mother: Good bye sweetie.

Prof. Birch: See you later! Have a nice trip to Mauville!


With the good byes out of the way, Kevin and I started our walk to Mauville. While we walked, I had asked Kevin about what missions he’s went on since becoming a Ranger himself. He went on missions that ranged from looking for a Trainer’s missing Pokemon to talking down a crime syndicate. It was crazy how scary some of these missions sounded and yet, he somehow made it through all of that. I was astounded. By sundown, we made it into Mauville and walked the final stretch to get to the Ranger Base. When we got to the front of the building, my excitement came back fully once again seeing the building.


Kevin: So? What do you think of the base?

Felicia: It’s… amazing! I didn’t expect it to be so big to be honest.

Kevin: Well we need the space for more Rangers. And for equipment as well. Come on it and I’ll show you to your room.

Felicia: Alright!


The 2 of us entered through the door. There were a lot of tables, a counter with someone behind it and a bulletin board. While I wanted to know more about this area, I knew it was important to go to my room and get everything situated. Luckily for me, my room was on the ground level and it was relatively close to where we entered the building as well. He opened the door, turned on the light and the 2 of us walked into where I’d be living for quite some time.


Kevin: So what do you think of your room?

Felicia: I love it! I got my own bed, my own desk, a tv, a place to put my clothes. It’s perfect. Thanks Kevin.

Kevin: No probably Felicia. Go and unpack your stuff. Then go get some sleep. Tomorrow, I’ll teach you some things about the building and us Rangers.

Felicia: Sure! I’ll get right on it. And Kevin? Thanks for bringing me here.

Kevin: Heh. It was no problem Felicia. Good night.

Felicia: Good night.


Kevin exited my room and shut the door behind him. I looked around my room and decided to rearrange my room a bit. I moved the bed over by the window. That way, I could look up at the moon every night I went to sleep and I could wake up to the sun rise every morning. I moved the desk to the wall where the door was. I started to take out my clothes and put them in the drawer that was there. I then took out my computer and got it all set up on the desk. Before I went to sleep, I remember I promised my mom that I’d call her when I got there. I turned my computer on. Luckily, this Ranger base seemed to have pretty good Wifi so I was able to video call her.


Mother: Hello?

Felicia: Hi mom.

Mother: Felicia?! Ohh. I’m so glad you’re safe. So I assume you’re in Mauville in that Ranger base right now?

Felicia: Mhm! I love the room I’m staying in.

Mother: I’m happy for you hun. So do you know anything about them yet?

Felicia: Naw. Kevin’s gonna teach me some stuff tomorrow.

Mother: Alright. That’s good.

Felicia: Where’s dad?

Mother: Your father is still at the lab. Tonight’s 1 of those nights he’s gonna be out late. But he wanted me to tell you when you called that he hopes your trip there was good and that you have a good time being a Ranger.

Felicia: Aww. That’s nice of him. Well when you get the chance, tell him that I got here and I’m ok and that the trip was really fun. Kevin told me some of his missions he told me.

Mother: He did? Well that sounds exciting. Well dear, I don’t want to hold you up. You should get some sleep for tomorrow.

Felicia: Alright. I will. Good night mom. I love you and dad too.

Mother: Good night Felicia. We love you too.


Mom hung up and I did as well. I got ready for bed and laid down. Before falling asleep, I looked out the window. I could see the moon and stars staring down at me just as I was staring up at them. Soon, I fell asleep. I awoke the next morning with the sun shining in my face. I had a really good night’s sleep. I got ready for the day. Just as I got done, I heard a knock on my door.


Felicia: Who is it?

Kevin: It’s Kevin. Can I come in?

Felicia: Yea sure! I’m all ready for the day.

Kevin: -opens the door and comes in- Well you’re up and early for the day. Are you ready to learn about the Rangers?

Felicia: Yes! I’m really excited for this!

Kevin: Good. Come along with me. We’re gonna go head out to the lobby.

Felicia: Yes sir.


Kevin exited out of my room, with me close behind him. The excitement I felt yesterday was nothing compared to today. We made it to the lobby and headed to the counter where there was a young woman.


Kevin: Alright. So from the conversation we had the other day, you should know about some of the stuff the Rangers but just in case, I’ll give you a quick summary. Trainers or regular citizens will tell us, whether by writing, email or just walking in, what their trouble is. When that happens, those missions will be posted on this bulletin board here. When 1 completes a mission, you will be rewarded. This person here will give out the reward.

Woman: Hello! It’s nice to meet you.

Felicia: Nice to meet you too.

Kevin: Alright. Now that that’s out of the way, I can go over the difficulty of each mission. There’s 3 categories. Beginner, Advanced and Elite.

Felicia: What does those mean?

Kevin: I’m glad you asked. So obviously, since you’re beginning today, you can only do Beginner missions. Those usually consist of looking for a Trainers lost Pokemon or maybe helping a civilian with a simple task. Advanced missions are a bit more harder. They usually involve battling other trainers, trying to stop wild Pokemon from going on a wild rampage. Things like that. Elite is the most difficult and dangerous. On these missions, you could be putting your very life on the line. Maybe going after an enemy or going on a dangerous journey to investigate something mysterious. But you don’t have to worry about those for now.

Felicia: Well, being a Beginner sounds boring but I can understand why.

Kevin: Mhm. When you do enough missions, you will be able to go to the next rank. Of course, even if you are ranked Elite, you are still able to do Beginner and Advanced missions.

Felicia: I see. Then it seems becoming an Elite as fast as possible is something I should aim for.

Kevin: -chuckles- Indeed Felicia. But that could take a couple of months.

Felicia: Months!?

Kevin: Mhm. Since we started, the quickest the Rangers have been able to get out of the Beginner Rank is about 3 months.

Felicia: 3 months?! Ugh. That’s so long.

Kevin: It is. But maybe you’ll be the 1 to do it faster than them.

Felicia: I’ll do my best! So is there anything else to know?

Kevin: Yes. Your Pokemon Partner. Well actually… you have the option to have a Partner Pokemon or use an item called the Capture Styler.

Felicia: Capture Styler? I’ve never heard of it.

Kevin: You haven’t huh? Hmm… Perhaps I should show you an example of what this thing can do.


Kevin went into what seemed to be a storage closet and pulled out a strange device. Obviously, it was this Capture Styler he was talking about. We then went outside. He searched for a Pokemon to use the device on. A small little Poochyena came walking up. Kevin smiled and had me pay close attention to what he was about to do. I don’t know how to really explain what happened but I’ll try my best. Some weird light came out and circled the Poochyena. After a couple of circles, the Poochyena looks towards Kevin, obedient. I was shocked.


Felicia: Wow! That was amazing!

Kevin: Mhm. Now if there was a mission, I could use this Poochyena to help me out in a situation.

Felicia: Is it yours now?

Kevin: Not exactly. You see, unlike a PokeBall, a Capture Styler only lets you command the Pokemon for a short amount of time. Afterwards, it will be released back into the wild.

Felicia: That’s interesting.

Kevin: Of course, not everyone goes for this option. Half the Rangers use this and the other half catch their Pokemon Partner. Along with whatever other Pokemon they want.

Felicia: Wait. They have to capture the Pokemon even if they don’t have 1?

Kevin: Yep. It’s the Ranger way.

Felicia: Isn’t that dangerous though?

Kevin: Depends on how you look at it I guess. If you let fear control you, then yes. It is dangerous. But if you use your smarts, it could be easy. So what’ll it be Felicia. Would you like to use the Capture Styler or would you like to have this  PokeBall and catch your 1st Pokemon?


I looked at the the 2 items in Kevin’s hands. The Capture Styler looked really interesting and cool and I did like the way it shot out that weird line thing and spun around the Pokemon. But the fact that someone could only use the Pokemon for a short time felt like it’d be weird and not right. At least catching a Pokemon, it would want to help them and they could use its help when someone wanted to. So it was a no brainer for me. I took the PokeBall out of Kevin’s hand and held it in mine. Kevin put the Styler into his pocket.


Kevin: I had a feeling you’d choose that. Congratulations Felicia.

Felicia: Thanks. This is so exciting! So what do I do now?

Kevin: Hmm… Well I think it’s time for you to do your 1st Ranger mission?

Felicia: Today?!

Kevin: Mhm. Let’s head back to the base.


The 2 of us started to walk back to the base. When we went inside, I ran right up to the bulletin board and looked at the missions that were on there. Since I was a Beginner, I searched on that list. Kevin came over and glanced at the board as well. 1 mission caught my eye. It was called “The Snacky Thief.” I pointed it out to Kevin. He took the piece of paper and read it over. He then handed the paper back to me and I read what the mission was.


“The Snacky Thief


Hello. This mission may sound weird but that’s only because the place of which this mission takes place is right here in this Ranger base. So for the past couple of days, we have been noticing that big amounts of cheese have been taken from the kitchen of the Ranger Base. Whoever or whatever is stealing the cheese seems to be doing it at night. If you accept this mission, please meet me in the kitchen area.


Reward: 1 Net Ball, $100”


Kevin: You think you can handle this 1?

Felicia: Yes sir!

Kevin: Alright then. Head into the kitchen area and talk to the person who posted the mission.

Felicia: Right. On it!


I exited the lobby and went to find the kitchen area of the Ranger base. Once I got in there, I met the person who posted the mission. She told me that she noticed this happening a week ago but she couldn’t figure out who or what was doing it. She tried to stay the night in the kitchen once but it was still somehow taken. I figured that this had to be a Pokemon and they were either doing this because they were greedy or just very hungry. I asked the lady of I could take a good chunk of cheese and set it on the ground in my room. My plan was to trap it in my room… and so far that was it. I would improvise when I got that far. If I did that is. The lady gave me permission and I took some cheese and placed it on the floor of my room. I his behind my opened door for the next couple of hours to wait for the Pokemon to come inside and try to take it. It was exhausting and I almost fell asleep a couple of times but it all paid off. Near midnight, I could hear tapping noises. It sounded far away but it was gradually getting closer to my room. Eventually, whatever it was was right at my door. It took a look around my room but then when it saw the cheese, it ran for it and started to eat a lot of it. I could only see the back of it. It was a grayish black, had a somewhat long tail and seemed to have weird looking whiskers. I quickly closed the door shut, trapping the little Pokemon. When it heard the door close, it turned around quickly. I could now see what Pokemon it was. It was an Alolan Ratatta.


Felicia: So you’re the 1 causing all this trouble huh?

Alolan Rattata: Rrrattata!

Felicia: Hey hey! Whoa. I’m not gonna hurt you.


The little wild Pokemon was afraid it was going to get hurt. It sped up at Felicia and in a swift motion, scratched at her face. She was able to move away in time to not have the full scratch get her but she still got scratched. Blood started to pour down from her cheek. She took a piece of tissue and held it to her face so there wouldn’t be blood everywhere on the floor. Despite that though, Felicia still tried to calm down the Rattata.


Felicia: Y-You must be scared huh? It’s ok. I’m really not here to hurt you.

Alolan Rattata: R-Rattata?

Felicia: That’s right. Not here to hurt you at all. You know, it’s not right that you’re stealing the cheese from the kitchen here.

Alolan: Rat Rattata…

Felicia: Do you… have a home?

Alolan Rattata: -shakes head no- Rattata…

Felicia: I see. So you’re just trying to survive huh? I’m sorry little guy.


I felt so bad for the little rat Pokemon. It was just trying to survive. That’s why it was always taking the cheese. I slowly walked over to it and carefully and softly pet its head. It started to lean into it. It was enjoying it. Then I had an idea.


Felicia: Hey Rattata. I have an idea.

Alolan Rattata: Rattata?

Felicia: Become my Pokemon. Help me out on missions here. And I promise I’ll feed you and keep you safe. What do you say?

Alolan Rattata: Rattata? Rattata!


Alolan Rattata ran towards me and jumped up into my arms. We embraced in a hug. It even licked the spot where it scratched me. I placed it down on my desk and brought out my PokeBall. I tapped the top of Alolan Rattata’s head and it went inside. The ball shook a couple of times before the ball dinged, signaling that the capture was secure. But I was so tired that I fell asleep on the chair. The next day, I was woken up by Kevin. When he saw the cut on my cheek, he took me to the nurse’s station in the base.


Kevin: You ok kid?

Felicia: Ohh yea. I’m fine. It barely even hurts anymore.

Kevin: What happened to you?

Felicia: I was doing the mission I took and the Pokemon somewhat scratched me.

Kevin: Ohh. So it was a Pokemon that was taking the cheese from the kitchen. Nice job figuring that out. Do you know what Pokemon it was.

Felicia: I sure do!

Kevin: Excellent! You really passed this mission with flying colors! Well besides the scratch. What was the Pokemon that was stealing the cheese?

Felicia: I can do better than tell you. Come on out buddy!


I took the ball out of my pocket, enlarged it and had the Alolan Rattata pop out. It looked up at me and nuzzled up against me. It then looked up at Kevin and got into a fighting stance.


Felicia: Whoa whoa! Calm down Rattata. This is Kevin. He’s my friend.

Alolan Rattata: Rat Rattata?

Felicia: Yea. Be nice to him alright?

Alolan Rattata: -nods its head yes- Rattata!


The Alolan Rattata then went over to Kevin and started to nuzzle up against him as well. I could see that Kevin was surprised that I had already caught a Pokemon.


Kevin: Wow. This Alolan Rattata is already very loyal to you.

Felicia: Yea. It was just trying to survive out there. It had no where to go. That’s why it was stealing the cheese. It’s its favorite food apparently.

Kevin: I see. And then you decided to give it a home with you huh?

Felicia: Yep!

Kevin: Odd choice for a 1st Pokemon but for some reason, it suits you Felicia.

Felicia: -chuckles- Thanks!

Kevin: You know, Rattata are really good at finding things with their noses. Your missions might have just gotten a little bit easier.

Felicia: Huh. Well Rattata, looks like you’ll be extra helpful now.

Alolan Rattata: -smiling- Rattata!

Felicia: Nurse, am I all patched up?

Nurse: You are. You’re free to go Felicia.

Felicia: Sweet. Alright. Return Rattata!


I put Alolan Rattata back inside its PokeBall and went to the counter where the rewards lady was. She handed over the money and the Net Ball. With the Net Ball, I would be able to capture a new team member to the team when I wanted to but that story will be saved for another time.

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For a while I thought Felicia would go for the Styler kind of Rangers, and I wondered how you would make that fit in. But she captures her own Pokemon, so it’s fine. 

I think Kevin needs to explain me how Alolan Rattata fit Felicia. 🤣
That’s an interesting choice from you. 

I had hoped that Felicia wouldn’t be hopelessly reckless (that she might have kept the best part of her mother’s sense), but given her eagerness to raise to the Elite rank... I think it’s not going to happen. 🤣


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I had been apart of the Rangers for about a month. I had done almost over 40 missions in that amount of time. None of my ranger companions have seen anyone do that much in that amount of time. As a beginner anyways. Although, my Alolan Rattata was a big help to me in a lot of my missions. It’s nose was really good for smelling out missing Pokemon or lost items or people. We were able to get a mission done in a day. Sometimes 2. We’ve also had been able to get in some decent training for it. It really loved the feeling of winning a battle. 1 day, my Alolan Rattata and I were hanging out in my room when we heard a knock at the door. The door swung open and it was Kevin. He had a very happy look on his face.


Felicia: Hey Kevin. What brings you here? You have a big smile on your face so I’m assuming it’s something good.

Kevin: How right you are Felicia. I have some good news to tell you.

Felicia: Ooo! What is it?

Kevin: Well I’m happy to tell you that as of today, you have officially ranked up! You are now an Advanced Ranger and can do Advanced missions now!

Felicia: Are you serious?! That’s great! You hear that Rattata?! We’re Advanced Rangers now!

Alolan Rattata: -jumping and running around- Ratta Rattata!

Kevin: I guess you must be proud of yourself huh?

Felicia: Well why wouldn’t I be? I’m an Advanced Ranger now!

Kevin: You also wanted to rank up as fast as possible remember?

Felicia: Huh? I mean yea but the goal is to get to Elite as fast as I can. Not Advanced.

Kevin: Hmm. I suppose that is true. But if it makes you feel any better, no 1 has ever gotten to this rank in the amount of time as it took you. You’re the fastest so far.

Felicia: Really? Well… I don’t know what to say. -chuckles-

Kevin: So I’ve been thinking. Why not do an Advanced Mission today and see how you do in it?

Felicia: Alright. Return to your PokeBall Rattata.


I returned Alolan Rattata back to its PokeBall and then went out to the lobby to pick out my 1st Advanced Ranger mission. Just like when I went to choose my Beginner Mission, Kevin came along with me. I went over to the Advanced section of the bulletin board and searched for an Advanced Mission to do. None of them really caught my eye until the very bottom. The title of it caught my attention. It read “The Egg Stomper.” That was odd. Why would this be an Advanced Ranked mission? I started to read the Mission Request.


“The Egg Stomper


In the route near Mauville, I can always see Pokemon eggs in the grass when I take my walks. It fills me with glee that someday that egg will someday hatch and a new Pokemon will be brought into the world. But lately, I will see the eggs and they look like they’re smashed in. Now I know it sounds like a Pokemon could do this but I don’t think 1 would do this and not eat the yolk from the egg. It just sits there. Plus, I saw the person doing it once. When I saw him, his foot had already crushed in the last egg of the clan. He seems to do this to very small Pokemon. Please come meet me by the route right of the Rangers base.


Reward: 1 Moon Ball, $1,000, Super Potion”


I couldn’t believe what I had just read. What kind of sick person would go out into the wild and destroy Pokemon eggs for the fun of it. That didn’t sit well with me. But now that I knew the content of this mission, I was curious about something else.


Felicia: This is… This is horrible.

Kevin: Hmm? Let me read it. -takes the paper and begins reading it- Ohh… wow. That’s not right at all.

Felicia: It really isn’t! Who would do such a thing?!

Kevin: I’m not sure but it’s up to you. Depending if you choose to accept this missi-

Felicia: Of course I do accept! But… why’s it in the Advanced section? Shouldn’t it be in the Elite section?

Kevin: Well… The higher ups review the request and then they determine their difficulty. Unfortunately, they don’t see baby Pokemon killing such as this to be part of the Elite section…

Felicia: What?! That’s insane! Why haven’t you tried to change their mind on this matter?

Kevin: Trust me. I have. But they just never listen to me and keep putting stuff like these in the Advanced sections. It’s sad but for right now, there’s nothing I can do.

Felicia: That’s really upsetting to hear.

Kevin: I’m… sorry Felicia.

Felicia: It’s ok Kevin. I’m not upset at you. You tried doing something to change that. It’s the higher ups I’m frustrated with. -sighs- I better get a move on. I’ll see you later.

Kevin: Right. Good luck out there kid.


I walked out the door and started to head to the route where I was supposed to meet this person. I was still thinking about the higher ups not thinking about baby Pokemon being killed as being part of an Elite mission. It didn’t sit well with me. Soon, I came to the start of the route I was supposed to meet up with the person. When the person saw the Ranger’s signature on my shirt, she ran up to me.


Young Woman: Ohh! Hello!

Felicia: Hello there.

Young Woman: Are you the 1 that’s taken my mission?

Felicia: Mhm. I read it. It’s… very disturbing.

Young Woman: Trust me. It may sound disturbing but if you see it, well… anyways, I should give you a description of him. He seems to be in his late teens. He has long, brown hair. Green eyes. Kind of oily in the face if that makes any sense. I’m afraid that’s the best description I can give of him.

Felicia: It’s alright. That should be enough for me to find this person and put a stop to it.

Young Woman: Alright. I hope you’re able to stop him. Ohh! Before I go, I forgot to mention. I think he does this more during the early mornings. That way, not many people walking about to catch him.

Felicia: Alright. Guess that means I’m camping out tonight. Take care of yourself.

Young Woman: Good bye!


The young woman walked off, presumably to her home. Before going back to the Ranger’s base to pack up some camping gear, I searched the route for some Pokemon Eggs. It took a bit but I was able to find some on the ground. The parents seemed to be 2 Joltik and their eggs were so tiny. I never seen such tiny Pokemon Eggs before in my life. I headed back to the Ranger’s base and into my room. I grabbed some sleeping gear, a tent and some things to make a fire. I picked a spot that was somewhat near the Joltik nesting ground but not too close. I set up my stuff and my camping ground was all set. Before too long, it was nighttime and I decided to go get some sleep. I went inside my tent, zipped it up, laid in my sleeping bag and fell asleep. In the early morning, I could hear leaves rustling about. I quickly shot up and got out of my sleeping bag. I snuck a peek out my tent and could see a young man over by where the Joltik’s nesting area was. He seemed to be looking around the area. I looked at the notes I had taken when the woman was giving me the description of the person she saw doing it. I checked, double checked and triple checked. There was no doubt about it. It was him. He was the Egg Stomper. I rushed out of the tent and announced myself.


Felicia: Stop right there!

Young Man: Hmm? Well would you lookie here. I got myself a Ranger. What are you doing here?

Felicia: We’ve gotten reports about someone coming around these areas and stomping on Pokemon Eggs. I’m here to stop you and take you in.

Young Man: Ha! You? Stopping me? Don’t make me laugh.

Felicia: What are you doing this for anyways? It’s not right!

Young Man: What’s the harm? They’re small Pokemon. Small Pokemon’s lives don’t matter.

Felicia: Wh-What? Why don’t they?

Young Man: They’re weak. Plain and simple. I like to take out the eggs and see the parents suffer. Sometimes, I even… well… Let’s just say sometimes, the parents won’t have to miss their little babies for too long.

Felicia: Y-You kill the parents too!?

Young Man: Ohh yes. Very much so. -looks down at the eggs- Hmm? Seems like 1 is about to hatch.


I looked down at the ground where the eggs were and he was right. 1 of them was about to hatch. The 2 of us watched as the egg cracked and eventually, a little Joltik popped out of the egg. I could see a vicious smile form on the face of the Young Man.


Young Man: I’ll show you exactly what I mean about small Pokemon being weak and worthless!

Felicia: No don’t! Stop!


I felt like an idiot. I set camp up to far away from the eggs. I could see the Joltik parents holding onto each other. His foot was getting closer and closer to them and their eggs. Tragically, his foot smashed down onto the eggs and the parents. When he raised his foot back up, I could see the eggs were smashed again and that the parents… Well, they didn’t survive. However, the 1 Joltik that did hatch had somehow been able to avoid the young man’s foot. I could see the tears swell up in its eyes, seeing its mother and father and probably brothers and sisters all be tragically murdered like that and for no reason. Before the man could do anything, I reached into my pocket, pulled out the Net Ball I had and through it at the Joltik. It hit the tiny Pokemon, went inside the ball, jiggled a few times and then the signal for the capture sounded off. I ran up to the ball and picked it up before he could try to do anything.


Young Man: Ha! Oh my god! You caught the weakling of a Pokemon? How pathetic.

Felicia: I can’t… You… That’s it! You’re going to the Ranger’s base and answer to your crimes!

Young Man: And how exactly are you gonna do that?

Felicia: I’ll… I’ll… Ugh!


I know I could have used my Alolan Rattata but I didn’t think it would be able to handle this man since he didn’t seem to mind hurting Pokemon. So that was out of the question. As I had millions of ideas of what to do to apprehend this man, the Net Ball popped open and the little Joltik I just caught came out of its ball. But something seemed different about it. It had hatred in its eyes. Pure hatred. It looked straight up at the young man.


Felicia: J… Joltik?

Young Man: -laughs loudly- And what exactly are you gonna do? You little joke!

Joltik: Jol Joltik… Joltik! JOLTIK JOLTIK! -starts to glow-

Young Man: The hell’s it doing now?

Felicia: Evolving…? B-But it just hatched. How can it be evolving already!?


Never in my life had I seen a Pokemon just hatched starting to evolve but it was true. This little baby Joltik was evolving into a Galvantula. I couldn’t believe what was happening before me. In a matter of seconds, Joltik had evolved into Galvantula. But it seemed a bit smaller than usual to me. I assumed it was because it had just hatched from the egg that it affected its size. The Galvantula looked up at the Young Man who was still laughing at it. Then, the Galvantula shot out a String Shot and wrapped the man up. He wasn’t laughing anymore.


Young Man: H-Hey! You stupid bug! Let me go!

Galvantula: Galvantula Gal!

Young Man: You’ll see you stupid bug! When I get free, I’m gonna stomp you extra hard!

Felicia: Are you kidding me?! Stop! You’re beaten! Give up already!

Galvantula: Gal Galvantula!

Young Man: Ung! Ugh! Wh-What are… you… Agh!

Felicia: Huh? What’s happening?


I carefully walked over and touched the silky string that was still connected to Galvenatula and the man. I could feel an electric current going through it. It was Galvantula using Thunder Wave to paralyze the man. But it wasn’t stopping. I knew that if it kept doing that, the man would eventually go into shock and die. I had to stop it.


Felicia: Galvantula! You have to stop this!

Galvantula: Gal Gal Galvantula!

Felicia: I know what he’s done is horrible! He took your family away from you! And trust me, I would let you keep going until this sick individual got what was coming to him… But then you’d be no better than him!

Galvantula: Gal… Galvantula?

Felicia: So please Galvantula… Stop. I promise he’ll get what’s coming to him but not this.


I slowly walked up to Galvantula and slowly petted its back. Tears started to swell up in its eyes. It finally bit off its end of the String Shot and began to cry. I hugged the little bug Pokemon to try to comfort it as best as I could.


Young Man: Hey! You gonna let me out of here anytime soon?! Tch. Dumbasses.

Felicia: …Galvantula, String Shot his mouth shut.

Galvantula: -shakes head yes- Galvantula!


A little bit of String Shot came out of its mouth and locked the mans mouth together, making it almost impossible for him to open up his mouth and make noise to interrupt this moment. After a couple of minutes, I returned Galvantula back to its PokeBall and took the man back to the Ranger’s Base. When I got back, Kevin was out front.


Kevin: Felicia! You’re back! And with… the culprit I take it?

Felicia: Yes… Kevin, I think I might need a little time off.

Kevin: Time off? From the Rangers?

Felicia: Yea… I just need… time…

Kevin: Are you ok?

Felicia: Not really… I know you’ll wanna know what happened and all but I just can’t talk about it right now.

Kevin: Yea… Yea ok kid. No problem. Well bud, looks like you’ll be going to our holding cell.


The man tried to say something but was unable to thanks to the String Shot that was still taped to his mouth. Before going to my room, I decided to get my reward from the woman at the desk. I was handed the Moon Ball, Super Potion and the money. Then, I went into my room and just laid in my bed. Everything that just occurred was not really going well with my in my head. It would be a while before I started doing more Ranger Missions.

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Whoa. You got dark much faster than I expected.

Granted, it's a Desolation story, and you made it clear right at the beginning (when you mentioned Brendan) that there was a huge potential for darkness, but, again, I didn't think you'd start tapping into it so soon. 

Poor Felicia... will she ever truly recover from her first encounter with evil for evil's sake (or at the very least, cruelty for cruelty's sake)? I can't help but wonder if the same kind of thing happened to the other Rangers at some point... And I wonder how some of them (or even Felicia, had it been after her adventures in Ayrith) might have reacted. 


I find it interesting that you made the Joltik (now Galvantula... wait, so it's Spider-Man with Batman/Wolwerine's origin story?) able to understand some morality at (almost) birth... I have no idea how relevant that remark can actually be to the plot though. 


PS: I've been trying to find the original "Awesome Adventure" and I can't find it. Did you delete it or am I just searching it wrong?

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56 minutes ago, Mindlack said:

Whoa. You got dark much faster than I expected.

Granted, it's a Desolation story, and you made it clear right at the beginning (when you mentioned Brendan) that there was a huge potential for darkness, but, again, I didn't think you'd start tapping into it so soon. 

Poor Felicia... will she ever truly recover from her first encounter with evil for evil's sake (or at the very least, cruelty for cruelty's sake)? I can't help but wonder if the same kind of thing happened to the other Rangers at some point... And I wonder how some of them (or even Felicia, had it been after her adventures in Ayrith) might have reacted. 


I find it interesting that you made the Joltik (now Galvantula... wait, so it's Spider-Man with Batman/Wolwerine's origin story?) able to understand some morality at (almost) birth... I have no idea how relevant that remark can actually be to the plot though. 


PS: I've been trying to find the original "Awesome Adventure" and I can't find it. Did you delete it or am I just searching it wrong?

Thanks so much! Lol. And yea. I wanted 1 of her 3 mon team (Spoilers~) to have a somewhat dark story. Joltik/Galvantula seemed like a good option. As for why Galvantula listened to her so easily despite just being hatched, I'd also put it towards it's really young and that it also was caught by her, which means it would have to listen to her somewhat. And it should be there somewhere. I don't delete any of my stories.

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I spent a couple of weeks inside of my room kind of by myself. I really only interacted with my Alolan Rattata or Galvantula or Kevin to see if I was doing ok. Seeing that young man have no remorse for taking away lives like that and I wasn’t able to stop him really messed up with my head. I was glad I was able to save Galvantula but the rest of its family… It just wasn’t right what happened to them. 1 day, Kevin came into my room and sat down at my desk.


Kevin: Hey kiddo.

Felicia: Hey…

Kevin: How are you doing?

Felicia: I’m still here so…

Kevin: Well maybe this will perk you up. That young man you brought in the other day. He’s be convicted of Pokemurder and will be sentenced to at least 10 years of jail.

Felicia: Good… He deserves it after what he had done.

Kevin: Felicia… what happened on that day? You have not been yourself ever since you came back from that mission. You haven’t done a mission in a couple of days and that’s definitely not how you are at all.

Felicia: I… He…

Kevin: Yes?


I brought out Galvantula’s PokeBall and stared at it. Tears started to swell up in my eyes and I started to cry again. Kevin came over to me, sat on my bed with me and gave me a hug. I couldn’t stop sobbing no matter how hard I tried. I felt so guilty for not being able to save the Joltik family and felt guilty for whatever Galvantula was going through. The 2 of us sort of got closer but because of me feeling like this, we weren’t as close as me and my Alolan Rattata. I started to slow down on my sobbing and was able to get out what Kevin needed to hear.


Felicia: I-I saw him murder Galvantual’s family!

Kevin: Ohh. I see. So that’s what’s gotten you like this.

Felicia: I-I’m sorry.

Kevin: Nonsense. Every ranger has gone through this at least once in their lives.

Felicia: But… I don’t know what to do. I feel like a part of me has just vanished after that happened.

Kevin: Hmm… I see. Mind if I ask you how you and your Galvantula are doing?

Felicia: I-I mean I guess we’re ok. Why?

Kevin: I have a feeling you 2 aren’t as close as you should be at this point.

Felicia: Probably but… I failed to protect its family.

Kevin: I see… I’m sorry Felicia but I have some… rather important business to attend to right now. But I’d like to ask you to come outside in a little bit so we can talk some more.

Felicia: Yea… Ok Kevin. I will.

Kevin: See you in a bit then.


And with that, Kevin exited my room. I sat there, staring out of my window to the outside. It was a beautiful day outside but that wasn’t cheering me up at all. I decided to lay down for a bit before going outside to meet up with Kevin. As I napped, I started to have a dream. I was at the same route and the young man was there. He did the same thing, stepping onto the eggs and the Joltik parents. But this time, when Galvantula evolved and attacked him, it kept attacking until the young man wasn’t moving anymore. When I went over to see if he was ok, his body was stiff. I checked for a pulse but there wasn’t any. That’s when I awake from my dream. I shot up from bed. I had a cold sweat cold sweat coming down my head. I hated having that dream almost every time I fell asleep. I checked the clock. It had been an hour since Kevin told me to go outside. I wiped the sweat off my face and headed outside. When I got there however, I was surprised to see a battlefield of sorts near the Ranger Base. Kevin was there, waving me over.


Kevin: Over here Felicia!

Felicia: -walks over to him- A battlefield?

Kevin: Yes. I decided the Rangers that chose a Partner Pokemon could use this as a training area.

Felicia: Ohh. That’s cool I guess.

Kevin: And me and you are gonna be the 1st ones to use it.

Felicia: Wait. What?

Kevin: Mhm. I wanna see what you and Galvantula are made of.

Felicia: Umm… I don’t think now’s a good time Kev. Maybe-

Kevin: Come on. It may make you feel a little bit better.

Felicia: Mmm… Maybe… Fine. I guess so.

Kevin: Great! Take your position.


The 2 of us walked to the end of the battlefield. I grabbed Galvantula’s PokeBall and looked at it. We never had a battle together and I was worried how the 2 of us respond to 1 another. Kevin took his stance on the other side and grabbed a ball from his belt.


Kevin: Alright Felicia! Give it everything you’ve got in this battle!

Felicia: R-Right…

Kevin: Come on out Barbaracle!


Kevin threw out his PokeBall and out popped his Barbaracle. I grabbed Galvantula’s PokeBall and threw it out. Galvantula popped out and was facing the Barbaracle. I wasn’t too sure if Galvantula would be able to defeat this tough looking Pokemon. We both had weaknesses and strengths to each other’s Pokemon. Kevin’s Barbaracle Rock Type could beat my Galvantula’s Bug Type. But my Galvantula’s Electric Type could be Kevin’s Barbaracle’s Water Type. It was respectively an even match up. Kevin ordered his Pokemon to use Water Gun. The Pokemon obeyed the command and fired the attack at my Galvantula. I ordered it to dodge and it did but not fully. The attack hit 1 of its many legs, which sent it somewhat spinning through the air but it was able to land on its feet. I tried to think of what I should have my Galvantula do next. When I made my decision however, Kevin ordered his Pokemon to use Water Gun again. When the attack came, I had Galvantula jump into the air to avoid the attack. Unfortunately for me, Kevin had Barbaracle use Water Gun again and this time, it made direct contact. Galvantula came crashing down to the ground. This started to make me think again about the young man and that whole situation again. It was clear the I was shaking. Galvantula looked back to me. I could see that it seemed concerned for my well-being. I never really saw that from it. But I didn’t know what to do.


Felicia: I-I… I-

Kevin: Felicia!

Felicia: Huh?

Kevin: Do you want it to happen again?!

Felicia: Have it… happen again?

Kevin: If you don’t snap out of it, it will happen again! Or something worse!

Felicia: You mean… what that man did?

Kevin: Yes! Take that as a lesson and you may be able to prevent it next time! But you also need to know that sometimes no matter what you do, bad things will happen! But you can’t let it get you down! That’s what they want you to do! To lose yourself! Now you buck up and you and Galvantula form a bond! I can already see it has some kind of concern for how you’re acting right now! That’s the start of a bond Felicia!

Felicia: Yea… Yea! Ok Galvantula! Let’s do this!

Galvantula: Galvantula!

Felicia: Use String Shot!


Galvantula listened to me and shot out a String Shot. Barbaracle was able to avoid them though. Kevin then commanded it to use Shell Smash. It did. Now its defenses were weakened but its attack, special attack and speed were increased. He then commanded it to use Scratch. It came running towards my Pokemon in surprising speed. I commanded Galvantula to move and it somehow did, avoiding the hit. The Kevin ordered Barbaracle to use Stone Edge. The Pokemon hit the ground. It felt like the entire place was shaking. Suddenly, these huge stones shot out of the ground and landed a direct hit on Galvantula. It fell to the ground, taking serious damage.


Felicia: Galvantula! Are you ok?

Galvantula: Gal… Galvan…tula! -stands up-

Felicia: Damnit. It’s strong. Alright. Use String Shot continuously!


Galvantula did as I told it. It shot out multiple String Shots. Thanks to the Shell Smash it executed before, it was able to dodge them all. The last 1, it jumped up into the air to dodge it.


Felicia: Come on Galvantula! I know you can do it!

Galvantula: Galvan… Galvan… tula!!!


Just then, this thick silk shot out of Galvantula’s mouth and stuck on half of the battlefield. I didn’t know what just happened but it seemed effective as Barbaracle landed back on the ground and seemed stuck on this sticky thread.


Felicia: Wha… What is that?

Kevin: Well I’ll be. That’s Sticky Web!

Felicia: Did you learn a new move… for me Galvantula?

Galvantula: -looks at me and shakes head yes- Gal!

Felicia: Galvantula… Alright! Thunder Wave!


Galvantula shot out these little electrical waves and hit the target. Barbaracle was now paralyzed, meaning it was slowed down. Kevin then commanded to use Scratch to destroy the Sticky Web on the ground. It did but when it got done, it yelled out in pain. Probably from the Thunder Wave attack. I then had Galvantula use Absorb. Despite Kevin ordering his Pokemon to dodge the attack, Absorb hit its mark and now Barbaracle had taken some serious damage as Galvantula had some of its health restored. Then I had Galvantula fire off a String Shot. It did and this time, it wrapped around the opposing Pokemon, completely trapping it.


Kevin: Very smart Felicia! Immobilizing Barbaracle like that and regaining back some health.

Felicia: That’s right! Me and Galvantula… We’re a team now! We will do anything we can to win!

Galvantula: Gal Galvantula!

Kevin: Well said! That’s the attitude I like to see! But here’s the thing. My Barbaracle may be paralyzed but your Galvantula can’t move all that much with it still having that String Shot in its mouth.

Felicia: Ohh no…

Kevin: Let’s finish this Barbaracle! Stone Edge!

Felicia: Quick! Use Absorb!


Galvantula used Absorb and hit its target. However, Barbaracle was able to use the move and it hit Galvantula head on. It sent the Bug Type flying up into the air and then crashing back down onto the ground. I went to see if it was ok. When I got closer, it was obvious that it had fainted. I was saddened but I was happy that we did the best we could. I looked back over to Kevin and Barbaracle. Kevin was laughing heavily. Suddenly, Barbaracle tipped over and slammed onto the ground. Kevin ran over to check on his Pokemon. It too was fainted. Kevin looked at me with a smile on his face.


Kevin: Well it would see as if this battle has come to a draw.

Felicia: -chuckles- I guess so.

Kevin: So how are you feeling now?

Felicia: I’m… still sad but I know what you were trying to do. And I thank you for that.

Kevin: No problem Felicia. It’s what us Rangers do for each other. That Galvantula… Despite being just hatched a couple of weeks ago, it definitely has some power behind it.

Felicia: Yea. -pets Galvantula- It really does. You did a good job Galvantula. Return and have a rest.

Kevin: You too Barbaracle.


The 2 of us returned our Pokemon back to their PokeBalls and we took them to the Pokemon Center of Mauville. After that, we went back to the Ranger Base. I knew that the next day, I had to get back into doing some more Ranger Missions and to strengthen my bond with Galvantula.

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Male Elite Ranger: Damnit! They’re getting away!

Female Elite Ranger: Isn’t there anyway to stop them?!


The day after Galvantula and I started to bond together is when I started to go back to doing more Ranger Missions. It… wasn’t easy though. I’ll admit, I kind of messed up a couple of times but I eventually completed each mission in the end.


Male Elite Ranger: I don’t have any Pokemon that can stop that vehicle! Do you?!

Female Elite Ranger: I don’t either!


But because of the mess ups, I was in the rankings of an Advanced Ranger for about a year. I also turned 14 in that time. Even though I didn’t meet my goal of becoming an Elite Ranger in the shortest time of any other, I was still glad I was apart of 1.


Female Elite Ranger: So what the hell do we do now?!

Male Elite Ranger: I don’t know! I don’t know!


1 day, Kevin came up to me and told me that I had to go on an Elite Ranked mission despite me still being in Advanced. The explanation I got when asked how that was possible was this. There were a lot of missions going on that year and almost all the Elite Rangers were out doing their own missions. This particular mission needed at least 3 rangers. It was recommended for 3 Elite rangers but there was only 2 there that day and Kevin saw something in me. So he put me in the 3 man team and our Ranger Mission started.


Male Elite Ranger: Wait wait! What about that Advanced Ranger?!

Female Elite Ranger: You mean the kid who was basically forced to join us?!


The mission was this. A bunch of poachers were snagging some Elgyem and selling them to the market for some big bucks. It was our mission to find them, stop them and apprehend them. It took about a week for us to find them but now we were on the chase. We were in our vehicle and the poachers were in theirs. And things looked pretty bleak. But luckily, I was there to help them.


Felicia: You guys need help?!

Male Elite Ranger: Do you have any Pokemon that can stop their vehicle?!

Felicia: I think I do!

Female Elite Ranger: You think?! You either do or you don’t!

Felicia: Alright alright! Come on out Galvantula!

Galvantula: -pops out of its PokeBall- Galvantula!

Male Elite Ranger: Uhh… isn’t that a little small for a Galvantula?!

Female Elite Ranger: You sure that thing’s strong enough to stop that vehicle?!

Felicia: Trust me! Galvantula’s got this! Alright! Now use Spider Web and stop that car!


Galvantula did as what I had commanded it to do and shot out and very big and thick Spider Web. The web ensnared most of the back half of the vehicle and had it come to a complete halt. Our vehicle came closer and closer and soon, we were close enough to get out and apprehend the criminals. The 2 Elite Rangers seemed quite impressed with me and my Pokemon and with how I helped them with the mission.


Male Elite Ranger: Hmm. Not bad kid.

Female Elite Ranger: Definitely. I think we’re gonna have to have a talk with Kevin when we get back to the Ranger’s Base.

Felicia: Talk with Kevin? Why?

Male Elite Ranger: Well I mean me and him. You may have helped us but you’re still an Advanced Ranger.

Felicia: Yea yea… If it wasn’t for me though, you might not have caught these guys.

Female Elite Ranger: What’d you say?!

Male Elite Ranger: -nervously chuckles- Ohh boy. Hey Felicia. Look behind you.


I looked behind me and could see 1 of the Elgyem floating right in front of me. I didn’t know what it wanted. I assumed it was trying in its own way to thank me for saving it and its friends or family or whatever they were to each other. I patted the little guy on the head and got back into my vehicle with my teammates and the captured poachers. When we got back to the Ranger’s Base, the criminals were taken to PokeJail as the Male and Female Rangers went to find Kevin. I felt tired after all that. So I decided to go to my room and go to sleep. The next day, I was woken up by Kevin.


Kevin: Hey. Hey Felicia. Wake up.

Felicia: -groggily wakes up- Hrm? Wha… Kevin? What are you doing in here?

Kevin: We’re gonna have a meeting in about an hour out on the battlefield. I need you to get up and get ready and have on your best Ranger’s uniform.

Felicia: -yawns and slowly sits up in bed- What’s this meeting about?

Kevin: You’ll find out. Now get ready!


And with that, Kevin made his way out of my room. I rubbed my eyes, trying to rub the sleepiness out of them. I got on my feet and started to get ready for the day. I picked my favorite Rangers outfit and got ready. An hour passed and I heard a knock on my door. When it opened, I could see that it was the Male and Female Elite Rangers that I was on the mission with.


Felicia: You 2? What do you’s want?

Male Elite Ranger: Didn’t Kevin tell you about the meeting?

Felicia: Yea. What about it though?

Female Elite Ranger: Well we’re here to escort you there.

Felicia: To escort me there? Uhh… Why?

Male Elite Ranger: You’ll see. Come on Felicia.


I didn’t understand why I needed to be escorted to this meeting. Not like it was somewhere far away. It was outside on the battlefield. A couple of minutes and I’d be there in no time, unharmed. But it was pointless to argue. If Kevin had them come to get me, then I had no other choice but to oblige. I followed the 2 outside. Almost all of the rangers were there. The Beginners, the Advanced and the Elites were all out there. Kevin was standing before them. I went to go join them but the Female Elite Ranger grabbed onto my soldiers and pointed me up towards Kevin. I guess I would be joining him for some reason. I went up to him but stayed back a little so he could do his whole speech.


Kevin: Hello there rangers! It’s been a while since we all had a big meeting like this but I believe this is a special occasion. Behind me is our Advanced Ranger, Felicia! Come up here and say hi Felicia.

Felicia: -walks up near Kevin- Umm… hey everyone.

Kevin: Now as many of you know, for the 1st time in our Rangers history, an Advanced Ranger had to go onto an Elite Ranger Mission. With only so many Elite Rangers here, it’s what had to be done. I have received word however that not only did the mission go over well, but that the Advanced Ranger did very well. So it is with great honor that I announce that Felicia here is now apart of the Elite Rangers!

Felicia: I’m… I’m what now?


All of the rangers stood up and started to clap and cheer for me. I didn’t expect any of this to happen. Tears started to swell up from my eyes. Kevin put his arms around me, hugging me. The 2 Elite Rangers I had worked with put their arms on my shoulder with a smile on their faces. After that, the meeting was over and the rangers went back to whatever they were doing before.


Kevin: Congrats kid. You’ve finally become an Elite Ranger.

Felicia: -wiping tears away from eyes- Thanks… I can’t believe I’m an Elite Ranger.

Kevin: You’ve earned it Felicia. You’ve done great work throughout the months. I know you didn’t get it in the time you did though…

Felicia: It’s alright. I’m just glad I was able to get here at all.

Kevin: -chuckles- That’s the right attitude to have. Ohh right! All Elite Rangers are given a cell phone. So here’s yours. -hands over a cell phone-

Felicia: Ohh wow! I wondered how I would get this! Thanks Kevin!

Kevin: No problem. This will help you more with missions. You can also text some friends as well with it.

Felicia: This is gonna be great. Thanks again Kevin.

Kevin: Mhm. Well, it’s time to get back to business. Can’t wait to see what you do being an Elite Ranger now Felicia. -walks away-


I was excited on being an Elite Ranger now. I could really help people and not do the little missions I used to do. Although, those missions shaped me in into the person I became.

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Nice chapter. It's a good thing Kevin decided to do something to break Felicia out of her sorrow. It's much better that she managed to get better and be decisive to this Elite Ranger mission. It's yet better that Felicia finally got the promotion she desired. 


But, I think, the best of the best will be when the Rangers decide to change their procedures. How about, instead, letting people sleep and not rush them into mysterious ceremonies before even breakfast as a way to announce a promotion?



Just a small writing thing (if I may): when you shift points of view and especially times (your back-and-forth between Felicia's speaking and the two Elite Rangers' dialog, in the first third of the chapter), could you mark it somehow? I found it a bit confusing at first. 

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I had been in the Elite Ranks of being a ranger for a couple of months and had done many Elite Ranger Missions. I’ve saved people/Pokemon from harm, saved children/Pokemon from kidnappers, stopped armed robberies, stopped Pokemon from rampaging, a lot. It’s all been dangerous but I got to save people and Pokemon and that’s what kept me going. 1 day, Kevin came into my room but he seemed very worried about something.


Felicia: Hey Kevin. What’s up? Are you ok? You look like something horrible just happened.

Kevin: We just got a… well I don’t know if I can call it a Ranger Mission but we got a letter in the mail today and it was addressed to you and…

Felicia: And what?

Kevin: I-I think you’ll understand more if you were to read it. Come follow me into the lobby.


I got up from my bed and followed Kevin into the lobby. I was curious as to what had him this spooked. What could possibly be written in this letter? Was it something sad? Did something happen to 1 of my parents? Were they ok? These were the kinds of questions that were running through my head. When we got to the front desk, the lady handed over the letter. She too had a worried look om here face. I started to read the letter.


“Felicia, you messed up my whole operation all those months ago. You may think you’ve taken me down but I’m not done yet. The only way to continue my operation is to eliminate you. If you have any guts at all, you will meet me outside in Mauville during the night alone and we will solve this issue. Enjoy your final moments alive kid. You’re gonna need it.”


After I finished reading it, I could feel my heartbeat start pounding fast. I thought for a moment that it was literally going to beat right out of my chest. I never had anyone directly threaten me like this in any way or form. Kevin could see I was visibly shaken. He came up and put his hand on my shoulder.


Kevin: Felicia. Are you ok?

Felicia: This… I can’t believe this is… I don’t know what to say.

Kevin: Alright. You’re gonna have to have some kind of body guard until we get this guy into custody.

Felicia: What? It is scary and all but I don’t need a body guard.

Kevin: I’m sorry Felicia but I’m not taking the chance of having 1 of my top Rangers be… Well you know.

Felicia: Kevin, I-

Kevin: And I’m gonna be that body guard.

Felicia: I really don’t think I need 1.

Kevin: My mind is made up. You will be safe as long as you are here.

Felicia: Ugh. Fine… I guess.


I went back to my room, sat down on my bed and looked outside. I didn’t know how my life was going to be with all of this going on. For the next 2 weeks, anywhere I went, Kevin was right there with me. Nothing happened though. 1 night, Kevin headed into my room.


Kevin: Hey kid. How you doing?

Felicia: I’m alright. I really wish I didn’t have a body guard still.

Kevin: -chuckles nervously- Well there’s no way I’m risking you losing your life to that asshole that wants to kill you.

Felicia: Yea yea. I know. But still. I wish I could go 1 day without you around me. I mean no offense but I’d like to have some time to myself.

Kevin: Well hopefully, this guy gets caught soon so your life can get back to the way it was.

Felicia: Yea… Hey. I think I’m gonna go to sleep early tonight Kevin.

Kevin: Alright Felicia. Have a good night’s sleep.


I laid down on my bed and pretended to be asleep. An hour passed. When I was sure everyone was fast asleep by now, I carefully opened my window and snuck out the window and started to head down to Mauville. I wasn’t too sure on what I was doing. I didn’t even have any idea what this person looked like. When I got down to Mauville, I started to search the city very carefully. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find anyone. I then went over to the bad side of Mauville. This was the area where the bad guys would hang out and do their evil deeds. Despite that though, I couldn’t see anyone. I was getting frustrated. But then, I heard someone call me.


???: Felicia… So you finally came.

Felicia: -turns around and looks around- Alright. Where are you? Show yourself!


From an alleyway, a tall man dressed somewhat gentlemanly emerged. He slowly came walking up to me. When I saw him coming towards me, my body froze. I wanted to move but I just couldn’t. The man walked up to me and stopped about 3 feet away from me. He looked at me up and down and seemed to look angry.


Poacher Boss: So you’re Felicia huh? Can’t believe you’re the 1 who took down my men.

Felicia: W-Who… What’s your name?

Poacher Boss: You really think I’m gonna tell you my name? Dumbass girl. I’m here to kill you. -pulls out a knife- But I know there’s gonna be some sort of fight. Heh.

Felicia: You’re not gonna be killing anyone! You’re gonna be going to PokeJail!

Poacher Boss: I’d love to see you try.

Felicia: Help me out Rattata and Galvantula!

Alolan Rattata: Rrrrattata!

Galvantula: Gal Galvantula!

Poacher Boss: -laughs loudly- This will be easier than I thought. Your Pokemon do indeed look strong but… -holds a PokeBall in his hand- mine is clearly stronger. Let’s end this quickly Infernape!


The Boss Poacher threw out his PokeBall and out popped his Infernape. I could tell by just looking at this Pokemon that it loved to inflict pain on anything. Human or Pokemon. I had Galvantula use String Shot to hold Infernape in place and had Alolan Rattata use Quick Attack on it. The attack landed but it didn’t seem to taken much damage.


Felicia: W-What? But it was a direct hit.

Poacher Boss: Did you really think such a pathetic attack from such a pathetic Pokemon would work on Infernape?

Infernape: Infern… -smiles evilly-

Felicia: Damnit!

Poacher Boss: Burn the String Shot up and then use Flair Blitz on the Galvantula and Mach Punch on the Rattata!


The Infernape flared up the fire and burned off the String Shot. Before I could even make a command to 1 of my Pokemon, the Infernape landed the Flare Blitz on Galvantula, instantly knocking it out. It then turned around and landed a Mach Punch on Rattata. The little rat Pokemon flew backwards and hit the ground. I couldn’t believe what had just happened.


Poacher Boss: And just like that, it’s over.

Felicia: No… No! Not like this! Galvantula! Rattata! Urgh! Damnit!

Poacher Boss: -holds the knife up- And now for you Felicia.

Alolan Rattata: R… Ratta…ta… -slowly begins to stand back up-

Felicia: Rattata?

Poacher Boss: Hmm. Never seen an Alolan Rattata take this kind of damage and be able to keep going. However, it’s time to put it out of its misery. Infernape, Close Combat!

Felicia: No! Don’t!


I couldn’t do anything though. I watched as the Infernape charged my Alolan Rattata with Close Combat but before it landed the move, Rattata was able to avoid the attack. It then launched itself at Infernape but the move it used confused me. It was able to knock back the Infernape. Even the Poacher Boss seemed shocked by this.


Poacher Boss: I… don’t understand. That move it used… That was Close Combat.

Felicia: Close Combat? But… Rattata’s can’t learn that. Unless… Was that Me First?

Alolan Rattata: Rrrat Rattata!

Felicia: That’s great Rattata!

Poacher Boss: It doesn’t matter what move it learned! It won’t be enough for Infernape! Close Combat again!

Felicia: Use Me First!


The Infernape once again came at Rattata with Close Combat. Luckily, Alolan Rattata was able to dodge and was about to retaliate with Me First but before it could, the Poacher Boss had Infernape use Mach Punch. It landed the attack on Alolan Rattata and officially knocked it out. It was over now. I was completely alone. My Pokemon did the best they could do but it was no match for this Infernape. The Poacher Boss came slowly up to me and rasied the knife in the air. This was it. My life was going to end right here. I closed my eyes and waited for him to stick the knife in me. I waited and waited but nothing was happening. I could then hear him and his Pokemon struggling for some reason. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see that the Elgyem I saved all those months ago and its friends were trying to keep Infernape and the Poacher Boss from harming me and my Pokemon any further using their Confusion attack. I could see that they were already reaching their limit though.


Elgyem: El… gy…eeeem…

Felicia: Just hold on a bit longer Elgyem! I’ll figure out someth-

???: Barbaracle, Shell Smash and then use Water Gun on the Infernape!

Felicia: Huh?! Is that…


From out of nowhere, Kevin and his Barbaracle came running towards us. I was so excited to see him coming. His Barbaracle did as it was told and thanks to Shell Smash, the Water Gun attack was stronger and was able to knock out the Infernape in 1 attack. Kevin was then able to apprehend the Poacher Boss, which Elgyem then let go but started to fall to the ground. I caught it and held it in my arms.


Felicia: Elgyem… thank you… Thank you and your friends so much…

Elgyem: Elgy… em…

Kevin: Well, the Poacher Boss will be sent off to PokeJail now.

Felicia: Yea. Thanks for saving me Kevin.

Kevin: -hugs Felicia- What were you thinking looking for that man all by yourself?! You could have seriously been hurt!

Felicia: I… I know but I just wanted it to be over and I thought that I could… I’m sorry.

Kevin: It’s ok Felicia. It’s ok now.

Felicia: -let’s go of Kevin- You should also thank this little guy too.

Kevin: Well Elgyem, it looks like I have you to thank as well for saving Felicia here.

Elgyem: Elgyem!

Felicia: How did you even know I was here?


Suddenly, I could see something appearing in my mind. I looked back at Kevin confused and he seemed to have the same reaction on his face so I assumed it was happening to him too. I could start seeing someone that was doing something. When I focused more onto the person, I could see that it was me. I was on 1 of my missions when I got to be an Elite Ranger. And then I could see another vision of me training against 1 of the other rangers. There were a lot more visions but all of them were me. Soon, the visions went away.


Felicia: Were you… following me since I rescued you from the poachers?

Elgyem: -nods head yes- El Elgyem!

Kevin: -laughs heavily- Seems that this Pokemon wanted to thank you.

Felicia: Is that right?

Elgyem: Elgy Elgyem!

Felicia: Do you maybe want to stay with me?


The Elgyem floated out of my hands and went over to the group of Elgyem. After a couple of seconds, the Elgyem came back over to me and waved to the others. They then floated away, presumably back to wherever they were living. I was so excited to have a new Pokemon and friend. I took out the Moon Ball I had and tapped the top of the Pokemon’s head. It went inside the ball, shook a couple of times and signaled that the capture was successful. After that, Kevin and I went back to the Ranger Base. I hugged Kevin before going back to my room and heading to bed.

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I meant, separate these parts from the rest of the text, with stars, tildes, or something... So that we know that it's some sort of back-and-forth, instead of happening in the same temporal succession.


I don't know what to feel about Felicia going alone to confront someone threatening to kill her. I mean, it's pretty stupid, and very human at the same time. 


Very nice chapter overall. Now that Felicia's team is complete, I guess she can go to Ayrith now? But I suppose some great stuff is going to happen beforehand.

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2 hours ago, Mindlack said:

I meant, separate these parts from the rest of the text, with stars, tildes, or something... So that we know that it's some sort of back-and-forth, instead of happening in the same temporal succession.


I don't know what to feel about Felicia going alone to confront someone threatening to kill her. I mean, it's pretty stupid, and very human at the same time. 


Very nice chapter overall. Now that Felicia's team is complete, I guess she can go to Ayrith now? But I suppose some great stuff is going to happen beforehand.

I suppose I can try that. And we're getting to the stage of her getting to know about Ayrith. I had Kevin give her a cell phone for a reason. 😛

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3 and a half years had passed since I had become an Elite Ranger. I had worked many Elite Ranger missions and had completed them all excellently. Kevin had even said that I was doing so well, that I was basically his #1 ranger. His right hand man. It was a great feeling. But to be honest, I felt like things were starting to get stale there. Most of the missions that were being brought in were mostly Advanced or lower. Not many bad people wanted to deal with me. Low Elite Ranger Missions were given out. I felt like I had really helped the Hoenn Region. I wanted to go somewhere else and help them. 1 day, Kevin came into my room.


Kevin: Are you busy right now Felicia?

Felicia: No. Why? What’s up?

Kevin: I’m gonna be having a video chat with someone from a Region called the Aryith Region. Apparently, they want 1 of our rangers to go over there and help them out.

Felicia: The Aryith Region? Never heard of that region before. But what does this have to do with me?

Kevin: Well, if what he says is true, I think I’m going to send you out there?

Felicia: M-Me? Really?!

Kevin: Yes. You have grown quite well Felicia and you’re near being quite the best ranger here. Behind me of course.

Felicia: You didn’t have to say that. Geez… But thanks Kevin. I’m glad you have that much faith in me.

Kevin: Don’t get too excited. Let’s get to the meeting 1st. Come on.


I hopped off my bed and made sure I looked my best. I then followed Kevin into the room with a big tv on the wall. There were other rangers there on computers, about to have the call come through and make sure that it didn’t get interrupted by anything. We saw an incoming call and accepted it. When the screen turned on, we could see an old man with gray hair but looked professional.


Man: Hello? Can you hear me?

Kevin: Yes. I can hear you. Do you hear me?

Man: Yes. I hear you loud and clear.

Kevin: Great. Well let’s just get right into it.

Elliot: Right. Before we start though, I believe introductions are in order. My name is Elliot.

Kevin: My apologies. My name is Kevin. Nice to officially meet you.

Elliot: Now I’m sure you’ve heard the rumor that we need a skilled Ranger to come over here and help us. Well, that rumor is true. We have strong and special rangers here but we’re starting to get way too many missions and we need some help. Is there any way you could lend us a ranger?

Kevin: I can understand your predicament. We used to have that problem a couple years past. But now we have a lot of good capable rangers here. Maybe a little too many. I will accept your request.

Elliot: Ahh! Excellent! Who is it that you will be sending over?

Kevin: This person right here. Her name is Felicia. She’s been an Elite Ranger for the last 3 and a half years and has done many missions. I think she’d be a great addition to your team.

Elliot: Hello there Felicia!

Felicia: Hello there sir. I look forward to meeting you.

Elliot: Very well-mannered. I like that. We look forward to meeting you as well.

Kevin: When will she be making her way over?

Elliot: Well unfortunately, the boat that goes from Hoenn to Aryith only goes back and forth 2 times a year. It has recently just made its way back to Aryith from Hoenn. So we will have to wait 6 months.

Felicia: 6 months?! Are you sure you’ll be able to handle missions for that long?

Elliot: It’ll be tough but I believe we’ll be able to not have an overload of missions.

Kevin: Alright then. Is there anything else we should be aware of?

Elliot: Yes actually. 1 of our Gym Leaders will be going on that boat to meet up with Felicia. Felicia, are you aware of the app called PokeBook?

Felicia: Yea. I have a profile on there.

Elliot: Good. I’ll have her add you on there and you 2 can become more acquainted with each other and with the Aryith Region.

Felicia: Ok. Doesn’t sound like a bad plan. What’s her name?

Elliot: Her name’s Ava. She’s actually 1 of the strongest Gym Leaders in the Ayrith Region. She’s easy going though so the 2 of you should get along fine.

Felicia: Alright. Sounds good.

Kevin: Well Elliot, it’s been great speaking with you. I guess we’ll be in touch from time to time.

Elliot: Indeed. I know we won’t see each other for a couple of months Felicia but I look forward to meeting you and having you as part of our team.

Felicia: Likewise.

Elliot: Well then, this is the-

Aryith Male Ranger: Oh my god! Would you just stop?!

Aryith Female Ranger: You stop! If you did all your missions-

Ayrith Male Ranger: Oh don’t even! You have done less missions than me!

Aryith Female Ranger: Why you- Come here!

Elliot: Hey! You 2! Cut… Cut it- Ugh!

Kevin: Is… everything ok over there?

Elliot: Huh? Ohh! Umm… Y-Yea. Everything’s fine. -nervous laughter- I’ll talk to you 2 another time. Alright you 2! You’re I- -video chat turns off-

Felicia: Uhh… Well that was… something.

Kevin: You can say that again. But it looks like you got 6 months to prepare for this.

Felicia: You’re right. And I guess I should keep a look at my notifications on PokeBook for this Ava girl.

Kevin: Mhm. I think for today, you should take a break from doing missions.

Felicia: What?

Kevin: Yea. Take a break and get ready to speak with this Ava person whenever she adds you.

Felicia: Alright. I suppose I can do that.


I went back to my room and hung out there to wait for this Ava person to add me on PokeBook. I was getting a bit too impatient though. I felt stupid for not getting some kind of description from Elliot so that maybe I could search for her and get this going a bit quicker. Lukcily for me, it didn’t take long for me to get a notification that I had gotten a friend request. I checked it out and it was indeed this Ava person. I accepted the friend request and checked out her profile quick before messaging her. She had green hair and seemed like a very smiley person. I could see a lot of pictures with her and Grass Type Pokemon. I figured she must be a Grass Type Pokemon Gym Leader. As I was just about to message her though, I got a notification that she had messaged me. I opened it and read it.




Ava: Hey. This is the Felicia that Elliot told me about right?

Felicia: Mhm. This is the 1. And your Ava right?

Ava: Yea. I’m the Grass Type Gym Leader.

Felicia: I figured. I looked at your profile. A lot of pics with your Grass Type Pokemon.

Ava: Ohh yea. I love my grass types! Alright. Sooo… what do you need to know?

Felicia: Well… I guess anything would be good to know about Aryith.

Ava: Hmm… well we have 12 gym leaders and an elite 4 and-

Felicia: Sorry. I didn’t mean about the gyms and stuff like that. I’m not taking on the league.

Ava: Whaaaaat? Why not?

Felicia: It’s not what I’m interested in.

Ava: Ohh come on. Not even just a little bit?

Felicia: Nope.

Ava: What about when you went on your journey when you turned 10?

Felicia: I never went on 1.

Ava: WHAT?!

Felicia: Yea. After what happened to my friend after he saved the Hoenn Region…

Ava: Ohh right. All that stuff… But why did that stop you from going on a journey?

Felicia: There was a possibility of me becoming a hero and after seeing what the “Hero of Hoenn” is going through… That’s just not for me.

Ava: Hmm…

Felicia: What?

Ava: You are trying to avoid becoming a hero… yet you’re apart of the rangers?

Felicia: We’re not heroes! We’re just doing what’s right and helping Pokemon and people alike!

Ava: Alright. Alright. I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to make you mad.

Felicia: You didn’t… Sorry. Just been a while since I talk about that.

Ava: I see… You really don’t want to go on an adventure though and take on the Gyms?

Felicia: Well… No… I mean… I guess I kind of do… But that’s not why I’m going to Ayrith.

Ava: I’m not saying it’s the reason you’re coming here. Buuuut you will need to get stronger. And what better way than taking on Gym Leaders.

Felicia: I… Hmm… I guess you make a good point…

Ava: Look, you don’t need to give me an answer now. Just think about it over the 6 months. You’ll know for sure by then.

Felicia: Yea. I guess I will. Thanks Ava.

Ava: No prob man!

Felicia: You have a persuasive personality.

Ava: Well I don’t know about that.

Felicia: But could you tell me about Aryith now?

Ava: Ohh right! Sorry. Guess we got back off topic. Where should I start.




The 2 of us spent the next couple of hours talking about Aryith and then eventually both of our lives. What lead to her becoming a Gym Leader for Grass Type and what lead me to becoming a Pokemon Ranger. It was actually pretty fun. While I was at the Rangers Base, I never really made any friends. Ava was different though. It was really fun talking to her. By the time we got done talking for the day, it was a bit past midnight. I quickly got ready for bed and went to sleep. I was excited to talk to her again in the following months. I could tell this was gonna be a great friendship between her and I.

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