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Pokemon Legends(V7 In Development)!


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  • 1 month later...
6 hours ago, TopDawg said:

I can't get to johto after becoming champion

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This happens when i choose to kill amber after the first boss battle


I see the Problem. I fixed it for this and any other Routes it could have possibly prevented you from traveling.


Update is in the Main post



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  • 2 weeks later...

so in the time between me beating this a few months or so back and now has anything since been added? (iirc the last time i played was when we had the sibling battle after the assault on the tin tower or something of that sort) which seemed to be the end for the time being

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On 1/17/2022 at 3:33 PM, ArcBolt27 said:

so in the time between me beating this a few months or so back and now has anything since been added? (iirc the last time i played was when we had the sibling battle after the assault on the tin tower or something of that sort) which seemed to be the end for the time being

I am Glad you asked. As far as Updates go, me and the staff had not really had time out of our lives to do as much as we could have in the past due to life-changing events for us, so now , Updates  have taken a slow turn. The Good news is that we started to work on an Update for this recently and it is coming along. Unfortunately, at the moment , I can't show you any previews right now; however, recently the staffs gotten back together. There is going to be a few Updates including the following below: 



1. Story Content: The Story will be Extended . I will fix up some parts of the story . (Sorry that we cut the story to end so abruptly, but that is going to be fixed up along with the results of  the battle of Bell Tower). The Story Content will be pushed  up towards  it's original  intended end point. ( The next Badge. There will be alot  to work on once we reach there as I intend to add several more  new  features to the game. I Can't spoil those yet !😁 ).

2. New Splash Screen  + Music .   I recently drew one up , but now It will need to be finished. It should be done by the time I am ready to give the Update.


3.  Some/all Mystery Quests will be added to the game. They will be a way for you to capture some pokemon you could not find otherwise as well as reward you for taking the time to help the Pokemon .The Ranking system will also be there for you to take on  more difficult types of quests at higher Ranking for greater rewards. 

4. Bugs will be fixed. 

5. More pokemon will be added to the wild. You will be able to capture more Pokemon,but Beware,your enemies will have new Pokemon as well .


6. Maps will be fixed.


I'm not sure when you can expect this Update, but  it  is  likely going to take us a few Months to work on  it.   Thank you.

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9 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

oh and another thing i was curious about idk if i asked this before or not but in regards to the sibling battle, does our character say anything different if we do defeat them? never bothered to try but i have been curious


At the time of creation,I never really  thought that you could defeat them in that battle(After all, it's your character). The event is set up for them to say one thing before going back to the original  dialogue.  I would likely put something there in the next Update , but there is  actually nothing different other than that .


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5 hours ago, Beeze said:
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At the time of creation,I never really  thought that you could defeat them in that battle(After all, it's your character). The event is set up for them to say one thing before going back to the original  dialogue.  I would likely put something there in the next Update , but there is  actually nothing different other than that .


fair enough, was really only asking since it seems that our character uses the very same team we used going into jhoto which had me think we could make that battle as easy on ourself or as hard as possible..........


could be cool to see special dialogue should we win regardless of how difficult we make it on ourselves, something akin to like with madame x in rejuvenation as it would likely require identical strats to that

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/25/2022 at 2:03 AM, ArcBolt27 said:

fair enough, was really only asking since it seems that our character uses the very same team we used going into jhoto which had me think we could make that battle as easy on ourself or as hard as possible..........


could be cool to see special dialogue should we win regardless of how difficult we make it on ourselves, something akin to like with madame x in rejuvenation as it would likely require identical strats to that




Special Dialogue has been added, along with  some scene changes.  This is just a preview . 

Also ,note that once you arrive at the point where the game ended last (which will no longer be 'ending' at that point) ,the path's have diverged between good, Neutral and evil. Depending on your reputation and the choices you made throughout the game, there are three different scenarios that will take place

Good Route Preview


Small Preview here

Now, You will get to see what becomes of the rest of the group ,including the player character .


As far as the other three routes go, they will be coming soon.


Edited by Beeze
Added more information to my post,
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playing the most recent version off my old save and i seem to get a no method error crash every so often when i try and grind in the grass east of celadon in that route ???? as its apparently called


it doesnt seem to happen with specific pokemon tho so idk if its because of a certain amount of battles or what

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so i just learned something interesting..............



apparently if you evolve that pikachu you get from a sidequest in vermillion it turns into a lvl 55 alolan raichu for some reason or another........... or at least it was lvl 55 for me


the weird part of that is when i evolved the pikachu it was only lvl 51 prior to evolution


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On 3/12/2022 at 9:10 AM, ArcBolt27 said:

so i just learned something interesting..............


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apparently if you evolve that pikachu you get from a sidequest in vermillion it turns into a lvl 55 alolan raichu for some reason or another........... or at least it was lvl 55 for me


the weird part of that is when i evolved the pikachu it was only lvl 51 prior to evolution



Since it's a Special Pikachu, the evolution for it was going to be a Special Raichu(which would be  a different looking Raichu when Me and the others can work on it) if you so happened to evolve it. Some things in that regard is not set up for this version though as I did have the option for you to evolve it ready,but it's battle icon is incomplete right now ,so I made it so that you  will get Alolan Raichu instead for the time being.  It's likely going to be something added this update.

Beware the original Trainer



13 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:



in regards to what i spoke of the other day when grinding, it appears also as hanna in every wild battle i get into regardless of location

 I haven't encountered it myself, but i'm going to try something to see if it is the solution.  Try This

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out of curiosity where is


the original trainer for the pikachu? i never encountered them before entering jhoto........... could it have something to do with me never checking the pikachu in veridian forest behind a rock smash rock?


which reminds me, where even is rock smash/strength again? ive seen a few rock smash rocks and strength boulders but have had no clue on where i can get rock smash without teaching it to a mon via level up


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17 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

out of curiosity where is

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the original trainer for the pikachu? i never encountered them before entering jhoto........... could it have something to do with me never checking the pikachu in veridian forest behind a rock smash rock?


which reminds me, where even is rock smash/strength again? ive seen a few rock smash rocks and strength boulders but have had no clue on where i can get rock smash without teaching it to a mon via level up



Who is the original Trainer for the Pikachu? They could be absolutely  anywhere, or anyone(Nobody is off the table) , but I do intend to reveal who they are  sometime before the end of this episode, so you can look forward to that! 😁


As far as those hms go,I was supposed to give you the Hms ,but replace the usage with some Fun Human Feats that you can use (HMF'S) and Items .  One example of this would be surf. You don't require the Hm to use surf as    you do get a surfboard(and Floatie during the second half). It's an element that's being  worked on. 


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17 hours ago, Beeze said:
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Who is the original Trainer for the Pikachu? They could be absolutely  anywhere, or anyone(Nobody is off the table) , but I do intend to reveal who they are  sometime before the end of this episode, so you can look forward to that! 😁


As far as those hms go,I was supposed to give you the Hms ,but replace the usage with some Fun Human Feats that you can use (HMF'S) and Items .  One example of this would be surf. You don't require the Hm to use surf as    you do get a surfboard(and Floatie during the second half). It's an element that's being  worked on. 


being as powerful as it is there's 2 very likely possibilities i can come up with as to who the owner is


its gotta be either ash or red, likely ash as he does seem to have a house in pallet and also a team rocket member in seafoam mentions being blasted off by a kid's pikachu........ that and the fact of like i had stated its abnormally powerful in terms of BST compared to a normal pikachu which falls in line with ash's pikachu's plot armor status


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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

Alright! Hello people. Beeze is   back with another preview of   an event that is to  come. So here's an  Update to the status : The Game is being worked on again! That does not mean the next version will be coming soon though. There will be alot of  work   put into this next Version.  The Progression is  not 100% where I would want them to be yet; however, progress is being made.  We will get there. Where there is a will, there is a way! 




To go...!

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