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Pokemon Legends(V7 In Development)!


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Hello. I am Beeze/Zatoria and this is my first game. I've always been into creating stuff when I was small. My main thing was drawing ,a hobby I still have to this day, and one day, I decided to put that talents to use and tried to use that and try to put together this game. I'd say I did more than I thought I would do for this! I planned to stop my development much sooner, but as it turns out, I couldn't just drop this! I had to get this out there, so here it is! My own game! "Hope yall enjoy what ya see!" PS: 


This is not Pokémon Legends the  MMORPG. I heard that it was a thing and that I should change the name because of it's mere existence, but what the hell ? 

It's Time an action-packed adventure, because Pokémon Legends is ready to unveil it's biggest Update to date! prepare yourself for a story full of excitement! Today marks the beginning of Pokémon Legends!

You are a 15 year old child that  lives on an outer Island called Bikana Island which is famous for their large beach, but there are no Pokémon's on the island itself. One day, you happened to find out that your mother use to be a Pokémon Trainer.  You are a teenager that attends school, but you imagine what life would be if you were able to have Pokémon, praying you would get the opportunity to do so. You are supposed to go and Meet with a professor in the following week; however, fate decided that your time was now. You learn about the Secret that your mother has been keeping, and as   fate would have it, you quickly find yourself having your first battle experience with a Pokémon!  What does your destiny have in store for you?


You embark on your Journey, joined by  your little sister, Hanna , but then something hoes horribly wrong ,and you and your sister are separated. Your sister is shipped off to another Region to your surprise. The Guard, and extremely experienced looking trainer prevents you from going there yourself without  you competing in something called the "Pokémon League" . You are Determined to not only prove yourself to be the best trainer, but to become strong enough to reach the next region and go looking for your sister. Do you have what it takes to make it through to the  First League? Many Challenges await  you!

























Story: You get to play through two Characters in two regions! Your main character, and their Sister. They will use their own PC and storage. Along the way you will encounter a group known as Team Unification, who has a mission to take control of the world by manipulating the Pokémon they catch and turning them into Monster's called 'Beast Pokémon' using their  advanced technology and with the aid of their Leader's Secret Devices. You can choose to either Side with Team Unification or fight against them.



Level Cap + IV/EV Modifications - Once you progress far enough through the game ,you will find out about a way to surpass the limits of your Pokémon. Once you are able to, your Pokémon will be able to reach levels higher than normal, stretching up to double it's regular level (Badge limit's are also in the game and  badge level limits will  be applied) In accordance to the level cap, the cap for Ev maximum will be doubled once you have passed a certain level. I intend to have this System Upgraded in the future.

 Capture System - If your party is full, you can add the Pokémon you just caught to your party immediately.


The Mystery Quest System - You want to set out on an adventure to places you've never seen before? Well you've come to the right place! Accept quests to go out to places you might have never even heard of before existing on regions you have explored, go through tougher explorations and missions in order to gain Great Rewards. The missions will get harder as you Rank up. (You will start at the Rank of Bronze and after completing enough missions and earning enough points you will Rank up. The Ranks are as follows : Rookie --> Normal--> Advanced---> Star -->Diamond--> Cool-->Ace ---> Intense-->Legendary). You will be able to put these Ranks onto your Trainer . Eg. You can be 'Ace trainer (Your name here)' when you go into both regular and online battle's.



Notes - This game utilizes moves up to Gen 6. Some Gen 7 content is available; however, Z-Moves and the use of them have not been planned for the future. Gen 8 is also not something I intend to do either.  

World Tournament System - The Usual Elite four championship that you see in the games have been replaced and redone. Nowadays, you will have to earn your way up  Instead of facing the Elite four immediately when you get all 8 badges, you will have to work your way up through the ladder, and face every tough trainer in the region in a Pokémon World Tournament League! Fight your way into the top 8 battling through difficult challenges ,and climb your way to the top. Only the most Experienced and skilled trainers will make it through to the end! Once you complete the challenge, you will receive a League pass, which will allow you to face the Strongest trainers in the region. Defeat them, and you will earn your way to a battle with the Champion of that League.  This will be true for both Regions. After you have competed in both Regions, you will then gain the rare opportunity to compete in the Universal League and become the Universal Champion. Do you have what it takes to become a True Pokémon Master?



Event Island: An island where you participate in an event and gain event points. Gain enough for some unique prizes!  One event island does exist in the game which has  a Halloween theme.

Reputation -  Your choices will determine the way people will view you within the game. For instance: If you decide to take a Pokémon  that you Know belongs to someone else and NEVER return it, you will begin to gain a bad reputation , and if you continue to do bad things, people will begin to view you as an 'Awful Trainer'; however, if you decide to help trainers out rather than cause them harm for instance: You know a trainer left their Pokémon  behind, and you decide to  try and return it to them, you begin to gain a good reputation for your good deeds.  This System Exists in the Game already; however, it is planned to have a more heavy effect on the game than it does already.




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Pokemon Legends V5.5 Update

In V6 we have decided to take a different approach. We have used a new engine in order to Update the game and attempted to add some new features that we would hope others would enjoy. The story has went back to the roots, meaning back to the beginning and so now, as a warning, you will need to play the game from the start as there were just too many changes that were made in V6. We only intend to restart the story one time in order to establish our own region, (Which is now. This will not be happening again in the future)


 Story Overhaul -On an Island without any Pokemon, you have lived and become best friends with a girl named Kira which has remained strong for 16 years. Unlike most people on the island who shun Pokemon, you two are big Pokemon fans , alongside your 8 year old sister Hanna. One mysterious day, both you and Kira get a call from a 'Professor Victoria' , who invited both of you to see the world of Pokemon yourself; however, your first experience with Pokemon becomes much different than you thought it was. An evil Organization sets out to destroy you and your entire family. Will you, with the help of your friend Kira learn the mysteries of Pokemon? Or will you succumb to the allure of power and darkness,join the evil ones and bring this world to ruin?



-Beast Pokemon - Pokemon that are modified by the Team of Evil  which feeds off of it's frustrations.

-Mega evolution Stages - Mega stages will be in! (Initial, Advanced,True bond). These are unique feature to the game where Pokemons who have Mega evolution will go through stages of them starting from the beginning. When there is a True bond with Pokemon and Trainer, that will be when their power is at their maximum.

-New Mega Pokemon - There will be new Mega's made. We plan to cover a good range.

- Gym Badges  - The Game  will feature 9 Gym Badges for both stories making it a Grand total of 18 badges. There will also Be a Pokemon League, where you will face off against the best trainers in the region(s). There will be a cap on your level based on the number of badges you have obtained.

-Mystery Quest system - You want to set out on an adventure to places you've never seen before? Well you've come to the right place! Accept quests to go out to places you might have never even heard of before existing on regions you have explored, go through tougher explorations and missions in order to gain Great Rewards. The missions will get harder as you Rank up. (You will start at the Rank of Bronze and after completing enough missions and earning enough points you will Rank up. The Ranks are as follows : Rookie --> Normal--> Advanced---> Star -->Diamond--> Cool-->Ace ---> Intense-->Legendary). You will be able to put these Ranks onto your Trainer . Eg. You can be 'Ace trainer (Your name here)' when you go into both regular and online battle's.

-Ev Cap changed-  The Ev Cap for this game is 1200. You can put 300 Ev's into one stat as a maximum amount.


Coming soon:

Pokemon Contests - Pokemon Contests will be added to the game as a story of its own. It will feature the judgement round, and then the contest battle round.

to have a unique theme to it in comparison to how it is normally done.  (I cannot explain more than this here).

Online Battles - Online battling will be added to the game sometime in the future as well as Legend cup tournaments.

Event Islands:  These are islands where you participate in an event and gain event points. Gain enough for some unique prizes!






















New/Returning Features: 10%

Scripting: 0%

Spriting: 0%

Mapping: 0%

Storyboarding: 0%

Main Characters Touch up: 0%

New Beastmons: 0%
New Ev/Iv System: 0%

New Game Mechanics: 0%

Total progress: 0.389842347923874%

There is a long way to go before we arrive at the finish line. We just started getting this version up and running after some downtime from personal life changes but we want to keep pushing foward till we reach the next version.  I hope you'll stick along cause our new content might come sooner than you think!




What we are currently looking for:

Spriter: To make custom tileset graphics and Sprites for Pokemon. Trainer makers are also welcomed.

Programmer: We will  need someone who is capable of coding in things and know the latest essentials version in order for us to implement a lot of  the new features that we have planned.

Mapper:  We are looking for talented mappers to us with their skills. As a mapper, you will work with the development team to create  environments that will enhance the player experience.

Music Artists:  We are looking for people who can creeate unique music for our game. If you are a composer and would like to lend us your gift, we would like to hear from you.

Beta Testers:  We are always on the look out for more people to test features before they are launched in their entirety.  If you feel like contributing to the game you can apply as a Beta Tester. As a Beta Tester, you will get to test the game for bugs and errors before the game is released.

Event Director :  As an event director, you will be responsible for creating and placing events in the game.




Energy level:


Where to Contact us:

Found  your interest in this project? You can contact any staff member and speak about joining and we will go through the process of getting you on board!

Pokemon Legends Discord




Edited by Beeze
Added V7 Status bar
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/20/2021 at 11:09 PM, kitsune641 said:

how do i get pass this

Screenshot 2021-01-20 230552.png

There was one oversight on their  position, but  iv'e  went ahead and fixed this problem. The fix is in the main post.

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On 1/25/2021 at 10:11 PM, kitsune641 said:

charmander and bulbasaur not learning any moves

Screenshot 2021-01-25 221029.png

I  solved the problem. I have updated the link in the main post with the fix . Your starters should be able to learn their moves now.

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  • 3 months later...

i noticed the game said it has mons up to gen 6 with some gen 7 content.............. what does this mean for regional variants i.e alolan forms?


On 2/1/2021 at 11:29 PM, Beeze said:

I  solved the problem. I have updated the link in the main post with the fix . Your starters should be able to learn their moves now.

yea i chose charmander and im still getting the no move issue as well as a near infinite exp loop when defeating most wild mons that only seems to end if i select the option to run after defeating the wild mon which shouldnt be an option to begin with

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i managed to work around the exp and move issue but encountered another rather problematic issue.......... basdically this issue effectively halts all progression as seeing that you need to beat all the trainers to leave veridian forest but this bug prevents that as whenever you defeat a trainer regardless of whom it may be the game will crash after they say their defeat dialogue

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/24/2021 at 4:07 PM, ArcBolt27 said:

i noticed the game said it has mons up to gen 6 with some gen 7 content.............. what does this mean for regional variants i.e alolan forms?

The Gen 7 Pokemon Including Alolan Forms are in the game! (They are not plentiful right now though.. You will only be able to obtain some of them at the moment rather than a majority(though this may end up changing later on).


On 5/25/2021 at 1:31 PM, ArcBolt27 said:

i managed to work around the exp and move issue but encountered another rather problematic issue.......... basdically this issue effectively halts all progression as seeing that you need to beat all the trainers to leave veridian forest but this bug prevents that as whenever you defeat a trainer regardless of whom it may be the game will crash after they say their defeat dialogue

 I took a look into that issue and the moves one, and I got a solutation that should " fix em all!" A fix has been added to the Main post.  


Now go and beat up those bugs! 


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  • 3 weeks later...

well i made it to vermillion city and got the thunderbadge and goofed and went east towards lavender town before going north (love what you did to lavender town btw) but i did notice an issue again during my escapades......


basically when going north thru the "shortcut" outside vermillion that is mentioned the first trainer encountered on that path causes the game to crash im not entirely sure why tho........ also this other bug imma list with a spoiler just in case



is sophie's lapras in her gym battle supposed to have no moves? when i went over to lavender town i saw a gym and found out it was hers and decided to go fight it, and when i got to her lapras it wasnt attacking at all......... i will admit i kinda took that and ran with it tho

also note the crash issue happened both with and without heading towards lavender town


EDIT: this is the error that pops up btw if its any help  


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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/22/2021 at 10:06 AM, ArcBolt27 said:

well i made it to vermillion city and got the thunderbadge and goofed and went east towards lavender town before going north (love what you did to lavender town btw) but i did notice an issue again during my escapades......


basically when going north thru the "shortcut" outside vermillion that is mentioned the first trainer encountered on that path causes the game to crash im not entirely sure why tho........ also this other bug imma list with a spoiler just in case


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is sophie's lapras in her gym battle supposed to have no moves? when i went over to lavender town i saw a gym and found out it was hers and decided to go fight it, and when i got to her lapras it wasnt attacking at all......... i will admit i kinda took that and ran with it tho

also note the crash issue happened both with and without heading towards lavender town


EDIT: this is the error that pops up btw if its any help  


 I Found and also fixed that problem, Thanks! It should  be working  fine now  with the Update that I put in the original game fix link.

And about the second problem..


 The Lapras has moves that it's not executing for some reason.  It's a problem that i've taken note of.  I will work on fixing that for later. If you come across anything else like this let me know too!


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so how do i evolve eevee into espeon/umbreon in this anyhow?


EDIT: found a bug when trying to leave pokemon centers it displays this:  



its worth noting that happens in pretty much every pokemon center i enter except celadon

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another bug i found  


if you beat your mother in saffron city the game seems to loop the same dialogue sequence a couple times before going to a black screen and ultimately softlocking



EDIT: losing to the above spoiler doesnt seem to cause the problem tho

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14 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

so how do i evolve eevee into espeon/umbreon in this anyhow?


EDIT: found a bug when trying to leave pokemon centers it displays this:  



its worth noting that happens in pretty much every pokemon center i enter except celadon

In this game ,to evolve Eevee into Espeon, level up it's happiness during the day, and Umbreon is Happiness during the Night. (Note: If you want to avoid having Sylveon, Do not give your Eevee a Fairy type move until after evolution/replace the current fairy type move).



 About what you found,that was intended for Vermillion and Cinnabar's event, but I     accidently put it in other center's. I  since removed it from the other centers and updated the link!


10 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

another bug i found  

  Hide contents

if you beat your mother in saffron city the game seems to loop the same dialogue sequence a couple times before going to a black screen and ultimately softlocking



EDIT: losing to the above spoiler doesnt seem to cause the problem tho

OH! I see what happened there! I've fixed that too!😁

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do you think its possible to place a breeder trainer at indigo plateau for the sake of convenience? kinda tedious having to wander from there all the way over to cinnabar to grind up off the one there

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51 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

do you think its possible to place a breeder trainer at indigo plateau for the sake of convenience? kinda tedious having to wander from there all the way over to cinnabar to grind up off the one there

The Breeder has been added.


Note: I've added the Breeder to the Training Room, so you will need to gain access to the training room.


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one other issue ive been dealing with from a gameplay perspective this time is the levels............ granted yea i know this was designed to be challenging but by the time we reach the pokemon league we're pretty much forced to grind our team to the point where we are risking them disobeying us which against the levels tossed at us doesnt do it any favors  looks at the semifinals in the pokemon league as a prime example


if anything to work around this i would say to just get rid of the disobedience part of it so we can grind to a respectable level so we can stand a chance

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51 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

one other issue ive been dealing with from a gameplay perspective this time is the levels............ granted yea i know this was designed to be challenging but by the time we reach the pokemon league we're pretty much forced to grind our team to the point where we are risking them disobeying us which against the levels tossed at us doesnt do it any favors  looks at the semifinals in the pokemon league as a prime example


if anything to work around this i would say to just get rid of the disobedience part of it so we can grind to a respectable level so we can stand a chance

 I Understand.


Sooo, Originally, my idea was to set in place a level limit  rather than having the disobedience being there. That  would mean that I could drop a few  trainers levels down a notch, and it wouldn't be as risky of a challenge with you having full control over your team. I will implement that soon


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