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Pokemon Legends(V7 In Development)!


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1 hour ago, ArcBolt27 said:
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so i learned if you attract sonzo's shaymin during the gym battle in ecruteak and it becomes infatuated and unable to finish using sky drop you get caught in a loop that even bringing it to struggle territory dont fix as even struggle fails to hit as the target pokemon is stuck in the air from the initial part of sky drop, simplest solution i can think of would likely be to remove sky drop from shaymin and give it something else like air slash or something in its place, that way it still has a 4th move and can retain its capabilities of being deadly

EDIT: think you can have it so our party is healed between rounds 1 and 2 from the battle in the above spoiler that way we dont go into the second round with a team thats pretty much on death row only to likely lose and have to do both rounds all over again?

Oh Whoops. It was actually supposed to be that way... It's fixed now!




PS: Sky Drop was also replaced, but that's funny.  Maybe there's  a way for me to force  the Pokemon to land that I can think of later on.


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man that beast houndoom is absolutely brutal i only really got 2 possible means of dealing with it myself and both are dependant on it either going for nasty plot or missing a fire blast, tho it was nice hearing that megalo strike back remix again

yea due to the ability the mon in the spoiler has and how im assuming it works according to the PBS files i swear the battle comes down to luck in hopes that you can status it down which ultimately requires you to not only have enough revives to stall out the poison but also have them exhaust all full restores prior which is easier said than done

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5 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:
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man that beast houndoom is absolutely brutal i only really got 2 possible means of dealing with it myself and both are dependant on it either going for nasty plot or missing a fire blast, tho it was nice hearing that megalo strike back remix again

yea due to the ability the mon in the spoiler has and how im assuming it works according to the PBS files i swear the battle comes down to luck in hopes that you can status it down which ultimately requires you to not only have enough revives to stall out the poison but also have them exhaust all full restores prior which is easier said than done

Update: I recently Replaced the full restores with something else. That person actually  shouldn't have those ! 😄


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so yea my next big task is gonna be dealing with that houndoom with no revives and a team like this: image.thumb.png.0dde1a4d9e4a52b49aca623930f75a0e.png


i honestly think its impossible considering how few potions i have available (4 hyper potions and thats it) and no means of money farming to get more, nor do i have any revives either

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1 hour ago, ArcBolt27 said:

so yea my next big task is gonna be dealing with that houndoom with no revives and a team like this: image.thumb.png.0dde1a4d9e4a52b49aca623930f75a0e.png


i honestly think its impossible considering how few potions i have available (4 hyper potions and thats it) and no means of money farming to get more, nor do i have any revives either

UDPATE:   I have added the PC for your convenience to the room before that battle!


PS: It came to my attention that the number of battles you got from the Breeder was  likely inadequate.  Sonzo has came to an agreement with me and he has sent his Breeder down to the Gym,which you can battle some more! 😄   


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On 8/2/2021 at 11:35 PM, ArcBolt27 said:

image.thumb.png.3a47fea17f04536b87c3ec28e322d314.pngi dont think a pokeflute will help me move this one

There was some more that I  fixed  in that area, but Rhyperior should be out of your way in today's Update!


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how do i leave this area? the door is locked and i get both that message and one about surfacing (which mind you i dont have access to dive or an equivalent atm) all just by examining that door once


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1 minute ago, ArcBolt27 said:


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how do i leave this area? the door is locked and i get both that message and one about surfacing (which mind you i dont have access to dive or an equivalent atm) all just by examining that door once



You need to find the Switch to Open the door. It's Somewhere under there 


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image.thumb.png.5da8a0283bbcb8959e54bc28e4284e20.pngum i got a nobi clone following me D:




why does our character in the battle between them and hanna have a male biker sprite?

oh and for some reason i somehow have a sort of noclip active now and as such can walk thru anything and on anything within the boundaries of whatever map im on, kinda problematic if i do say so myself

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5 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

image.thumb.png.5da8a0283bbcb8959e54bc28e4284e20.pngum i got a nobi clone following me D:



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why does our character in the battle between them and hanna have a male biker sprite?

oh and for some reason i somehow have a sort of noclip active now and as such can walk thru anything and on anything within the boundaries of whatever map im on, kinda problematic if i do say so myself

Did you get the more recent version? When you posted before,I released another one to try and remove those duplicates. If so...Damn it Nobi!


.......................Show me.

   When did the other problem start happening?

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tried to replicate the noclip issue but its proving to be a challenge


on another note tho the weather broke again in ecruteak >.<


EDIT:  using the most recent version the nobi clone is still following me............


its worth noting it also happened for the brief moment i was in control of my actual character too, not just hanna

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41 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

tried to replicate the noclip issue but its proving to be a challenge


on another note tho the weather broke again in ecruteak >.<


EDIT:  using the most recent version the nobi clone is still following me............


its worth noting it also happened for the brief moment i was in control of my actual character too, not just hanna

I think I found your problems. 


In order to get rid of Nobi, you may have to restart from the Daycare(Not the beginning,but from the Deep woods)  as it could be troublesome for them to leave  otherwise. I had to make a  l change in the char.

Other than that, Update, Weather in Ecruteak should no longer break,and the walkthrough problem has been resolved(even though you couldn't  do it again ,I managed to find it and fix it 😄)
New Update is available.PS:


I found out why the Character is a Biker...


I am going to need to change something and it might take awhile.


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oh something i was curious about: is there some sort of story related reason the MC's mother's pidgeot cant mega evolve while hanna is using it? i have it holding its mega stone but the trigger prompt isnt showing on screen when its in battle despite clearly having the key item to do so

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12 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

oh something i was curious about: is there some sort of story related reason the MC's mother's pidgeot cant mega evolve while hanna is using it? i have it holding its mega stone but the trigger prompt isnt showing on screen when its in battle despite clearly having the key item to do so


Sorry if I didn't kind of make it clear  enough through the story,but  yes. There is a Story-related reason for that, You will see once you continue the story (Although it's probably not explained in Great enough detail. We will get to that later).

 PS: (Somewhat  a spoiler)
I actually planned to give you the Mega stone  during the events of Bell Tower(Which would be after the story had  reached a certain point that you activate it) but I gave it to Hanna Earlier ; However,  due to a Story-related reason,she won't be able to activate it until then. 


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9 minutes ago, Beeze said:
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Sorry if I didn't kind of make it clear  enough through the story,but  yes. There is a Story-related reason for that, You will see once you continue the story (Although it's probably not explained in Great enough detail. We will get to that later).

 PS: (Somewhat  a spoiler)
I actually planned to give you the Mega stone  during the events of Bell Tower(Which would be after the story had  reached a certain point that you activate it) but I gave it to Hanna Earlier ; However,  due to a Story-related reason,she won't be able to activate it until then. 


ah ok, and another thing im not sure if its a bug or intentional but i noticed a good bit that magic bounce wasnt reflecting hazard moves such as stealth rocks and spikes but it still reflects sticky webs and encore........ did you mean for this to happen or was that a bug? cuz magic bounce should be able to reflect any non offensive move

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11 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

ah ok, and another thing im not sure if its a bug or intentional but i noticed a good bit that magic bounce wasnt reflecting hazard moves such as stealth rocks and spikes but it still reflects sticky webs and encore........ did you mean for this to happen or was that a bug? cuz magic bounce should be able to reflect any non offensive move

No, That's not  intentional. I will  check it out. 


Update: Problem Resolved! Magic Bounce should be working properly now ,

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5 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

image.thumb.png.bb9f87bb336414c6e70daf7128af58ca.pnguhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i dont think thats supposed to happen


note it happens to any of my mons if they level up, essentially the ones that have a +- next to them seem to actually be losing the displayed value

Uh oh...something definitley broke... I'm going to have to take a look and see.

What level are your mons?

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34 minutes ago, Beeze said:

Uh oh...something definitley broke... I'm going to have to take a look and see.

What level are your mons?

image.thumb.png.bca817c9117b6cbbb729dba4ef4591f9.pngi have a second emolga there cuz hanna is "borrowing" cherry's (seems during that whole segment when you have to catch the buneary and whatnot as cherry you can send her mons to the PC  and hanna and quite possibly the MC as well can access them)

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9 hours ago, ArcBolt27 said:

image.thumb.png.bca817c9117b6cbbb729dba4ef4591f9.pngi have a second emolga there cuz hanna is "borrowing" cherry's (seems during that whole segment when you have to catch the buneary and whatnot as cherry you can send her mons to the PC  and hanna and quite possibly the MC as well can access them)

Only Hanna can borrow Cherry's Pokemon. The MC has a seperate PC. 


 I Swept away the bug. Make sure that leveling your mons are working fine for me in the next update!

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26 minutes ago, Beeze said:

Only Hanna can borrow Cherry's Pokemon. The MC has a seperate PC. 


 I Swept away the bug. Make sure that leveling your mons are working fine for me in the next update!

yea that seems to work fine now only a new problem seems to have arisen with this specific update: the enemy mons arent taking damage from entry hazards, i know its cause by something in this update cuz last update they were taking hazard damge just fine

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10 minutes ago, ArcBolt27 said:

something i was curious about as of recently: is it possible to play thru the game and not side with bradioc at all?

Yes. You can choose to not side with them at all.  You're not forced to side with them .There are multiple ways the game can go depending on what you choose to do.


Update : Hazard entry problem resolved!

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