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Neo-Reborn League's first Anniversary!


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The new league that uses Pokemon Reborn, the Devolved League, has recently passed its first year of activity! 

It has been a long and tough year for everyone, especially because of the pandemic, but the league was here and the community was always warm and very active while most of our lives were completely frozen by the lockdown.


Most of you probably alredy know what this league is: we are the only current league based on Pokemon Reborn, we have a Gym Leader for each type (and reserve leaders ready to battle in case the main leader is not available), who are allowed to choose the field for the match. The goal of the challengers is to earn 18 badges and defeat the elite 4 to challenge the current Champion!


Despite being the "devolved" league, we keep evolving. All challengers will be given a patch that will solve field-related bugs that could cause desyncs online (like Silvally causing desync on new world due to type randomization) as well as add a few more fields able to spice up the challenge and give a couple, very slight but important balance changes to make some fields more suited to competitive play


This league has not only been able to help us go over the first pandemic wave together, but is also amazing to time us out before the release of e19. The e18 metagame we are currently having, with no legends and some missing megastone/tms/scarf, is truly a gem and I find it much more balanced than most of the metas I've ever played. Of course some pokemon are better than others, but some pokemon that usually see a low amount of use, like Swampert, Silvally or Klefki, here are more than good pokemon. I'll dedicate an entire post to an in-depth metagame analysis to help new challengers in teambuilding


But now, let's talk a bit about what we our programs for the next year:


1) look for more challengers. We want the league to be CHALLENGING and full of talented battlers. There alredy are many strong opponents and literally anyone can pick up their pc and challenge us. Here's how


2) give a complete save file to challengers, with customizable name. It's not anything definitive yet, but I'm giving a sneek peek of our ideas. I can clearly see people thinking "I don't have time to build a full team of competitive pokemon", and indeed making a pokemon team is not a short task, altough Reborn is much friendlier for breeding than canon gen7 games


3) showdown server. We have just started working on it, but I hope we'll be able to deliver as soon as possible a playable showdown server which features Reborn Fields. It would be an incredible upgrade for the meta's playability


4) side activities. We have a very active rp, so you can all have fun with that. We also have a decent amount of Among Us and Minecraft players for those who are interested. Also, we are going to organize some tournaments and side events for those who partecipate in the league.


5) last but not least, meta analysis. I'll gladly help anyone who wants to join but is scared of not knowing what to use. And I'll also write something about the metagame because it is too fun not to


In conclusion, I wanted to celebrate league's anniversary by thanking it for having given us a challenge, a way to time out pandemic and e19's development, and a really friendly community. Thanks guys. Long live the league




Here's the link, JOIN!!

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