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Reborn Chapter 1


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Max woke in a daze, his head still foggy from the blast. He was teleported out of the blast by his Gardevoir at the last second. The local police department arrived and immediately he got to work. "You there form a search party, you set up a parameter, no one enters , you get me a list of all people at the train station." "Just who do you think you are" came a voice from behind. "Maximilian Christian Pokemon World Police, this entire crime scene is under my jurisdiction, can I help you." he said as he showed is trainer card and badge. "Actually yes there was a trainer on board, she came here to take on the Reborn league, but we must have got separated by the blast," said the silver head girl. "Alright on it", Max said as he made a mad dash back into the ruined train station.

The building was in ruins, broken glass lay everywhere, the trains fallen, girders leaning, but no fire? There wasn't a fire and simple logic would say that every time a bomb went off, fire was always to follow, but not now. Max didn't like the feel of the place and just wanted to find the trainer and get out. He ventured deep into the belly of the beast until he came across a lone trainer unconscious. He shook her, a little violently, but she woke quickly. "Are you hurt, any broken bones, yes, no maybe so" She shook her and together the two made a dash for the exit.

Upon leaving the area, the building began to sake violently, without thinking, Max picked up the trainer and sprinted as fast as he could and jumped out the building as it came crumbling down. "Dang haven't ran like that in a while. So how are you?, not hurt I hope." "No I'm fine, thanks for saving me, my name is Alice, I came here to Reborn to take on the league, you?" "Nah, I'm too old for that stuff, besides I'm here for police business, I wish you good luck in your challenge, you might want to go talk to the league organizer to sign up" Max said. He continued with "actually I wouldn't know who was the organizer if they were in front of me. "Actually I'm in front of you, my name is Ame, I'm the manager of the league, all trainers wanting to sign up must go to the community center for registration" "Well there you go, hey wait a second, since your the manager of this place, that would make you the mayor of this city?" "Yes", said Ame. " So tell me, why is that Reborn is in such a bad condition, and why haven't you contacted us earlier?" "We have, but there is a jamming signal, I'm the one who should be mad at you for not checking up on things, and relying on one of your spies to get information" Ame scowled. "Ahahah your right, whew looks like I need a burn heal. Anyways, about the bomb, I must ask do you have any leads on who might have done it?" "Well" said Ame, but was interrupted mid sentence. " DID I HEAR A BOOM?", said a girl who came running down the street very fast. "Well speak of the devil, here she is, that is Julia, Reborn's electric gym leader and demolition expert," Ame said with a little regret. "So your an expert on explosions?" said Max with a hint of doubt in his question. "Yup, I'm the best when it comes to booms and explosives," said Julia. "Then tell me why is there no fire, almost every explosive device causes a fire of some sort, but not here, why?" " Well that is a good question, but I don't know. Hey why the funny looks you guys?" said Julia as Ame gave some what of a dirty look. "Do you think she set of the bomb?" asked Ame. No she doesn't have a reason to have done it. Well back to square one with no leads." said Max. "Well I did see a shady guy running north on my way here," said Julia. "I might have a shot, go Lucario," said Max as his idea unfolded in his head. "Lucario, I want you to sense the area of its auras, find any black ones." "Well I'll be, I'm going after this rat, he shouldn't have gotten to far. I'll take him to the center once I get him," Max declared, and with that began to run down the street. "Alice you should go to the community center, I'll register you into the league and you can begin your challenge," said Ame. " I guess I'll go back to my gym until you guys get some more leads on who did this," and with that they walked away.

End of chapter 1

So yeah wasn't lying when I said I going to attempt to write, probably going to advance the story once every Saturday or Friday.

So did you like the first chapter? please give me some feedback and your thoughts. I also wrote a prologue to explain Max, the main character in this piece.

To prologue


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