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Roleplay Character thread!~


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This is sort of self-explainitory, and in my opinion, needed; if you've got an original character, list it here for reference! Characteristics, appearance, facts, anything that you think people would need to know, really. So have at it, Rebornians; just don't post like seven in a page, if you do edit a post/put more than one IN a post pls

Character Format (Can be edited any way or stuff you want added to it, this is just so you have a general idea)




-Things to Know;

-Roleplay Universe (Places this particular character will be used for!)

do keep in mind to keep the actual roleplay content to threads

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Name: Alvin "Nocturne" Jones

Birthday: Sep. 3 1998

Appearance: Dark, short, messy hair with blue eyes. Wears a black lab coat, silver collared shirt with a blue tie, and a pair of western black jeans. Wears leather cowboy boots and wears a garnet necklace. Has sunglasses. He has light tan skin with a scar across his right cheek and wears a cast around his right arm.

Interesting Facts: Works as a scientist. Gets impatient. Was taught young the sword techniques Iaito, fencing, and Kendo. Always quiet and reserved. Struggled at relationship. Likes wearing coats. Has an inferiority complex. Gets sick of being praised for nothing.

Add more when I feel like it.

Edited by Lunar081
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Name: Eyan Vladimir Nocturne

Birthday: July 19 1988

Appearance: Dark, short, messy hair with blue eyes. Wears a black lab coat, silver collared shirt with a blue tie, and a pair of western black jeans. Wears leather cowboy boots and wears a garnet necklace. Has sunglasses. He has light tan skin with a scar across his right cheek and wears a cast around his right arm.

Interesting Facts: Works as a scientist. Gets impatient. Was taught young the sword techniques Iaito, fencing, and Kendo.

Add more when I feel like it.

Sue Alert! Sue Alert! :o

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-Name; Odin Tosyuko
-Appearance/Characteristics; ..Can I use an image? I'm gonna use an image :D


. With the bow, by the way. Unless, of course, the RP prevents it~.
-Birthday; 21st Dec. 1995
-Things to Know; Odin boasts a very keen eye, and as such is able to scope out detail and very rarely misses shots. She's quiet, but always likes to meet new people, and not afraid to speak her mind or stand up for herself. However, she doesn't respond well to insults. She is very agile and fast, as she used to want to me a gymnast. However, she is not very strong physically, hence why she prefers using bows. She can also speak Japanese~.

Edited by Amaterasu
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Okay i really should do this

and just to let people know i live in the mountain time zone

-Name; Josh Elders(is the generic name i always use)

-Appearance/Characteristics; About 5'10" thin, with light skin and dark blond hair and blue eyes. wears a green hoddie,with a red shirt under it dark blue jeans and black and blue tennis shoes wears blue rim less glasses(bottom of the lens has no rim.

-Birthday;July 20 1990 (or 23 depends when the Rp is set will make younger if need be)

-Things to Know; He is lazy and very sarcastic about thing. he acts like and idiot but is very smart but does just not show it often. He usually is under control of his emotions but sometimes he lets then out usually in anger. can be impulsive at times. likes to sleep and eat sweats.

backstory for Pokemon:Aftermath

Josh was born before the spread of Dawnisum allowing him to spend some of his childhood care free form the worries of current times. That all changed at the age of ten when his father who was considered to be a strong trainer decided to try and stop Dawns rise to power. His father never returned from that attempt. Leaving Josh in the care of his mother, as well as a young Bulbasaur which would one day become his partner. As Josh and the Bulbasaur that became known as Bruiser grew up Josh into one of the strongest trainers around his area due to his intelligence and instinct in battles though he would never kill or severely injuring any person or Pokemon.During that time his home became under attack by a gang of people who calmed that they worked for the Church of Dawn. Josh battle against them and drove them form his home.After he did that he gained followers that grew into a small resistance against the Church of Dawn. Though they where not as big as team Dusk The resistance fought the best they could against it. They really never made any head way as Josh would of preferred only managing to interrupt a few functions of the Church of Dawn that caused some of the people fallowing him to be captured. Those people where eventually broken and reviled things about Josh's resistance including about Josh's mother. Josh disbanded his resistance after the Church of Dawn took his mother away to be never seen again. Josh even though he decided to never get other people involved in his fight still continued to do what he could to mess with the Church of Dawn. He did this by acting like an idiot well he was dealing with them outside of battles so they would not think that he was the trainer causing them the trouble. He would not ever let anyone get close to him in fear that if he did they would come to harm. He joined Team Dusk in hope after he accidentally got involved in one of there conflicts with the Church of Dawn hope because it was made up of powerful trainers they would be able to bring Dawn down form power and return the world back to how he remembered from his early childhood.

will had more as i need to or feel like

Edited by rustytengo
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This is my Pokemon Character for now:

-Name; Anabelle P. Renegald aka Color the Evolutionary Jester, or Jester for short

-Appearance/Characteristics; Yea, she's stuck as my avi picture, but I'll draw official art for her soon. Hot-headed, Impulsive, Loud, Passionate, and of course Flirty

-Birthday; August 15 1993 (Her age changes very slightly depending on the RP)

-Things to Know; Climbing trees, acrobatics, or just keeping active is her favorite passtime. She has seven older brothers, which forces her to struggle for her parent's attention.

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-Name;James Koopa (nickname subkoopa or just sub)

-Appearance/Characteristics;long silver hair little over shoulder length back put into ponytail and bangs parted advantage height and build wears black hoody with white tee under and black jeans

-Birthday;August 20th 1997

-Things to Know;sarcastic, cocky, flirty, likes to swear, sings all the time with meh talent, possible multiple personalitys or schizophrenia

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-Name; Kyoko Yuki

-Appearance/Characteristics; 5' 3'' Thin with pale skin and long silver hair with a green shirt and a long blue skirt. SUPER MOE. She's intelligent but she's shy around new people and even a little to people she already knows.

-Birthday; March 28th, 1994

-Things to Know; Her memory from before she started going off on her own at the age of 16 is a mystery to her, but she's slowly regaining memory every so often. Doesn't remember her parents, any siblings, if any, or her hometown. She has not have many experiences with pokemon but has watched the relationships between them and trainers, for better or for worse.

-Universe; Johto Adventures.

I wish I could think of more things, but my mind doesn't want to think now. I might add a few things on things to know eventually or not at all, who knows?

Edited by personwithbanana9870
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-Name; Orpha Janelle. Orpha for short.
-Appearance/Characteristics; 163cm tall; short bob cut black hair, dyed green; brown eyes; variable wardrobe with a preference for dresses with long skirts, likes wearing Japanese Kimonos despite being of Chinese origin; In Pokemon RPs, wears a simple white button-up blouse with a yellow cardigan and a light blue knee-length skirt. Carries a pink sling bag.
-Birthday; June 12th, 1995
-Things to Know; polite, reserved, enjoys Instrumental music and classic literature. Holds neutral views on almost every issue. She LOVES Whimsicotts. Her mother died 3 years ago pushing her out of the way of a car in a hit-and-run. Her father then became withdrawn and pained. So she ran away from home 2 years ago to escape everything. Currently staying with her lover friend Eve.

Note: In some universes, may suffer from an inferiority complex, if I feel it could fit the storyline. For the Johto Adventures RP, this is the case; but she loses the complex when near familiar people. She reverts to holding this complex once she meets new people though.

Edited by Acquiescence
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-Name: Jake Lucas

-Appearance/Characteristics: 6'3" lanky man with messy orange hair, heavily freckled, and starting to show signs of male pattern baldness, despite his young age. Likes wearing casual clothes, even in his workplace, usually with some sort of sarcastic message on his t-shirt. This would usually get someone fired, if it weren't for the fact that he's just good enough at said job to get away with it, and that he's usually not involved in stuff where he has to deal with people.

-Birthday: June 25th 1990

-Things to Know: He's a computer engineer who pretty much got left with 3 people's work after the company he works for downsized to save money. Stubborn and a little arrogant, he's usually polite to people who don't piss him off. Though, there's something a little off with him... He has an older half-brother who he has not heard word of in years...

Note: This is a complete redesign of a character I used to roleplay on another forum. That one was a Marty Stu through and through because he was based on a version of me. This one is clearly much more interesting.

EDIT: -Roleplay universe: Any in which a Computer Engineer is a viable job. He is nearly a universal constant.

Edited by NeoDarklight
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Name: Lewis Walker.

Appearance/Characteristics: 28.png Wears a white zip-up jersey with a Yellow and white striped tee underneath. Wears black jogging bottoms and plain white sneakers.

Birthday: 13'th of April, 1992.

Things to know: Thick Scottish accent, obsessed with computers and the internet in general. A very dedicated gamer. Proficient in Boxing, kick-boxing, use of blunt weaponry and Bartitsu. An excellent detective.

haha wow this turned out like shit

Any character flaws?

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Name; Jory Robertson

Appearance: Jory has straight light brown/blond hair that goes only slightly over his ears and doesn't get below chin level in the back, blue eyes, freckles, and a prominent but not overly large nose. He is about 5'9" and 145 pounds. Slim, but manages to look athletic. Tends to favor t-shirts (usually a cyan or orange shallow v-neck) and slim-cut jeans with Converse sneakers. He carries a forest-green backpack and sometimes wears black aviators with silver frames. When it gets cold, he wears a black peacoat, his jeans, and an orange scarf.

Birthday: 28th of September, 1995

Things to know: No particular accent, but definitely from the Northeastern US. Loves to mess around when it's appropriate, but generally has a good sense of responsibility and sound judgement. Proficient in sambo, judo, and muay thai. Intelligent and with a dry sense of humor, but very personable. A bit of a thinker and likes to see himself as somewhat of a philosopher. Definitely has trouble picking up on sarcasm sometimes and can become lonely and/or depressed at times.

Edited by Jory
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**-Name: Kurohana

**-Appearance/Characteristics: A Mawile that can use the move Psychic and speak telepathically.

**-Birthday: Doesn't fully "get" human calendars or understand why they celebrate birthdays. Doesn't know her own anyway so...

**-Things to Know: She was caught by a trainer before, but she felt he was an epic moron so she left. She's been able to use the move Psychic and speak with telepathy ever

since she bit the crap out of a Ralts during an argument over Persim berries.

On that note, she's addicted to Persim berries.

She likes to get into fights, even if she gets her butt handed to her, and wont hesitate to pop out of nowhere and attack trainers, other Pokemon, or people's lunch. Outside of batting, she's mostly agreeable (sarcastic sense of humor tho) unless you try to catch her. Since she's been caught before, Pokeballs don't work on her, and her original

trainer made her think poorly of the idea of having any trainer at all. (For anyone who did the Pokemon type test on this site, think Elliot but even dumber.)

Also, even though she hates her original trainer, she still uses the nickname he gave her; Kurohana.

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Kamenwati "Skull" Khentempri



Hair color: Long Black with bangs; his hair stops at the middle of his back

Eye color: Orange that turns yellow as you near the pupils.

Physical Description: Skull's build is muscular, yet slender and lithe. His skin is pure white, and a few battle scars are visible here and there. Skull wears a long black cloak, usually only putting the hood up in fights. Beneath the cloak, he wears a tattered dark grey T-shirt. Skull also wears a pair of baggy black pants and a pair of black combat boots.

Skull Khentempri is a very Sadistic person. He enjoys watching people writhe in agony and despair, and eventually die. He tends to come off as a loner, unless someone goes out of their way to stir up a conversation. To those he does converse with, he comes off as extremely arrogant and egotistical. He rarely tries to hide his vampiric nature and sometimes even encourages people's belief in vampires, just to see if they'll break out in fear. Skull loves playing with peoples' heads, toying with them almost constantly. His mood tends to be rather violent, swinging from one emotion to the other on a whim. He is manipulative, even to go so far as to seduce both women and men away for his dark purposes. Mercy is a foreign concept to Skull.

Skull Khentempri is a skilled necromancer, telepath, and Serpentine shape-shifter.

History: Skull was once a human named Kamenwati, which is ancient Egyptian for "Dark Rebel". In fact, he grew up in ancient Egypt. With the king of thieves for a father and a necromancer for a mother, he had a rough childhood. As a child, his parents taught him the arts of thievery and Necromancy. When he was seven, a gang of bounty hunters found his parents and brought them before the Pharaoh. His parents were executed and Skull was forced into slavery to the Pharaoh. When he was fourteen, he escaped and became the next king of thieves himself. One day, when he was nineteen, he got careless and was caught stealing from the former pharaoh's tomb and thrown into the Royal dungeon. While awaiting his execution, he got to know a vampire named Xenodice in the next cell over. The vampire admired Skull's reputation as a thief, and offered him immortality. He accepted, and Xenodice turned him into a vampire. When he was escorted to the throne room, he managed to get away from the guards and killed the Pharaoh with his bare hands. He took the lives of five more guards and three innocent bystanders in a terrible newborn
blood frenzy before he escaped the palace with a few scratches and a huge gash wound in his shoulder. Shortly after his sire left him and he returned to his hideout, his following of mortal thieves turned on him out of fear and knocked him into torpor (A long death-like state that some vampires never wake up from). They put him in a coffin in an old underground shrine dedicated to Set, an Egyptian God, (Also in Vtm, the founder of Clan Setite) which is where he stayed for the next two-thousand years. Sometime later in one-thousand B.C., an unknown outside force awakened him. After going into a frenzy in front of a large group of mortals from not feeding for so long, he was forced to flee into the North. Finding himself in medieval Europe, he was updated on the new world from a group of other vampires and remained there for the next few centuries. Sometime later he moved to the new world, aka America. He adopted the name Skull shortly afterwards to avoid vampire slayers, and hates it when people use his mortal name.


+ He has recently learned that the Devil was in possession of his father the night he was conceived, making him the son of Satan in spirit. (Which would explain why certain demons, such as his servants Hesha, Dante, and Vykos, all feel inherent fidelity towards him.) Demon characters need not share this loyalty if the roleplayer does not want them to.

Kamenwati's Mortalhood
--Retold by Skull

"Let me tell you a story, childe...Back in ancient Egypt, there was a young maiden named Sheriti. Sheriti came from a powerful line of necromancers, and was married to Raia, who was the Thief King of Egypt."

"Now then, they had three lovely children together, two males and a girl. But Sheriti was unsatisfied, as all three of her children were born without the gift of necromancy. She wanted so badly to bring a child with powerful magic into the world, to continue her family's legacy. But necromancy, even today, is a rare gift. There is only a twenty five percent chance of a child from a pure necromantic bloodline to be born with the gift, and even less if the child is born to a family with one non-magical parent. And Sheriti's biological clock was ticking; she had to have a necromantic child, and fast.

"Instead of leaving it up to chance, Sheriti performed a spell upon her husband Raia in his sleep, and summoned forth Resh'khet, the God of black magic, onto this earthly plane using Raia as vessel. Sheriti pleaded with the evil god, begging him to bless her with a powerful child necromancer to carry on her bloodline, and Resh'Khet agreed to give her her desire, in exchange for her very soul when she shuffled off the mortal coil. Without much consideration, she agreed, and they consumated their pact with the sins of the flesh that night."

"The next morning, Raia was thrilled when Sheriti told him that she was with child. However, over the course of her pregnancy, Sheriti's mental health slowly deteriorated as the infant grew within her. She found herself with odd cravings for blood and flesh, and she would frequently lick the cuts her husband sustained in his thieving endeavors. She would toss and turn at night, gruesome, horrific images of the utter slaughter of innocents plaguing her dreams every time she fell asleep.

"She began hallucinating during the day as well; demonic, unholy visions of black jackals with glowing gold eyes hounded her from out in the desert, and the waters in the well they drew sustenance from turned to blood. She would occasionally grow faint and pass out, her body ice cold in the desert heat. When she was about five months along, Sheriti began to have bad feelings about the child she was carrying; she was sure that the thing growing inside of her was purest of evil. But neither Raia nor her children would listen, and they even started to take turns watching her every night after she attempted to cut the baby out of her stomach with her husband's dagger."

"The pain she experienced during child birth was unlike any mother before her, but she survived the excruciating agony. As she lay on her bed while her husband was out cleaning the newborn of blood, she began to put aside her worries and nightmares, attributing them merely to the stress of her pregnancy. Raia let her hold the infant in her arms, and that's when the fear came back to her.

"Looking down at her new necromantic infant, she could see that it's eyes were already wide open, pale grey eyes staring up at her; a common color for a necromancer. But there was something off about them; something not quite human about the way they penetrated her mind and bore into her soul. Sheriti would never find out, but during the summoning ritual for Resh'Khet, she had accidently painted a single symbol differently, and had mispronounced a single word. But that was all it took to make the difference; she had not summoned Resh'Khet, she had summoned Lucifer, the Morning star, Satan himself. The child she held in her arms was not a gift from the gods; it was a curse from hell.

"Sheriti named her son Kamenwati, meaning "Dark rebel", and raised him as her own, ignoring the unease she felt whenever looking at her precious child. The boy was a prodigy in the black arts, quickly learning more than what Sheriti could have ever have taught him about necromancy. While most four year old necromancers were still getting used to seeing ghosts and holding mere conversations with them, Kamenwati was already developing his necromantic aura and bending whole skeletons to his will like puppets; a feat usually accomplished by intermediate necromancers who were mostly in their preteen years.

"He also wasn't too bad of a thief; he could easily snatch his parent's possessions without them realizing it, such as Sheriti's jewelry and Raia's stolen goods, like gems and jewel-encrusted blades. However, The young boy never seemed to be as interested and completely entranced in playing with his siblings or stealing small objects as he was in studying the black arts.

"And this was what troubled Sheriti. For you see, necromancy is a dangerous school of magic; there is always a chance that a bound spirit will break free from a novice's control and kill or possess the young necromancer, or for even the most advanced necromancers to become utterly consumed by their own dark power and become a living gateway for demons and such. The easiest way to ensure that a necromancer remains above the influence of the magics he possesses is to make sure that he spends most of his time and keeps his thoughts away from the black magic he wields. And young Kamenwati was practicing the black arts all the time, even delving too deep for a mere mortal into his studies, becoming obsessed with controlling the very beings that ruled the underworld instead of the mere bodies and souls of the departed that lived there.

"But unfortunately, Sheriti was executed by the pharaoh's decree when the young boy was seven, alongside the child's father, for being wanted criminals, and Kamenwati's siblings soon followed over time in the dungeons of the palace. By some stroke of luck, or by some evil god's dark will, Kamenwati was the only survivor of his family, and managed to escape out into the desert.

"By the age of thirteen, in his unquenchable thirst for power, Kamenwati was already manipulating the wills of lesser demonic implings that wandered the first circle of hell, long before God was even known to mortal man. Without the guidance of his "good" human mother and morals, the young child of the devil soon began to branch out in his evil ways, losing his innocence to a harem dancer when he was fifteen. He would gamble his ill gotten gains in the sleaziest of bars, and seemed to win far more than he lost, perhaps to his infernal influence, or because he was skilled at cheating without anyone finding out.

"With his thieving family background and the skills his father had taught him before he passed, Kamenwati soon became the next king of thieves. Parents would threaten their children, saying that Kamenwati the thief lord would come into their bedrooms at night and cut them open with a knife if they misbehaved, or kidnap them and take them to his chamber of tortures where they would never see their loved ones again. It was rumored that Kamenwati could steal anything, from gems to souls. He even robbed tombs of former pharaohs from the Valley of the Kings; an act of sacrilege so vile that not even his father had dared to even think about committing. He quickly became Egypt's most wanted, his beautifully evil mug on every wanted scroll around the city.

"But unfortunately, Kamenwati's reign of terror would end on the people of Egypt, as one day he slipped up while attempting to steal some precious rubies and was caught by the pharaoh's guards at age nineteen. While waiting his death in the dungeons below the palace, he was met with a strange visitor promising him eternal life. Kamenwati died that night; and was reborn as a fifth generation Setite.

"He slaughtered Pharaoh Kambythet--the same pharaoh that killed his family--and several more soldiers along the way as he escaped into the night, never to be heard from the mortal populace ever again, save the few mostly unbelievable rumors that he continued to steal and slaughter from the grave.

" Several centuries later, when his name no longer struck fear into the hearts of the English speaking masses and was only really known by vampire slayers and diablorists, Kamenwati Khentempri changed his name to Skull...And alas, here I stand before you today."

So yeah, don't steal it and stuff...It's a little PG13...

Edited by Skullkin
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Kamenwati "Skull" Khentempri



Hair color: Long Black with bangs; his hair stops at the middle of his back

Eye color: Orange that turns yellow as you near the pupils.

Physical Description: Skull's build is muscular, yet slender and lithe. His skin is pure white, and a few battle scars are visible here and there. Skull wears a long black cloak, usually only putting the hood up in fights. Beneath the cloak, he wears a tattered dark grey T-shirt. Skull also wears a pair of baggy black pants and a pair of black combat boots.

Skull Khentempri is a very Sadistic person. He enjoys watching people writhe in agony and despair, and eventually die. He tends to come off as a loner, unless someone goes out of their way to stir up a conversation. To those he does converse with, he comes off as extremely arrogant and egotistical. He rarely tries to hide his vampiric nature and sometimes even encourages people's belief in vampires, just to see if they'll break out in fear. Skull loves playing with peoples' heads, toying with them almost constantly. His mood tends to be rather violent, swinging from one emotion to the other on a whim. He is manipulative, even to go so far as to seduce both women and men away for his dark purposes. Mercy is a foreign concept to Skull.

Skull Khentempri is a skilled necromancer, telepath, and Serpentine shape-shifter.

History: Skull was once a human named Kamenwati, which is ancient Egyptian for "Dark Rebel". In fact, he grew up in ancient Egypt. With the king of thieves for a father and a necromancer for a mother, he had a rough childhood. As a child, his parents taught him the arts of thievery and Necromancy. When he was seven, a gang of bounty hunters found his parents and brought them before the Pharaoh. His parents were executed and Skull was forced into slavery to the Pharaoh. When he was fourteen, he escaped and became the next king of thieves himself. One day, when he was nineteen, he got careless and was caught stealing from the former pharaoh's tomb and thrown into the Royal dungeon. While awaiting his execution, he got to know a vampire named Xenodice in the next cell over. The vampire admired Skull's reputation as a thief, and offered him immortality. He accepted, and Xenodice turned him into a vampire. When he was escorted to the throne room, he managed to get away from the guards and killed the Pharaoh with his bare hands. He took the lives of five more guards and three innocent bystanders in a terrible newborn

blood frenzy before he escaped the palace with a few scratches and a huge gash wound in his shoulder. Shortly after his sire left him and he returned to his hideout, his following of mortal thieves turned on him out of fear and knocked him into torpor (A long death-like state that some vampires never wake up from). They put him in a coffin in an old underground shrine dedicated to Set, an Egyptian God, (Also in Vtm, the founder of Clan Setite) which is where he stayed for the next two-thousand years. Sometime later in one-thousand B.C., an unknown outside force awakened him. After going into a frenzy in front of a large group of mortals from not feeding for so long, he was forced to flee into the North. Finding himself in medieval Europe, he was updated on the new world from a group of other vampires and remained there for the next few centuries. Sometime later he moved to the new world, aka America. He adopted the name Skull shortly afterwards to avoid vampire slayers, and hates it when people use his mortal name.


+ He has recently learned that the Devil was in possession of his father the night he was conceived, making him the son of Satan in spirit. (Which would explain why certain demons, such as his servants Hesha, Dante, and Vykos, all feel inherent fidelity towards him.) Demon characters need not share this loyalty if the roleplayer does not want them to.

Kamenwati's Mortalhood

--Retold by Skull

"Let me tell you a story, childe...Back in ancient Egypt, there was a young maiden named Sheriti. Sheriti came from a powerful line of necromancers, and was married to Raia, who was the Thief King of Egypt."

"Now then, they had three lovely children together, two males and a girl. But Sheriti was unsatisfied, as all three of her children were born without the gift of necromancy. She wanted so badly to bring a child with powerful magic into the world, to continue her family's legacy. But necromancy, even today, is a rare gift. There is only a twenty five percent chance of a child from a pure necromantic bloodline to be born with the gift, and even less if the child is born to a family with one non-magical parent. And Sheriti's biological clock was ticking; she had to have a necromantic child, and fast.

"Instead of leaving it up to chance, Sheriti performed a spell upon her husband Raia in his sleep, and summoned forth Resh'khet, the God of black magic, onto this earthly plane using Raia as vessel. Sheriti pleaded with the evil god, begging him to bless her with a powerful child necromancer to carry on her bloodline, and Resh'Khet agreed to give her her desire, in exchange for her very soul when she shuffled off the mortal coil. Without much consideration, she agreed, and they consumated their pact with the sins of the flesh that night."

"The next morning, Raia was thrilled when Sheriti told him that she was with child. However, over the course of her pregnancy, Sheriti's mental health slowly deteriorated as the infant grew within her. She found herself with odd cravings for blood and flesh, and she would frequently lick the cuts her husband sustained in his thieving endeavors. She would toss and turn at night, gruesome, horrific images of the utter slaughter of innocents plaguing her dreams every time she fell asleep.

"She began hallucinating during the day as well; demonic, unholy visions of black jackals with glowing gold eyes hounded her from out in the desert, and the waters in the well they drew sustenance from turned to blood. She would occasionally grow faint and pass out, her body ice cold in the desert heat. When she was about five months along, Sheriti began to have bad feelings about the child she was carrying; she was sure that the thing growing inside of her was purest of evil. But neither Raia nor her children would listen, and they even started to take turns watching her every night after she attempted to cut the baby out of her stomach with her husband's dagger."

"The pain she experienced during child birth was unlike any mother before her, but she survived the excruciating agony. As she lay on her bed while her husband was out cleaning the newborn of blood, she began to put aside her worries and nightmares, attributing them merely to the stress of her pregnancy. Raia let her hold the infant in her arms, and that's when the fear came back to her.

"Looking down at her new necromantic infant, she could see that it's eyes were already wide open, pale grey eyes staring up at her; a common color for a necromancer. But there was something off about them; something not quite human about the way they penetrated her mind and bore into her soul. Sheriti would never find out, but during the summoning ritual for Resh'Khet, she had accidently painted a single symbol differently, and had mispronounced a single word. But that was all it took to make the difference; she had not summoned Resh'Khet, she had summoned Lucifer, the Morning star, Satan himself. The child she held in her arms was not a gift from the gods; it was a curse from hell.

"Sheriti named her son Kamenwati, meaning "Dark rebel", and raised him as her own, ignoring the unease she felt whenever looking at her precious child. The boy was a prodigy in the black arts, quickly learning more than what Sheriti could have ever have taught him about necromancy. While most four year old necromancers were still getting used to seeing ghosts and holding mere conversations with them, Kamenwati was already developing his necromantic aura and bending whole skeletons to his will like puppets; a feat usually accomplished by intermediate necromancers who were mostly in their preteen years.

"He also wasn't too bad of a thief; he could easily snatch his parent's possessions without them realizing it, such as Sheriti's jewelry and Raia's stolen goods, like gems and jewel-encrusted blades. However, The young boy never seemed to be as interested and completely entranced in playing with his siblings or stealing small objects as he was in studying the black arts.

"And this was what troubled Sheriti. For you see, necromancy is a dangerous school of magic; there is always a chance that a bound spirit will break free from a novice's control and kill or possess the young necromancer, or for even the most advanced necromancers to become utterly consumed by their own dark power and become a living gateway for demons and such. The easiest way to ensure that a necromancer remains above the influence of the magics he possesses is to make sure that he spends most of his time and keeps his thoughts away from the black magic he wields. And young Kamenwati was practicing the black arts all the time, even delving too deep for a mere mortal into his studies, becoming obsessed with controlling the very beings that ruled the underworld instead of the mere bodies and souls of the departed that lived there.

"But unfortunately, Sheriti was executed by the pharaoh's decree when the young boy was seven, alongside the child's father, for being wanted criminals, and Kamenwati's siblings soon followed over time in the dungeons of the palace. By some stroke of luck, or by some evil god's dark will, Kamenwati was the only survivor of his family, and managed to escape out into the desert.

"By the age of thirteen, in his unquenchable thirst for power, Kamenwati was already manipulating the wills of lesser demonic implings that wandered the first circle of hell, long before God was even known to mortal man. Without the guidance of his "good" human mother and morals, the young child of the devil soon began to branch out in his evil ways, losing his innocence to a harem dancer when he was fifteen. He would gamble his ill gotten gains in the sleaziest of bars, and seemed to win far more than he lost, perhaps to his infernal influence, or because he was skilled at cheating without anyone finding out.

"With his thieving family background and the skills his father had taught him before he passed, Kamenwati soon became the next king of thieves. Parents would threaten their children, saying that Kamenwati the thief lord would come into their bedrooms at night and cut them open with a knife if they misbehaved, or kidnap them and take them to his chamber of tortures where they would never see their loved ones again. It was rumored that Kamenwati could steal anything, from gems to souls. He even robbed tombs of former pharaohs from the Valley of the Kings; an act of sacrilege so vile that not even his father had dared to even think about committing. He quickly became Egypt's most wanted, his beautifully evil mug on every wanted scroll around the city.

"But unfortunately, Kamenwati's reign of terror would end on the people of Egypt, as one day he slipped up while attempting to steal some precious rubies and was caught by the pharaoh's guards at age nineteen. While waiting his death in the dungeons below the palace, he was met with a strange visitor promising him eternal life. Kamenwati died that night; and was reborn as a fifth generation Setite.

"He slaughtered Pharaoh Kambythet--the same pharaoh that killed his family--and several more soldiers along the way as he escaped into the night, never to be heard from the mortal populace ever again, save the few mostly unbelievable rumors that he continued to steal and slaughter from the grave.

" Several centuries later, when his name no longer struck fear into the hearts of the English speaking masses and was only really known by vampire slayers and diablorists, Kamenwati Khentempri changed his name to Skull...And alas, here I stand before you today."

So yeah, don't steal it and stuff...It's a little PG13...

Needs more depth imo. Too one-dimensional. Just my opinion, no need to heed it.

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-Appearance/Characteristics;6.0 Feet. Thin with black-brown-ish hair. Somewhat think Glasses. Brown Eyes.

-Birthday;June 20th 2000

-Things to Know;Plays lots and lots if Video games an does other nerdy stuff like watching cartoons and eating cheese. And most of all Shiny Hunting. His most loved games are Fire Emblem Awaking. Chrono Trigger. Kid Icarus Uprising. Pokemon Black And White 2. And Plants Vs. Zombies.

Edited by rotomfan63
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Name: Rino Kasari

Appearance/Characteristics: 5'8", Blonde hair, Purple eyes, Headphones, basing it off of this:


Birthday: August 5, 1996

Things To Know: Was sent away to an orphanage by his parents at birth, found with an mp3 player and a pair of headphones too big for him at the time. Grew up fighting with most of the other orphans and was often put isolated by the caretaker, even though that was his attempt at trying to make friends. Became calmer as a teenager, a fast learner, and relies on logic to solve things, but has trouble taking the initiative. Speedy and light-footed, but completely lazy. Loves a challenge that he can learn from and gain experience. Wants to develop a strong sense of friendship with the right person or people, but is scared that if he does, he might lose it eventually so generally avoids being more than close acquaintances with them. Always has headphone on listening to anything except country and ignores most people except the ones he finds interesting. Has grown accustomed to reading lips because of this. Usually patient, but quick to change his mind which can be bad or good depending on the situation. Not really masochistic, but enjoys pain to a certain point that his body has been used to handling.

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Original Post was updated with a new thing you should consider adding to your characters if you already haven't; the universes they can be in! It's more of a personal organizing thing for you, but it's always good~

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Gonna use my own format; it covers everything in the OP and more. Warning, this may be one hell of a read. I'll edit this post later and add other characters.

Fallout Character: Note, I can also fit her in various sci-fi verses such as Halo or anything post apocalypse.

:Character Summary:

Basic Information

Name: Sumiko Iverson

Nickname(s): Sumi, FEV Reject, Monster, Subject 214, Angel

Physical Age: 22 Years

Actual Age: 200+, Pre-War

Gender: Female

Species: Mutated Human

Ethnicity: Caucasian

Sexual Orientation: She prefers a woman's touch. Though, she won't discriminate.

Relationship Status: Uncaring

Vices: Wrath, Despair, Envy, Desire

Virtues: Loyalty, Courage, Altruism, Justice

Alignment: Chaotic Good

Faction: Independent

Character Archetype(s): Heroine, Kuudere

Religious Ground: Atheist

Miscellaneous Talents: Sumiko is a Musician of Some Talent and Can Play Virtually Any Kind of Stringed Instrument, Also to Compliment Her Inhuman Grace She Has Years of Ballet and Formal Dance Under Her Belt. Though, She is Not Fond of Others Knowing About These Talents.

Physical Description

Eyes: Soft, However Experienced, Glimmering Amethyst

Hair Color/Style: Strawberry Blonde, Swept Back, Shoulder Length or Shorter.

Skin Tone: Fair Caucasian


Build: Slender, Well Toned Form, Light Muscularity Visible.

Bust Size: 34B

Measurements: 34B-24-35

Height: 5' 7"

Markings/Etc.: Sumiko's Entire Body is Subject to Minor Scarring, However Her Most Noticable Scar is a Jagged Scar Along Her Spine.

:About Sumiko:

Psychological Summary

Sumiko, at heart has a gentle yet resolute nature. However, she often conceals her true nature behind a wall of stoicism. She has a "Heart of Gold" and is disgusted at the sight of others being abused by their "betters." Witnessing such will often set her off on a war path to bring an end to it. Whether or not this is purely to protect the weak, or out of hatred for those who abuse them is unclear.

Her greatest soft spot is for children, being willing to place her life on the line to protect a them. Her motivation is simply to give them a chance at a life she never had. Well, the best life possible in a nuclear wasteland.

Her lonesome past as a test subject is a major part of her tendency to shut others out, she is often reluctant to grow attached to others and thus is subject to not remaining in the same place for an extended period of time. She wanders the wasteland, having no intention of finding her 'place' or making her mark. She is a ghost, guided purely by what she feels as right.

Getting close to Sumiko is a challenge due to her reclusive nature, seeking a relationship of any sort with her is a very challenging path to tread that requires a level of persistence. She has an innate fear of others getting too close to her, believing that they will only get hurt or reject her once they know of what she is.

Finally, her knowledge of social graces is... Limited, so she at times will even show a lack of understanding in situations that an average human would see as normal. Her time cut off from humanity outside of those who see her as nothing more than an experiment has vastly affected the way she interacts with others.

Other Notable Information

What is Sumiko?: Sumiko is a former test subject of the FEV project. You know, the Forced Evolution Virus, the thing that created those hulking green and yellow monsters that exist throughout the wasteland? Only, Sumiko was subject to a very unique strain. Her physical changes were not that drastic, as a matter of fact she looks like any other human of the wasteland.

What changed within her, was more at an inner level. Her mutation allowed for various changes within her body, affecting everything from her muscle and bone structure to even her brain. Though, not typically as powerful as an actual Super Mutant Sumiko is capable of exhibiting strength far beyond that of a human being. Having maintained her size and shape she is also capable of inhuman levels of speed, dexterity, flexibility and agility that Super Mutants are incapable of exhibiting due to their cumbersome nature.

Not only this, but she possesses a regenerative ability and a great level of endurance. However, all of this comes at a price of sorts. Due to the many changes to her DNA, her blood and overall body composition differ from normal human beings. The greatest change being that she is incapable of naturally producing Hemoglobin, and must have blood transfusions on a regular basis or risk dying. In addition to this, whenever she consumes human blood her regenerative ability improves to the level of her wounds healing almost instantaneously. It turns out, she also does not age. Her cells, even her brain cells consistently regenerate and repair themselves. Thankfully, not at the same level of the muties. Her cells regenerate and repair, at precisely the perfect equilibrium, meaning Sumiko is technically immortal.

She is, by all means the most successful result of the FEV project, exhibiting little to no physical mutation. Which, is why it was such a loss for the Enclave when she escaped from their clutches. At the cost of a life, however... The only person Sumiko truly held dear to her, an Enclave Scientist by the name of Alice... She was Sumiko's only solace during her time in that facility... Decades of her life, wasted away... But, now she is free.

In addition to all of these extra goodies, she did not inherit the Super Mutant resistance to radiation. And, thus must remain as cautious as the every day waster. She must also eat food and consume water like a typical human being, as a matter of fact her metabolism is significantly higher than that of a normal human being. Meaning, she must consume even more food to stay alive. Aside from that, unlike the other Super Mutants she has a clearly defined gender. However, she has also been rendered sterile by the experiments.

Sadly, as a result of her mutation Sumiko has no memory of her time before she was brought in to the Enclave Facility. She only knows her name due to having read her medical reports from her time in the facility. So, all she really goes on is with what she feels to be right. The things... Alice had taught her.

Bluntly speaking, yes Sumiko is Pre-War. However, all that can really be gathered about her past life is that she was a talented musician of sorts; slated for residence in Vault 92. Luckily for her, she was far too stubborn to want to be cooped up in a metal box for the remainder of her life. Unluckily for her, however, she found herself in the Enclave's "Care" not long before the bombs fell.

Sumiko is curious about the Pre-War world, even more so about her own life. In the right places, one can even find posters displaying the girl and her talents. Sumiko, has found such a place, and it has greatly piqued her interest ever since. She holds a high level of interest for the Vaults, given they are some of the few pieces of Pre-War civilization still in existence.

Skills: Sumiko's greatest strength, lies with her hand-to-hand combat. She is trained in various forms of Martial Arts, her most prominent being a hybrid of Russian Combat Sambo and Muai Thai. Her ability to kill with her hands is far greater than her ability to kill with any weapon. Sumiko tends to avoid conflict unless she sees it being completely necessary, she will often flee from an assault if blood shed is avoidable. She dislikes drawing attention to her presence unless a statement is to be made.

Aside from her unarmed capabilities, she is also a rather skilled marksman. Though, she prefers to handle smaller weapons and rifles. She is known to carry a handgun with her at times.

Sumiko is a master of the art of stealth, and is a master of lockpicking. However, she lacks a great deal of knowledge in the technological area and will sooner cave a door or safe in than bother hacking the electronic lock.

Sumiko's scientific knowledge is greater than that of the average person, however this lies mostly in the area of Chemistry and Biology. She is capable of constructing various weapons and chemical concoctions at a moment's notice. Though, lacking the formal training of most doctors Sumiko is also capable of performing non-complex operations. She is also a master of repair, though this stems from her natural curiosity and perception of how things work. Jury Rigging, is honestly something natural to her.

Her Perception in general is her most powerful trait, being able to predict the movements of others and being constantly aware of her surroundings. She is perceptive enough to notice even the subtle shimmer of a Stealth Boy in use.

:Other Important Information:

Level: 50(NV) 25(F3)

Karma: Good, Messiah

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: Strength 9, Perception 10, Endurance 8, Charisma 1, Intelligence 8, Agility 9, Luck 5

TAG!: Sneak, Lockpick, Guns (Small Guns For Other Fallout Games.), Unarmed

[Perks With an Asterisk(*) Are a Result of Sumiko's Mutation.]

Perks: Black Widow, Cherchez le Femme, *Friend of the Night, *Cannibal/Hematophage, Travel Light, Hand Loader, Jury Rigging, Silent Running, *Toughness, *Strong Back, *Burden to Bear, Super Slam, Terrifying Presence, Finesse, Long Haul, *Chem Resistant, Tag!, Weapon Handling, Ninja, *Slayer, *Swift Learner, *Retention, *Comprehension, Light Touch, Light Step.

Traits: Good Natured, Skilled

Weapons on Hand: Boxing Tape, Hope (Sumiko's Customized .45 Auto Pistol)

Misc. Notes: Sumiko is immune to all Chems, including Stimpacks as a result of her mutation.

:Character Image:

-All Images I Post are Photshopped Edits by Myself of Other Images, Because Frankly I Have NO Artist Skill-


Edited by Nutcase
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-Roleplay Universe: Johto Adventure RP

-Name: Brady Holton

-Appearance/Characteristics: Being a full grown man Brady stands at about 6'2" and is a bit underweight, only being in the 150lbs. Being a scrawny mofo, Brady has a rather shaggy head of dirty blonde hair and a short beard that grows out the longer he doesn't shave. Brady has a rather plain face with nothing to draw too much attention aside from some freckles. His lack of corrective lenses don't really draw attention to his brown eyes either. He generally wears a dark brown and light tan striped hoodie over a solid colored t-shirt, jeans (generally dirty or dirty looking), and some old brown shoes. He has a black backpack he has all his adventure gear and trainer stuff.

-Birthday October 14th, 1992

-Things to Know: Was basically kicked out and with nothing to his name nor a profession lined up, Brady along with his pet Growlithe Scruffy, are about to face the wild world of pokemon training... 10 years late.

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(this character is more for non medieval or futuristic roleplays)

Name:Warthok Cronus (yeah im not good with names)


Appearance:in the age of a 17 year old,he have black short hair and white skin and is really thin,he wears a black hoodie and long black pants and a gasmask to hide his face

birthday:21th february 1996

Things to know:he is a nice person but he is really shy,he rarely talk with people or take his mask out,he never enjoys to talk about himself or his past or why he uses the mask,although the mask have a big importance to him

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