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need help reborn episode 18 fight for agate city


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greetings everyone
so i open reborn again after a long time and progress for the story until i face the consecutive battles in front of the pulse hypno

how is everyone's fare againts them?
i only managed to push until the third battle againts ????? and ????? double battle
but then it is not really a successful run cause i wasted some valuable items

is there any tips or hint for this?
a strategy or what mon to use

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I suggest you focus on one of the trainer, if you can defeat the entire trainer while surviving with at last 2 Pokémon it becomes 2vs1 and don't lose any pokemon in the first ???? Battle so you have a full healed team in the double battle after that

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I second the previous comment. Leave the pokemon with the weaker attack alive. For the first battle that would be Ribombee, for the third it's Clefairy, but it also kinda depends on who your team is worse at dealing with. If you are faster than Ninetales, try knocking it out before it can set up Aurora Veil, but if the Clefairy's Thunder Wave is causing you more problems, take out the Clefairy's side.

It also helps a lot to weaken the attack or paralyze the pokemon you are not attacking so that they occasionally skip a turn.

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On 10/25/2020 at 7:29 PM, BonusStage said:

a strategy or what mon to use

Mega Aerodactyl + Excadrill can take out the first double battle. Spam Rock Slide and Earthquake mostly. 


Put Mega Aerodactyl first so that it can lead for the second battle and deal with Weavile. 


The same pair can take on most opponents in the third battle.

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