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Mon needed for a sun team


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So i was playing through reborn i beat the second gym go into the jasper ward and catch a fromantis, thats when it hits me i want to make a sun team so with that i need suggestions on what mons to catch for said team and if possible tell me where.


Btw i have a contray servine for my starter

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One thing you'll definitely want is a Ninetales for its Drought ability, so be sure to find all the police officers and hope you get lucky with a Vulpix. If you don't get super lucky with a Vulpix then be sure to catch a Stunfisk once you get to Apophyll Beach, you'll need it for later.


Torkoal also gets Drought so you can get one of those too, but it isn't available until much later in the game.

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Also, in case you don't get Vulpix, try getting the TM Sunny Day as soon as possible. I will try not to spoiler too much:

At one point in the game, when you get to Lapis Ward (after your third gym battle), you will meet 2 groups and have to choose between one of them. I am sure you will understand which one to choose when you get there 😉

You won't get the TM immediately though, you first need to do some quests for them before you get it.

Edited by Edo
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Cherrim and Castform are your earliest sources of Sunny Day. Cherubi can be found in Mr Seacrest's garden in lower Peridot while Castform is a trade for Furret in Obsidia.

The best Chlorophyll mons available to you should be Oddish and Bellsprout, both from Obisida Park. Later on Azurine Island there's also Exeggcute and way down the line of course there's Venusaur.

A fast 'mon with Grassy Field is great to boost the power of both Grass and Fire Types, the special Hoppip encounters outside the Obsidia slums can have Grassy Field as an egg move.

Fire Types with Heat Wave or Eruption can make great use of a Sunny Day + Grassy Field combo; you can get Growlithe for saving all the police officers in Jasper and Beryl or Cyndaquil quite a bit later.

Solar Power Heliolisk can offer some additional Type variety for your team, otherwise the only notable users of that Ability are Charizard and Mega Houndoom. Both Charmander and Mega Evolution are only available way late, but you can at least get a Houndour from a certain sidequest in Lapis Ward.

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