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Glass Workstation Gauntlet Help


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This seems impossible I cant even get past the first double battle and according to the wiki there are multiple fights after. Looking for help on building a team to beat this. 


Note: No Items + Set Mode, so I cant just spam full restores. 



Rotom (ICE) 89 (Special+Speed) Discharge, Dark Pulse, Blizzard, Double Team

Flygon 87 (attack+speed) Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Fly, D Dance

Arcanine 86 (Attack+Speed) Flamethrower (RIP FLAME BLITZ), Close Combat, Xtreme Speed, Strength

Swamert 88 (Attack+HP) Waterfall, Earthquake, Superpower, Rocksmash

Metagross 86 (Attack+Speed) Meteor Mash, Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Bulldoze

Slyveon 86 (Pixalate)(HP+Defense) Hyper Voice, Quick attack, Light screen, Work up


And in my box I have a lot of untrained stuff and a few trained mons

Blissey (HP Defense)

Excadrill (Attack Speed)

Hippowdon (HP Defense?)


Other useful mons includes; larvitar, larvesta, gastly, axew, gible. 


I probably want to remove Slyveon and Arcanine for this fight, since Slyveon will get annihilated by all the posion types and arcanine kinda sucks without blitz. Not sure what to add tho.


Anyway, If you have any suggestions on a team that I should build to beat this I would love to hear em, because I am not coming even remotely close to beating this... since I have rock climb I can pretty much go anywhere.


Edited by pizzagod13
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since you already have Excadrill I would recommend using that. With a Sand streamer like Hippowdon you can easily let Excadrill sweep

and you could use that chance to bring in Flygon and set up Ddance while excadrill hits both opponents with Earthquake

but I would advise also getting Rock slide on Flygon and Excadrill, maybe even Swampert (primarily for Shelly, but also useful later)

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9 hours ago, Edo said:

since you already have Excadrill I would recommend using that. With a Sand streamer like Hippowdon you can easily let Excadrill sweep

and you could use that chance to bring in Flygon and set up Ddance while excadrill hits both opponents with Earthquake

but I would advise also getting Rock slide on Flygon and Excadrill, maybe even Swampert (primarily for Shelly, but also useful later)

Well I went ahead and tried that and got to the third fight... you get healed in between fights one and two but not fight three, and of course they presumably have 12 Pokemon. After many attempts I got to fight three but lost turn 1. Don't really understand how beating that is possible. Any tips on how to play the fight. rather then just what to use? I have tried to Ddance Flygon but tons of the opponents have fairy moves so it seems really hard to even get Flygon set up, additionally the double battle nature often sees Flygon get hit by both enemies and die. Excadrill is somewhat easy to set up but eventually goes down too. 


The first fight isn't too much trouble anymore, Rotom+Any Ground Type does a lot of work and I have four on my team for this fight (Maybe that is too many?). Fight two is tricky all the Pokemon do tons of damage and outspeed most of my team, if I lead with Excadrill it wont have sandstorm up, and if I lead with anything other than Excadrill getting it to swords dance and not just get imploded is difficult, especially considering the opponents know sucker punch, meaning that even if I live the first hit, I sure wont be getting a chance to attack. I haven't seen much of the thrid fight since I only had two Pokemon left and my Flygon immediately eat a blizzard.


So if you have any more tips it would be appreciated. 

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Okay, so for the way the healing works, after the first battle your team is completely healed as you already noticed, but after the second fight only the pokemon alive get healed, those that are fainted won't be revived, so try to keep as many alive as possible in the second fight.


Then, if you don't mind doing this, it is possible to quick save inbetween battles, so you won't have to redo a fight after winning anymore.


As for the doubles, I usually go about it by paralyzing the weaker opponent and then don't attack them. I take care of the other trainer first, so that it ends up as a 2vs1 in my favor, making the rest much easier.

You could try using your Rotom to paralyze, then focus on the other mon. For the third battle, I would choose to paralyze the Clefable and then leave it alone since it's one of the weakest mons you will have to deal with during that fight. (On a side note, Frost Rotom doesn't have the best defensive typing, so if you want a more beneficial typing I'd go with Wash Rotom)

And since that Clefable likes to use Thunder Wave, having Rotom and so many Ground types will be useful actually. The thing is though that it knows Blizzard, so keep that in mind and hope it gets paralyzed and misses several times. But since it's not STAB it definitely won't hit as hard as the Ninetales.


If you still have trouble, it might be worth to level up your Larvesta. Heat Wave is a very helpful move for the Glass gauntlet, since half or more of the mons are weak to Fire. If you bring a sun setter like Ninetales on top of that it would help out a ton.

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4 hours ago, Edo said:

Okay, so for the way the healing works, after the first battle your team is completely healed as you already noticed, but after the second fight only the pokemon alive get healed, those that are fainted won't be revived, so try to keep as many alive as possible in the second fight.


Then, if you don't mind doing this, it is possible to quick save inbetween battles, so you won't have to redo a fight after winning anymore.


As for the doubles, I usually go about it by paralyzing the weaker opponent and then don't attack them. I take care of the other trainer first, so that it ends up as a 2vs1 in my favor, making the rest much easier.

You could try using your Rotom to paralyze, then focus on the other mon. For the third battle, I would choose to paralyze the Clefable and then leave it alone since it's one of the weakest mons you will have to deal with during that fight. (On a side note, Frost Rotom doesn't have the best defensive typing, so if you want a more beneficial typing I'd go with Wash Rotom)

And since that Clefable likes to use Thunder Wave, having Rotom and so many Ground types will be useful actually. The thing is though that it knows Blizzard, so keep that in mind and hope it gets paralyzed and misses several times. But since it's not STAB it definitely won't hit as hard as the Ninetales.


If you still have trouble, it might be worth to level up your Larvesta. Heat Wave is a very helpful move for the Glass gauntlet, since half or more of the mons are weak to Fire. If you bring a sun setter like Ninetales on top of that it would help out a ton.

Okay the healing thing is pretty good to know, will try to keep as many as possible alive. I already switched rotom to fan form but I can try Wash. Paralyzing the opponents is interesting but my main strategy was to go discharge+EQ so I am not sure how much that will help. I think my rotom has a free slot one its move set tho, so I can try and add it. 


Lastly, I have actually decided to train up Volcorona since it seemed useful, am also training up a Tyranitar as my sandstorm setter instead of Hippowdon.


The real question is how to deafet the Weville in fight two. Whatever I lead with in fight one needs to be able to beat it, and if they send in Gothiette(?) next then it has to beat that also (shadow tag). I was thinking of trying Tyranitar first and giving it the super effective resist fighting berry and maybe defense EVs but I am unsure if that will allow it to live a brick break... I could try Volcorona first I suppose, but then of course the focus sash Weaville is gonna get me, unless I get a lucky burn, with heat wave or flame body.


Well, I got a lot of grinding to do before I can give it another shot. Thanks for the suggestions!

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hitting both opponents with Discharge+EQ is of course a good strategy, just saying paralyzing one mon and fighting only one of the trainers is what I usually do. If you get to fight 3 with no or barely any losses you can keep using that strat. The problem i can think of is that Rotom's forms aren't that fast, so until you get Discharge off you will probably get hit, but again, worth a try.


For the Weavile, if you go and get the TM WilloWisp from Mirage Tower, you can teach it to Rotom and burn the Weavile immediately.

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