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[E19] Thoughts and speculations (SPOILERS)


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Nice - in detail, we have much more room to speculate for much greater inaccuracy. As for the general view, the above does seem like a highly possible, if not the only possible, path. I'd still place my bet for Laura+Bennet double battle tough. Laura's stone stands for love (and the relationship points would alter only his team members, if anything).

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I think similar posts have been made in the past, but what the hell, it's always fun to indulge. I think you're right about a lot of things. My thoughts -

1. Another reason Mega Charizard X makes a lot of sense for Saphira is that her mother was a Fire type trainer. We also get the Charizardite X from the quest in her mother's gym.

2. Considering that we do have to fight multiple legendary mons throughout the game, I wouldn't consider it a stretch for the elite 4 to have legendaries. I also feel that there has to be something that differentiates them from the gym leaders, and legendaries make the most sense. So if you ask me, I would guess each of them to have 1 lower-tier legendary -

  • Anna: Jirachi
  • Elias: Meloetta
  • Laura: Shaymin
  • Heather: Landorus (not sure, could also be one of the other genies or even Zapdos)
  • Bennett: Genesect


For Heather's mega, I would favour Mega Pidgeot over Mega Charizard Y because she could have Talonflame (Gale Wings + Tailwind).
It's possible for Elias to have Togekiss (Fairy type, Normal + Psychic coverage, Ancient Power boost).
If Bennett fights alongside Laura, Parasect makes sense for him to have as it gets Rototiller.
Cherrim makes sense for Laura.
Lin used to be a Dragon type leader in the original Reborn league, so I expect her to have at least a couple of Dragons. Naganadel and Kyurem make sense. Naganadel because Poipole can apparently be found in the Reborn temple area and Kyurem because it is supposed to be an evil dragon. I would also expect her to have at least another Dark type like Hoopa.


4. Of course, all the above speculation assumes that the mons will be of the preferred type of the trainer, but that may not necessarily be the case (e.g. Noel has Clefable, Ciel has mega Altaria, the teams of Fern and Connal change drastically etc.).


5. The dream that Hardy has in the Glass factory could be foreshadowing of what happens in the climax of the story. I remember something about all the gym leaders banding together with the PC and fighting against Lin.


6. As for the locations for legendaries, here's my list -

  • Heatran: Pyrous cave
  • Regirock: Tourmaline Desert
  • Registeel: Teknite caves
  • Regigigas: Mysidia railcave
  • Diancie: Iolia valley
  • Ultra beasts / Necrozma: Reborn temple side quests
  • Celebi: Chrysolia forest
  • Tapu Bulu: Rhodocrine jungle
  • Volcanion: Chrysolia spring
  • Moltres: Pyrous mountain
  • Articuno: Ametrine mountain
  • Zapdos: Abandoned power plant
  • Mew: Byxbision wall event
  • Deoxys: Teknite ridge
  • Uxie/Azelf/Mesprit: Tanzan cove
  • Giratina: Byxbision wasteland
  • Arceus: Reborn temple
  • Groudon: Tourmaline desert
  • Lugia: Ametrine depths
  • Kyogre: Azurine lake
  • Virizion: Malchous forest
  • Regice: Citrine cave
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Yeah sorry if I have been repetitive with the statements already made in the past, I tried to put the accent on things that I didn't read yet, and develop my thoughts about theories where people seem to be unanimous generally, then explain why I have a different point of view on some of these questions. For example the point was more saying that Heather would not have Salamance as a Mega, than saying that Heather will have a Salamence, which what is pretty obvious to everybody.


1- You are totally right to underline it. For that reason, Mega Charizard X makes even more sense.


2- Yes Meloetta suits perfectly to Elias, I thought about it. Furthermore I guess a duplicate of Normal/Psychic would be perfectly fine, as both types are excellent on the Holy Field, they can handle Fighting mons easily and their only weakness with Bug (Dark) is absolute trash.

Air Shaymin for Laura ?


3- Yes Cherrim makes plenty of sense on Laura, dunno how I could forget it.

VERY fair point for Lin. A Naganadel for her makes indeed much more sense than for Saphira. As an evil Dragon, I thought more about Giratina, which could also have a broken Levitate on the New World Field. Same thing about Yveltal over Hoopa (did you say Madame X. ?!).


4- Correct me if I am wrong, but was gen 6 not released yet when the episode of the fight against Noel has been released for the first time ? If so, Clefable was still a Normal type in gen 5, and maybe Ame did not want to remove his ace, that is the reason why I cannot imagine a Togekiss for Elias. Altaria is still related to Flying type in a way even if it loses it post-Mega. Fern as only a reserve leader, is not required to use a single type, even if his preference for Grass has no contestation. Same thing for Blake, Cal and even Cain. This statement could apply to Bennett too.


6- Pretty ok with your list, I add that I could certify that one legendary will be found Once Upon a Somewhere, but which one ? Shaymin ? Another fabulous ? A Fairy one ? MAGEARNA obviously ! 

Edited by RocketOSullivan
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Yeah sorry if I have been repetitive with the statements already made in the past

No problem. I also mentioned that because if you're interested, there's a wealth of info and speculation in those other posts.
For instance here:


and here: https://www.rebornevo.com/forums/topic/37911-elite-trainers-and-where-to-find-them-reborn-theory/



Air Shaymin for Laura ?

Possibly. Offensively it's more threatening.



As an evil Dragon, I thought more about Giratina, which could also have a broken Levitate on the New World Field. Same thing about Yveltal over Hoopa (did you say Madame X. ?!).

Yes, all fair points. Giratina actually makes a lot more sense now that I think about. All the hints and foreshadowing throughout the game could suggest that Giratina might be one of the main antagonistic legendaries from a story point-of-view.



Correct me if I am wrong, but was gen 6 not released yet when the episode of the fight against Noel has been released for the first time ?

Yes, Gen 6 was not released when the episode with the the Noel battle was released. But Ame decided to stick with Clefable for the later episodes also. This is in contrast to some other cases where the aces were actually changed (e.g. Shade's Chandelure was changed to Mimikyu). So if Ame really wanted to stick to the typing of the gym leaders, she could have changed Noel's ace.



that is the reason why I cannot imagine a Togekiss for Elias. Altaria is still related to Flying type in a way even if it losses it post-Mega. Fern as only a reserve leader, is not required to use a single type, even if his preference for Grass has no contestation. Same thing for Blake, Cal and even Cain. This statement could apply to Bennett too.

You may be right. But apart from the examples you mentioned, I was also thinking of Arclight, Radomus, Serra and Luna. In the Devon battle, despite being an Electric specialist, only half of Arclight's mons were Electric. The rest were Sound-based mons. In the Glass factory gauntlet, all the gym leaders used mons outside their type specialty. One explanation for this could be that none of these were official league battles. So if we face these characters in official matches, they could have a full type-based team.


But there's also the possibility that all the elite trainers will use theme teams or dual-type teams. [After Bennet's successful acceptance in the E4, Ame mentions taking note of Bennet's 'types', not type.] I also like the possibility of facing different E4 members based on the decisions you make.



I add that I could certify that one legendary will be found Once Upon a Somewhere, but which one ? Shaymin ? Another fabulous ? A Fairy one ? MAGEARNA obviously ! 

Magearna definitely makes the most sense! (Steel + Fairy)


Two things I forgot to mention -
1. Lin could have a Pulse mon (apart from the pulse EV-boosted mons).
2. It's still possible (albeit unlikely) for Arclight or some of the others to be elite 4 members.



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Yes those posts deserve to be quoted, I already read them and the statements are very relevant.


Maybe Shade's ace was changed not to outshadow Sirius ? I guess the only two characters who share the same ace are currently Solaris and Terra ? Or maybe it is because Ame wanted to give a spot to a highly iconic 7g mon as Mimikyu ?


That is true about the glass factory gauntlet. I thought it was possible that some mons have been lent to each other to diversify the teams, for example the Luna's Bisharp to Radomus. I even suspected Radomus' Clef to belong to Noel and Luna's Gothitelle to belong to Anna, even if they were sleeping first floor, with Nostra running aroud you never know. That would not explain Luna's Mismagius though. (EDIT : Indeed Luna is heavily related to Shade, so no problem I guess)

I think Arclight is more like an unofficial dual electric/sound specialist than a pure electric one. 

And to continue in that way, we could also have a talk about Aya's Lycanroc offered by Hardy.


Arclight would be a good candidate to the Elite if we did not fight him once and if he held a stone.


Yeah Lin would probably fight us with the Arc PULSE, who knows, I prefer not to think about that.


One other thing I did not mention previously, I can argue that like Radomus, Elias is gonna be a Trick Room fighter. Oranguru can learn it, and the mons I mentioned in his team including Oranguru are pretty slow. A Drampa on the Holy Field and under Trick Room looks really devastating. That gives also some credit to the hypothesis of a Snorlax or even Diggersby.


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On 11/15/2020 at 3:06 PM, Egzample said:

Nice - in detail, we have much more room to speculate for much greater inaccuracy. As for the general view, the above does seem like a highly possible, if not the only possible, path. I'd still place my bet for Laura+Bennet double battle tough. Laura's stone stands for love (and the relationship points would alter only his team members, if anything).

Thinking that such a brillant girl is gonna finish with a jerk like Bennett hurts me.

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Really, it's great to see the love for the plot and upcoming fights by you guys. :)


that said I'm digging into most of your suspections but one.

I do not think there will be a classic elite4 fight. Considering the deep diversions between the possible elite members, especially Elias vs the others, I can not imagine them just pretending everything's fine and we're all pals now...

No I'm betting on maybe 1 or 2 new characters making their debut in E19 as elite members.


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6 hours ago, Conkeldurp said:

I do not think there will be a classic elite4 fight. Considering the deep diversions between the possible elite members, especially Elias vs the others, I can not imagine them just pretending everything's fine and we're all pals now...


This is true. That's why some people theorise that the elite four will change depending on the story choices. For example Heather, Laura, Arclight & Anna could be the E4 in the 'ideal' ending and Blake, Bennet, Fern & Elias could be the E4 in the 'true' ending. This way the E4 will either be a team that fights against Lin or a team that fights for Lin.



No I'm betting on maybe 1 or 2 new characters making their debut in E19 as elite members.


It's possible, but the main problem I see with this theory is that all the main characters (with the exception of Sirius, Solaris, ZEL and Taka) are based off of the actual people from the original online league [This is stated by Ame]. And to my knowledge, all the characters from the online league have already been revealed in the game.


One possibility I see is the mention of an unfamiliar character in the Jasper ward prophecy. If this character does exist but has somehow vanished from the current timeline, she could reappear in the final story arc and could end up being an E4 member.

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Agreed, I don't see a classic E4 fight either. Maybe a possibility to heal your team and access to a pc between the fights ?


On 11/19/2020 at 2:39 PM, Progfan_r said:

This is true. That's why some people theorise that the elite four will change depending on the story choices. For example Heather, Laura, Arclight & Anna could be the E4 in the 'ideal' ending and Blake, Bennet, Fern & Elias could be the E4 in the 'true' ending. This way the E4 will either be a team that fights against Lin or a team that fights for Lin.


This theory is pushed a little bit far IMO, but sounds pretty seducing. Blake could have his Ametrine snowy mountain field replacing Heather's mountain one, Bennett could fight on the same flower garden field as Laura, but I guess the starlight arena is a bit unadapted for Fern ? If this theory is confirmed and Arclight is actually part of the elite in the ideal, then I see Connal more than Fern, fighting on the same field in the true. Which would make :

-Ideal : Heather (Mountain Field), Laura (Flower Garden Field), Arclight (Electric Terrain, Factory Field ?), Anna (Starlight Arena)

-True : Blake (Snowy Mountain Field), Bennett (Flower Garden Field), Connal (same field as Arclight), Elias (Holy Field)

That means no starlight arena in the true path, as well as two different Drampa to fight in the same league, unless Connal removes his.

Also, that means Arclight would take off the Emerald from Elias in the Ideal, as well as Connal would steal the Amethyst from Anna in the True. Blake would take the Ruby back from Heather and Bennett would keep the Sapphire from Laura.

Finally, both Connal and Arclight are not full (Electric) type specialists, which is not a good point for an Elite 4 member in my opinion. Also Blake should remove his Gyarados and Starmie in that case.

Edited by RocketOSullivan
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On 11/20/2020 at 12:05 AM, RocketOSullivan said:

Agreed, I don't see a classic E4 fight either. Maybe a possibility to heal your team and access to a pc between the fights ?

Definitely possible. Healing the team between fights is sensible and I don't know why the main games don't have it.


On 11/20/2020 at 12:05 AM, RocketOSullivan said:

This theory is pushed a little bit far IMO, but sounds pretty seducing.

This was just an example off the top of my head. I didn't mean it would be exactly like that. Like you said, the four keys should play a role with each of the E4, I'm just not sure how that would work if the E4 changed.


I am also thinking about all the fields where we didn't have to fight any of the main characters.

To my knowledge, the following fields have never had any boss fights so far -

  • Flower garden
  • Starlight field
  • Inverse field
  • Rainbow field
  • Holy field
  • Swamp field
  • New world field

And these fields have only had battles with Pulse mons or lower-tier bosses -

  • Crystal cavern
  • Cave
  • Murkwater
  • Icy field
  • Mountain

Also interestingly, you can fight Connal on the Psychic terrain if he manages to set it up during either of his fights.


So if I had to guess how the E4 fights would go, I would be looking at these fields.

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Indeed, I can't see who could represent the Beyond better than Anna, certainly not Connal. In the same way, Arclight could not be related to the Faith as well as Elias. Even the Pain for Blake would make few sense.


Also, I thought Groudon could be found in the Tanzan Depths.

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  • 1 month later...

One other thing I would like to put my finger on. Here is the list of the gym leaders we don't fight on a field which boosts their own pokemon type, and my following interpretations :






-Radomus (3 in a row !)




About Terra I guess a plot fight against Sandy could happen at some point, maybe on the Desert Field at the scrapyard where we catch Magikarp ?

Kiki is not fought on a field which boosts Fighting types (Ashen Beach) but later we fight Samson and his full physical team on the Big Top Arena, which allows a high roll on the whole of physical Fighting attacks.

Same for Serra and her Mirror Arena but later we fight Nunya B. Snes aka Blake on the Snowy Mountain, even if his team isn’t full Ice I have to admit.

Well then the last 4 remaining are Florinia, Noel, Radomus and Ciel. And guess what ? They respectively share their pokemon type with Laura, Elias, Anna and Heather. With that said you can draw the conclusions you want.

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  • 1 month later...

Well since Ame and Cass are about to insistently tease us with Razor Wind for few months, I was wondering what is that all about ? Nothing is sure by any means, but I suspect a high buff on it, something like healing you by 25 or 50% first turn or increasing some stat, I would bend over a defensive utility.


Then with all that heavy teasing, I was expecting that it would be highlighted in at least one major fight, to show how it shines. And I was wondering, which one ? So I tried to figure out which Pokemon could make a good use of it, and I noticed Drampa could learn it. Depending on the Razor Wind effect, I could easily imagine a Drampa in El's team in the Elite 4, with the following sets :


If holding a plate :

-Dragon Pulse

-Nature Power

-Roost/Razor Wind  

-Hyper Voice/Razor Wind


If not :

-Dragon Pulse

-Nature Power

-Roost/Razor Wind 

-Razor Wind/Flamethrower/Fire Blast


That could be a good way to introduce it IMO. I would go for the first set with Hyper Voice and Razor Wind.

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On a side note, I can imagine the player and/or Lin having more legendaries since the field boosts every single legendary move by either 1.5 or 2. (Hopefully the former has more legends, but that's just wishful thinking.)


Also, I imagine that the e4 fight will be a gauntlet of trainers- You fight the first one, then when you win you progress into the next room with a PC and healing center. You have an option to back out in case there is nothing you can do to win the next fight, but you'll have to redo the gauntlet all over again. 

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On 8/7/2021 at 9:38 AM, Progfan_r said:

Off-topic but is there any hint that the PC will be able to get a Pulse2 mon in E19?


I don’t think so, but this is not off-topic by any means. That’s an interesting point, but I’d tend to say it would not be possible.


On 8/14/2021 at 10:37 PM, Tapu Fufu said:

I don’t know why it didn’t cross my mind even once that Heather would be the one to find Crobat. I was wondering when we were going to find it but this make so much sense!


To be honest I didn’t think to that either until I read a comment about it on another thread, but when you think about it I think you don’t take lots of risks saying that the Crobat is 100% guaranteed in her team.

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looking at all of the elias team theorycrafting in this thread. I'm surprised people think elias will be singles.


trick room is much better in doubles because of how much more you can get done in 5 turns in that compared to singles. plus oranguru is a monster in doubles.


imagine a boosted hyper voice from drampa in trick room. now imagine he does it twice thanks to oranguru's instruct. spooky stuff.


plus it'd make a nice even distribution of 2 members doing doubles (laura and elias)

and 2 members doing singles (heather and anna)

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