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Advice for Charlotte?


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Apologies if I'm not doing this right, this is my first forum post


I'm up to charlotte as of now and I'm really stumped on what to do, nothing works, her tyhplosion instantly kills everything but Avalugg due to sturdy, and seadra due to water typing, Nothing I have can outspeed her And I'm continously being sweeped, I didn't plan ahead so there's no going back to reborn now And I'm stuck until I get past this

My team right now us

Seadra lv.70
no held item
- dragon pulse
- dragon dance
- Hydro pump

Avalugg lv.70
Lax incense
- Avalanche
- blizzard
- recover
- skull bash


Decidueye lv.70
Spooky plate
Long reach
- Synthesis
- Leaf blade
- spirit shackle
- Nature power


Hawlucha Lv.70
pure incense
- feather dance
- flying press
- swords dance
- Sky drop


Houndoom Lv.70

No item

flash fire


-thunder fang

-foul play


-nasty plot


Black belt
poison touch
- sludge bomb
- mud bomb
- sucker punch
- drain punch

None of them are EV trained because I didn't think I would need to up until now, And I didn't know how to

A lot of people are saying to just get a lycanrock but would there be an easier alternative than having to level that all the way up?

Thanks in advance


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you could teach Rain Dance to weaken her Fire moves, and stop her from burning the field

another option, since you have Avalugg, is to relearn Wide guard at the circus, which helps with blocking her Eruption and Heat Wave attacks

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Another newbie here, but I tried to do some research.

To outspeed that Typhlosion you'll need 215+ speed, which means either you go with Quick Claw (which its unobtainable by then) or get another pokemon to do so.
Your fastest pokemon (base stat wise) should be Hawlucha. It can outspeed, but I doubt you can one hit that Typhlosion.
The other option is Houndoom. It's your second fastest pokemon, and Flash Fire is a huge bonus, since that Eruption will do nothing. Try to get the speed up to 204 to outspeed the Darmanitan (since Rock Slide).
You should be able to get a chunk out of its HP if you land Inferno, though I'd try to get more accurate special moves instead of gambling on a likely to miss one.
From Toxicroak onwards, none of them is fast enough.


Field-wise, Rain. Rain will get rid of most of her strategy (Fire-move spam) and you can use it to your benefit. I'd try to use this at the beginning after Eruption (since it wont work on an overheated field) and when Ninetails comes out (since Drought is a problem). Not only that, you can Surf-spam your way through as long as your partner resists it. You can also use Blizzard when the field is overheated, but you have to land it.

I'd seriously consider that Lycanroc though, if possible Midday form.

If you want a speedy one, with 22+ IVs, EV trained and a Speed bonus nature (this last one is the important one) it'll be faster than any of her pokemons. 
Not only that but, the attack it has combined with a rock move should do quite a lot of damage, maybe even sweep.


Hope it helped and good luck with it :D

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In your team, your win conditions are Hawlucha and Avalugg. Seadra and Houndoom can help. Toxicroak can land a desperate Sucker Punch. Decidueye will fall no matter what.

  • If you have one, give a Seed to Hawlucha to activate Unburden (Samson style). Paired with a Wide Guard from Avalugg (see @Edo's post), you should be able to use Sword Dance and sweep some people. I think you need an Elemental Seed on this field. Otherwise, you could find any item that triggers Unburden such as a berry or a Focus Sash.
  • Give Dark Pulse and Flamethrower to Houndoom and get rid of Thunder Fang and Inferno (unless you like to gamble every turn). Make him an all-out special attacker. Same logic here: Wide Guard + Nasty Plot = Sweep.
  • Seadra can use Rain Dance if you have it and help a little. If he had Swim Swift, he could do more under Rain.

Good luck!

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Everyone is saying Lycanroc but Sand stream gigalith is also great. Although of course if you have both the fight becomes a cake walk. Wild horsea also have a chance of dropping dragon scales so if you have a pokemon with compundeyes (to increase the chance of them holding one) and one that can learn thief to steal the scale you can use it to evolve seadra, given you have a link stone or someone to trade with. 

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