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the dessert rats (ground mono run)


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so yeah, just wanted to showcase my ground mono team. I'm currently waiting around for episode 19 to drop.



ability: sandstream


- stealth rock 

- earthquake

- sandstorm

- thunderfang

EV's: 252 HP, 60 def, 198 sp. def.

Item: smooth rock

Hippowdon is there mostly to get the prolonged sandstorm in right of the bat. and the required stealth rock off course.

for all the rest he's mainly cannon fodder and resetting sand storms.



ability: sand rush


- sword dance

- smart strike

- earthquake

- drill run

EV's 292 HP, 252 atk, 66 spd.

Item: metal coat

Excadrill is one of the hard hitters in the team. STAB bonus on it's moveset and metal coat for that extra dmg on smart strike. trained it in HP because sand rush gives it insane speed (438 on sand rush) and it needs the bulk for getting a sword dance in.


Garchop (duuh)

ability: sand veil 


- crunch

- outrage

- fire fange

- sword dance

EV's 252 HP, 252 atk, 6 atk.

Item: charcoal

Garchomp is another obvious hard hitter in the team. it has charcoal to solely to boost fire fang and I'm waiting for life orb or muscle band to be introduced into the game. opted for hp rather than speed because his base speed is pretty good with 31 iv's in speed and a jolly (hell yeah) nature. same as for excadrill I got ev's in hp to get sword dance in easier.



Ability: Poison heal


- roost

- facade

- poison jab

- sword dance

EV's 252 HP, 252, sp. def, 6 def.

Item: toxic orb

Gliscor is one of my personal favorites, so I couldn't not include it. it's excellent abilities as a lingering made me dabble with toxic a bit. but the whole team relies more on hitting quick and hard with fast setups. not wanting to rely on gliscor out-speeding anything I wanted to get all his ev's into defences.



Ability: Torrent


- hammer arm

- earthquake

- waterfall

- rock slide

EV's 252 HP, 168 atk, 70 sp. def, 20 def.

Item: choice band

well, obviously had to start the game with mudkip, and as it went on I was amazed at how bulky this guys became. So I gave it magma's choice band and some coverage moves to hit hard. it's type coverage and the given EV's make it very tough to kill.



Ability: Thick fat

- Icicle crash

- ice chard

- earthquake

- knock off

EV's  252 atk, 252 spd. 

Item: choice band

I often use mamoswine to switch when facing heavy ice hitters (blizzard has been a real pain in my butt). mamoswine also makes an excellent revenge killer with this movepool.


I also have some benched mon for reasons.. 

- krookodile

- camerupt

- golurk

- flygon

- whishcash

- claydoll

- steelix (steelixite)

- stunfisk

- rhyperior


so yeah, what you guys think of the dessert rats?










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Hey there,

Been wanting to do a ground 'mono' run for a while myself, so it's nice to see some other people doing that too. Some of your picks seem obvious choices (for which i can't blame you for obvious reasons) and the overal attack type coverage seems solid, When i read the first two i was thinking ''could probably sweep a lot of battles with that alone'' but the rest seems to fit in nicely too. I might have included some more stab or higher base power moves on garchomp and gliscor myself but that's up to you ofc (things like rock slide, iron head or dragon claw/rush on garchomp or fling/acrobatics, brick break on gliscor for instance but those moves are debatable cause you might not even need them).


As for your subs: I've been using a golurk with 'no guard' ability at times myself since it is actually decently bulky and hard hitting, with a good moveset and its ability makes dynamic punch a 100% hit chance move which can be nice vs ice mons. In my current roster I use a donphan; I used it while leveling around lvl 30 but it held up way beyond what I expected even in endgame, so I could recommend that as well. It can get sturdy as an ability and can learn play rough (for type coverage), endeavor and ice shard through breeding. If you consider that cheating, remember that the opponents have an ample supply of focus sashes and stuff that we dont : )


Other subs to consider are mudsdale and pallosand if you don't mind them slow and bulky (or seismitoad if you want depression). E19 might add another gen with ground types i do not know but those might be worth checking out by that time. So yea, not much else to add.

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