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My team for E19 : the Symphonic Squad


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Hello again, citizens of Reborn.

Yesterday, I showcased my Magma Gang team, which I consider my secondary team. That is, I mainly use it for certain specific fights where it might fare better, or when I simply feel like it.

Here, I would like to introduce my main squad of 6 as of episode 18, as well as the Pokemon in my box, and hopefully collect some helpful feedback about how I may improve it.

The nickname "Symphonic squad" isn't really related to the Pokemon in themselves. It simply comes from the fact that I play as Decibel (easily the classiest of the protagonists by the way), and since it means what it means... you know... sound... I decided to name all my Pokemon after musical terms ! Now with that being said... Here's the team, in the order I met them.


The main squad :





Species : Silvally

Item : Dark Memory / ???

Ability :  RKS System

Moves :  Multi-Attack, Iron Head, Surf, (Flamethrower / X-Scissor / Rock Slide / Thunderbolt / Toxic / Thunder Wave)

One of the most versatile Pokémon any team could ask for. Not only can it change its

typing, but as you can see, its moveset can adapt wildly according to what I need. The

moves listed in the last slot are all TMs that I can teach it at will. Since all of its stats are

decent and none is really good, I maxed its Attack Evs to let it make good use of Multi-

Attack and left the rest spread between his various other stats. It generally holds the

Dark memory because it complements the team well, but it can of course switch to the

best type for upcoming important battles. I find it extremely cool to have Silvally on the

protagonist's team in a game in which the villains want to use Arceus.




Species :  Golurk

Item : Choice Band

Ability : No Guard

Moves :  Earthquake, Dynamic Punch, Phantom force, Fly

I love Ghost-types, and this one especially is easily in my top 10 favorite Pokémon. It has okay

defenses, and with the Choice Band, it hits really hard with its two STAB moves and Dynamic

Punch. I also kinda need it on my main team since it's my only user of Fly, so I can't swap it out

for a Pokémon that cannot learn that. Not much else to say, it's just a decent wallbreaker.





Species : Aggron (Shiny)

Item : Aggronite

Ability :  Sturdy (Filter)

Moves :  Heavy Slam, Rock Slide, (Power-Up Punch / Brick Break), Metal Burst

My Mega-evolution. Aggron is a Pokémon that I love but hadn't really got the chance to use before,

so when I encountered a shiny Lairon and saw how cool it looked, I knew I had to catch and use it.

Besides having excellent stats and typing, it gets the amazing combo of Sturdy + Metal Burst, which

can pretty much take out any Pokémon easily under normal circumstances. If there ever is a strong

boss pokémon in E19, be it a PULSE, a legendary, or both, I'm pretty confident in Aggron's ability to

take it out. Other than that, it's almost literally a tank : slow, very bulky, hits hard.




Species : Mimikyu

Item : Pixie Plate

Ability :  Disguise

Moves :  Play Rough, Shadow Claw, Trick Room, Destiny Bond

Now, what if Sturdy + Metal burst doesn't work ? That's what this guy is here for, with an even better

combination. Disguise allows it to negate the first hit it takes, effectively allowing it to be able to get

the Trick Room up for certain, making it faster than any fast opposing Pokémon (which most of the

strong Trainers' Pokémon are). Then, one Destiny Bond, and the opposing Pokémon can say goodbye

to its hopes of sweeping the team. Even if it doesn't die immediately after using Destiny Bond, clicking

Trick Room again will make it go last, allowing the effect of Destiny Bond to last for one more attack

and have a second chance to work (since it lasts until the user acts again). Of course, while this gimmick

is useful against boss Pokémon, it isn't the only thing it can do : with its Attack EVs maxed, it can do quite

a bit of damage with its STAB's incredible neutral coverage, and Trick Room benefits the team a lot with

how slow Golurk, Aggron and Swampert are. So much so that I'd love to have another Trick Room user,

but I haven't thought of one that I'd like and wasn't redundant with one of my other members.





Species : Rotom-Mow / Rotom-???

Item : Grassium Z / Electrium Z / Light Clay

Ability : Levitate

Moves :  (Leaf Storm / ???), Thunderbolt, (Will-o-Wisp / Reflect), Light Screen

Along with Silvally, Budget Mezzo gives the team a lot of versatility. It is usually in its Mow form

to make use of the useful resistances of Grass, as well as being able to use the Grass-type Z-move

which has the bonus effect of setting up Grassy terrain for 3 turns, and that may prove to be useful

to temporarily remove an annoying Field effect. However, like Silvally, I can always switch its form to

another type depending on the matchup, and switch its crystal to Electrium Z, or even Waterium-Z

and Firium-Z which I also possess. Alternatively, it can hold a Light clay to better support the team

with the Screens. Again, a pretty versatile and overall good Pokémon.





Species : Swampert

Item : Shell Bell / Waterium Z

Ability :  Torrent

Moves :  Earthquake, (Waterfall / Dive), Hammer Arm, Curse

The newest addition to the team. Swampert has overall great stats, a good typing and access

to a setup move in Curse, which can be pretty devastating. It also fills the mandatory spot of

the Water-type Pokemon that can use Waterfall and Dive (Surf is on Silvally).


The additional / former members :





Species : Meganium

Item : Grassium Z / Meadow Plate

Ability : Overgrow 

Moves :  Petal Blizzard, Stomping Tantrum, Rock Climb, Light Screen

My starter, a Pokemon that I really love and that way too many people dislike,

especially for it not being very good competitively. Unfortunately, this last part

is kinda true, especially due to its limited movepool... However, it stuck with me

until the very end of E18, and the endof which I finally decided to swap it out

for Rotom-Mow, which has a better typing, a better movepool, and is also a

special attacker. 




Species : Stoutland

Item : Normalium Z / Assault Vest

Ability :  Intimidate

Moves :  Return, Crunch, Play rough, Stomping Tantrum

An overall great Pokémon that I love, ahs has helped me a lot during my adventure, often being my

most reliable member. However, I endedd up swapping it out for Mimikyu, since I really wanted it on the

team and couldn't really replace Golurk since it was my Flyer. However, it is still a great Pokémon

that I might use if the situation requires it.





Species : Garbodor

Item : Wide lens

Ability :  Aftermath

Moves :  Gunk Shot, Toxic, Explosion, Toxic spikes

One of my original members, that I used as a lead to get the T-spikes up. Not much else

to say about it, I kept it up to a high level and still keep it on the side in case I need it, 

even though unlike all the other pokemon on this list it isn't at the level cap.





Species : Ampharos

Item : Ampharosite

Ability :  Static (Mold Breaker)

Moves :  Discharge, Thunder Wave, Power Gem, Dragon Pulse

One of my favorite Megas, which I replaced with Aggron but still kept training. I fulfills

kind of the the same role as Golurk : slow, decently bulky, and very powerful.





Species : Quagsire

Item : Assault Vest

Ability :  Water Absorb

Moves : Earthquake, Waterfall, Rock Slide, Sludge Wave

This guy was originally supposed to be part of my main team, but I replaced it with

Swampert due to its better stats, so it stays on the side for now. But I'll definitely

bring it in whenever it has a better matchup against a specific opoonent.


Aside from those, I also have Contralto (Shiftry), Prelude (Torkoal), Major (Simisear), Staccato (Houndoom), Arpeggio (Typhlosion) and Octave (Drifblim) which form the Magma squad, which you can check in my previous post.


Finally, below is the box that contains all my potential recruits, i.e. pokemon that are in my opinion rather cool (either strategically or design-wise) and that I might consider training. If you want to recommend me new pokemon to add to my roster, I suggest you choose from those first unless you have a specific idea in mind.


That's it ! Please don't hesitate to give me your thoughts on the squad and any potential advice to complete it !







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