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help with amaria


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43 minutes ago, memesoftheyear21 said:

i just gotten passed titania and swept her with blaziken. But amaria is a real issue. Im thinking about using her own field against her by using a water type to sweep her, but idk if it will work. My team is:
Blaziken - level 84
Gardevior - Level 85
Ampharos - Level 83
HIppo - Level 79
Excadrill - Level 80
Metagross - Level 79

gotten myself a level 55 kingdra, and i have a ton of stuff in the box i will show it

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My move in last run was to freeze her field with blizzard and then just sweep her with an electric mon (sylvally with electric memory in fact) . The thing is is Amaria is very strong but relies a lot on the field, so my advice is to modify it, and then the fight is easy.

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1 minute ago, Razkar said:



My move in last run was to freeze her field with blizzard and then just sweep her with an electric mon (sylvally with electric memory in fact) . The thing is is Amaria is very strong but relies a lot on the field, so my advice is to modify it, and then the fight is easy.

if only i had a mon with blizzard

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3 minutes ago, Razkar said:



My move in last run was to freeze her field with blizzard and then just sweep her with an electric mon (sylvally with electric memory in fact) . The thing is is Amaria is very strong but relies a lot on the field, so my advice is to modify it, and then the fight is easy.

electric mon is down, have a really good ampharos with calm nature. Its a sponge and a really strong attacker

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11 minutes ago, Razkar said:



My move in last run was to freeze her field with blizzard and then just sweep her with an electric mon (sylvally with electric memory in fact) . The thing is is Amaria is very strong but relies a lot on the field, so my advice is to modify it, and then the fight is easy.

also, another question. Which pokemon can outspeed starmie and live a surf to use blizzard?

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That Starmie is Modest and you're on water surface, so you can't outspeed it with mons that learn blizzard. Starmie speed is 283 so you need to pass that. You could get a scarf frost-rotom to outspeed it and freeze the field, or get a walrein (even here, you can scarf him -which seems a terrible idea - with a good amount of speed investment), invest in special defence (100 evs on spd only should guarantee to survive a thunderbolt in the field) and hp to survive. Easier could be to kill starmie with swift swim kingdra/seismitoad and then freeze the field. Also, Gastrodon can learn recover, sludge wave (to get murkwater surface -same  could do seismitoad), toxic (and, if you want to breed, even amnesy -you don't want to get shotted by ludicolo- and acid armor) and from there defeat everyone  (except for Lapras) just by stalling with leftovers/elemental seed.
You got everything you need, just choose what works better for you.

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3 minutes ago, 1l4r10 said:

That Starmie is Modest and you're on water surface, so you can't outspeed it with mons that learn blizzard. Starmie speed is 283 so you need to pass that. You could get a scarf frost-rotom to outspeed it and freeze the field, or get a walrein (even here, you can scarf him -which seems a terrible idea - with a good amount of speed investment), invest in special defence (100 evs on spd only should guarantee to survive a thunderbolt in the field) and hp to survive. Easier could be to kill starmie with swift swim kingdra/seismitoad and then freeze the field. Also, Gastrodon can learn recover, sludge wave (to get murkwater surface -same  could do seismitoad), toxic (and, if you want to breed, even amnesy -you don't want to get shotted by ludicolo- and acid armor) and from there defeat everyone  (except for Lapras) just by stalling with leftovers/elemental seed.
You got everything you need, just choose what works better for you.

walrein should work, +1 sp def is good, + my spheal has 31 ivs and good hp ivs so i should be fine

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Dunno, personally, I've used alolan raichu cuz her field activates Surge Surfer ability

Don't remember what else I've used, but you can try getting an alolan raichu

Preferred set would be:

Raichu-Alola @ Life Orb  
Ability: Surge Surfer  
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe  
Timid Nature  
IVs: 0 Atk  
- Nasty Plot  
- Thunderbolt  
- Psychic  
- Focus Blast

Or something like that


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