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my fire challenge.


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ok i have just realized i should say the rules so.... here they are.


only fire type pokemon in battle.

pokemon who evolve into fire type pokemon are allowed

no items in battle besides held items

no legendaries

no RKS boi (since it's so late in the game it won't matter) 

no exp all

i can catch non fire pokemon for hm use only



some of this may overlap but i wanted to clarify on topics like RKS boi


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The problem is you don't get too many good fire types early on. The only early fires types you get early are Fletchling, Litleo, Houndour and whatever you can find in the Caratos mountain. But you can get some good mons in the Terajuma arc including Growlithe, Litten ( you get the key in that arc), Torkoal ( A must have for the mono-fire run). Have fun beating Valarie. Tepig from Valor mountain is good. Litwick will be fantastic (you get it after 7th gym). Even though it's gotten pretty late, do get the Rotom.  Maybe Sheer Force Darumaka from Axis University? That is all 😀

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so i can't figure it out so... will type them out for a bit till i figure it out


torchic: rash (+SpA -SpD) seems like it will be a mix set 

mainly going to focus in the speed stat but mix with 128 in both attacking stats.

at level 13 it has







i did not mean to give it that one in SpD but its fine.

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the fire birb (or red loftwing if you like loz ss[legend of zelda skyward sword])

first i forgot to say the ability on torchic witch i bet no one can guess speed boost and the fire birbs is gale wings

any way it is rash so less spd but more def so not bad just not good either if anyone else does this challenge use

one with a speed nature but its whatever at level 12 it has








also torchics hp stats are 35/5/2 now i say i hate EV training all i'm doing is speed and hp for later


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Oh another advice: I think you don't get the TM for Protect. So you might want to grab the TM for Substitute from the game corner for your speed boost Blaizaken.
Another pokemon that I completely forgot about was Flareon. It can baton pass- curse & substitute and also has some support moves.


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8 hours ago, SadMoney said:

I would plan hard for the valerie battle. That one is going to be killer, but not impossible

Too bad that there's no Fire Type pokemon capable of learning Trick Room by leveling up and that Tm Trick Room isn't available in current version. Good luck for you then.

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one time i forgot to save. i lost a lot of progress but i did get almost back more like a 1/5th back. i got litleo it has mild and 0 iv in defence so one physical will brutally kill it. like loose all that progress killed me but hey i'll be back where i was in no time (i lost 5 hours of progress and i played for an hour luckily) 

litleo serves one purpose and that to be the second fastest pokemon on my team (btw i have planed most of my team tho still need 1 or 2)

pyroar has 106 base speed and blaziken has a base 80 i will show the stats of litleo a bit from when i send this hopefully.  

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its a female litleo so i named it nala (still need name of combusken[and yes i did evolve it it know level 19] and if i should call the fire birb, fire birb) 

moxie as an ability so not good but hey im not going back on that mild nature.







i like 23 in SpA and i hate that 0 and mild but mild helps it SpA so uh well then  

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Plus, Venam was only tricky in my run since I ran a type disadvantage, You don't, in fact you have a type advantage against her ivysaur

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