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New Run with all time favourite


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So i was starting a new run of reborn the other day but couldn't get past starter selection because i played with each and every starter i like (or that doesnt feel entirely useless due to missing egg moves) already. But since i really love reborn i was wondering if somebody out here had one of my all time favourite mons to trade me as my starter instead <3 these are the mons i'd be really interested in in their most optimal form (i'd be happy even without perfect nature ofc ^^)

Marill(adamant) w/ hugepower + bellydrum, aqua jet

Darumaka(jolly) w/ hustle

Sneasel(jolly) + icicle crash

Sandile(jolly) /w moxie

Snorlax(careful) /w thick fat + curse,rest,sleeptalk

Zubat(jolly) + brave bird


If somebody has one of the above id be eternally thankful and ofc will return the favour of breeding a dreammon once i reach the stage of the game that enables me to do so


Best regards Goodjoe/HORST

Edited by Goodjoe
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Hello there,


so if you want you could 'install' the following Mod packet:



With one of these mods you can change your starter pokemon to almost everything you want (some legendaries excluded). And you don't need to use all of them, just delete the ones you don't need. This makes those runs a bit easier. For example you want to do a fary type run, you can just change your starter to an alolan vulpix or something like that :)


Hope I could help. If you don't want to use those mods, just message me and I think I could trade you one of those pokemons.

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