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Stall & Mega Evolutions


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Assuming mega evolutions do end up impacting the PS OU metagame (doubles is just in my eyes the most likely to be influenced) i was curious what you guys thought about the viability of playing stall?
Stall is struggling to keep up as it is with terrakion and etc but we keep getting stuff like Mega Lucario, Mega Blaziken & Mega Garchomp (all monster offences) but no Mega Skarmory or Mega Blissey? Mega Venasaur with thick fat is a huge boon but im wondering what pokemon you guys reckon need a Mega Evolution and what kind changes to abilities, typings or stats do you reckon would benifet stall most and potentially make it viable?

Aside from the obvious Mega Blissey and Skarmory i'm holding out for Mega Swampert (hoping it gets thick fat as well), Mega Fortress (hoping it gets Scrappy for obvious reasons haha) & Mega Cofagrigus (Mummy is underated and more bulk with a ground/fighting secondary typing would make it a better physical wall then skarmory ever could be).

*The reason why i'm posting here and not somewhere like smogon is I generally like this community and the way people think here more, less confrontational and more friendly :)

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To be honest, I think stall's going see less play overall, due to a few more powerful threats, like fucking Adaptability Close Combat from Lucario, Mega Charizard having both drought and a huge special attack increase, which will make its Fire Blasts do shittons of damage, even if it can't have specs/life orb. Mega Garchomp has a Sand Force Earthquake, which would probably kill most physical walls outside of Skarmory at +2, and easily decimate special ones. On the other hand though, that's really assuming that defensive/wall pokemon don't GET evolutions.

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Stalling is already so hard lol, don't know if it will be even viable......I like the more fast pacing of an offensive team, but I don't want to see stalling disappear.........we will see how it pans out once they release and we see how the Meta-Game evolves once it has a while to get going ( I am thinking a lot of Mega-Evo's are going to be pushed to Ubers....since they seem ridiculously powerful). i am ready to see how it goes though....also really wondering how the sleep mechanics will work, along with how much the fact that grass types are now immune to spore etc....is going to be.

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None of the mega evos are moving to ubers with the exception of the ones that are already there...

They aren't as crazy as some people think they are...

And sttall will always be there, you just don't want to make stall your team's main focus... you never want to....

Stall has always been secondary to most players, and in other games stall or turtling is considered boring to watch or playing lame...

A lot of people frown upon it

There are a lot of pokes that will be able to play stall well in gen 6

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Lets just keep it real folks. There is a very slim chance that any mega evolution is gonna be in regular pokemon play. Even if there is, it'll be for the lesser Mega Evolutions that are gonna be balanced like Mega Ampharos. (That typing is gonna be a killer though)

Besides, who said the mega evolutions were permanent before a battle?

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Except that's assuming that Mega's are incorporated into PO the same way as in the games; they very well could be counted as just alternate formes such as Giratina or Rotom-W, or Shaymin-S, which would very well allow more than one per team. We don't know yet.

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MegaGarchomp doesn't need an item, neither does MegaMewtwo or MegaBlaziken. They're still powerful even without the ability to use items. Mega Pokemon will be used more than everyone seems to think, because people always find reliable strategies for new things. If I can only use one Mega Pokemon, then I'll just put Mega Garchomp on a sand team, or put Mega Blaziken on a weatherless hyper offense team. And like Silver said, they're likely to just be alternate forms like Rotom-W, etc. Giratina-O being the best example because it holds the respective orb when you choose it. Mega Charizard will also be a good Pokemon in the lower tiers. Yes, I firmly believe that thing isn't going to be OU. I'm being generous even stating that I think it will make UU. Anyway, with a proper(at least better than Vulpix) sun set up Pokemon, it's a good reason for Mega Charizard to stay in lower tiers. Regardless, Mega Pokemon will be used. It just all depends on strategy, and how well you play. If I can sweep teams with a curse/payback Umbreon in OU, then I'm pretty sure buffed up versions of already powerful Pokemon will be viable. Item or not. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Bringing back this thread now that we have more information it's clear there will be no more then one mega evo per battle and that the evolving pokemon must hold a mega stone to evolve.

Dom had a good point about the items but factor in the stat boosts and new abilities and I don't see the loss of choice specs and choice band being that bad for offensive pokemon. Not being able to mega evolve and use leftovers hurts stall badly though cause tank pokemon with little recovery options like megaVenasaur need that lefties recovery.

I honestly think mega evolutions will be used now in ou and singles. It probably have a late game end condition effect like when you bring out your last pokemon that's ready to sweep the rest of his team. Aside from wall breakers like megaGarchomp I can't see why use a powerful pokemon that will only get revenged by a scarf user later or even used as setup fodder.

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Sincerely, I have heard this "Stall is dead!" complain a lot in my life. Everytime I hope it is true, everytime I hope we are finally rid of ultra-boring heal-heal-heal-status-status-status-hax-hax-hax matches.

But then somehow, someway, stall eventually returns. These Mega guys are the quintessence of brute force, yes. They are all about appealing to kids with sheer cool factor, yes.

But eventually, people will find a way to still play it competitively in YGO-esque fashion, and stall will still be there. Mark my words.

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Dude stall maybe boring for you and I'm sure a lot of people find watching it boring but building and using a successful stall team is like a whole different way of competitive thinking that just helps keep pokemon fresh. Maybe I enjoy frustrating my opponents a bit too much but I think the most desirable characteristic of a meta game is variety.

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Ok I will admit the tones I used gave away a bit too much the fact that I am a biased stall hater (I won't reply to your point according to which stall provides "diversity", because we would end up arguing over something that isn't the focus of this topic).

But my point stands: every time a new generation, with new awesome offensive mechanics, comes out, lots of people proclaim that stall is dead. But it is never the case. And I am positive that Gen 6 will not be different: a lot of talking about how Mega Evolutions will turn the game in favor of casual kids who know nothing about strategy and just want to enjoy the sheer awesomeness, but in the end the YGO-esque competitive scenario will once again take over, and stall will still be there.

So yeah, if you are a stall lover, don't worry: your fav playstyle isn't dead :)

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Stall will never die...

Kinda like "keep away" in fighting games... its a super annoyng part of the game that will always be there...

Also we haven't seen all of the new moves yet...

Also a lot of the best stall teams are weather based, I personally think the new weather mechanics will hurt stall more than Mega Evos will...

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Speaking of which: have we managed to officially confirm that the decreased endurance of weather we have heard about is caused by new game mechanics and not just Froakie's hidden ability? Because there are rumors pointing in both directions...

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Apparently it is stated in the Coro Coro issue introducing Mega Tyrantitar

Also, I think Greninja's hidden ability will be Technician or Unburden

So I doubt it was a hidden ability that nulled whatever weather you were talking about...

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They changed the weather mechanics ? Puts all plans for Charizard Y on hold.. I'm not trying to say playing stall is dead by any means but rather a competively successful stall team in gen 5 is incredibly difficult to put together considering the offensive power houses available. DPP OU stall was probably at its most prominent aside from GSC

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