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Pokemon Fan Game Recommendations [Community WIP]


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On 3/11/2021 at 10:54 PM, Gham said:

dope! thanks. good to hear it has a full team to support it, just from following the big two for years a lot of time and pain goes into making these lol

yeah if you haven't already you should definitely check out desolation, that's the only one I've played that is really on par with reborn/rejuve

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On 3/12/2021 at 12:54 AM, Gham said:

dope! thanks. good to hear it has a full team to support it, just from following the big two for years a lot of time and pain goes into making these lol

Gonna give a +1 to desolation as well. Personally I think it has the most interesting plotline out of the 3

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12 hours ago, poop face said:

Gonna give a +1 to desolation as well. Personally I think it has the most interesting plotline out of the 3

Yeah I'd agree with this as well. However I do feel like it's not balanced quite as well as Reborn and Rejuv were in the early game. Charles is a real difficulty spike for so early on and Adrienne is really difficult for that point of the game too. It does smooth out afterwards at least. 


For fangames not of the Reborn family, I'd recommend Xenoverse. It's excellent and has the best art direction of any fangame I've played honestly. A lot of the NPC art could pass for official art and it comes closer to capturing the aesthetic of the actual games more than any other fangame.  The fakemon designs are mostly quite good and it's got a charming cast of characters, plus a great soundtrack. It's not as hard as Reborn's family but still has challenging moments, especially for the first 3rd or so of the game. It does get a lot easier lategame I feel. This is probably my favorite fangame not of the Reborn-trilogy. Its maingame is finished with some of the postgame finished but I think there's still a few things we can't get so I'm not sure the exact status of it. 


Uranium's fakemons are...dated somewhat and kinda jank-looking(some of the animations/designs are quite good at least) tbh but the game itself is still solid and one of the better fangames. I think the soundtrack for it good too and the story isn't too bad but takes time to get good. I did like the nuclear thing, that was cool. The postgame was never completed for this one but the main game is done. I had fun with it.


Insurgence is fun with all the deltas and how the game gives the player a lot to play with so you're never stuck in pokemon poverty with lousy mons like say early game Reborn but the story/writing is....not great? It's not bad and has its moments but it's not why you play Insurgence lol. Some of the music is cool(dat Nyx theme), but not the wild battle theme. The wild battle theme was so bad I actually had to replace it just to get through the game. I thought something was wrong with the game when I first heard it lol. Also it repeats the same 3-4 town music for every town which gets old. It's weird because the cult leaders have so much effort put into their music but then the towns and some other themes feels rather lacking in comparison. It's a real shame.


The only other ones I played were Daybreak and Empire which I just started. Empire is very weird but fresh in how it approaches the mechanics which makes it stand out.  It's not for everyone and I'd honestly only recommend it for more hardcore players because it's overwhelming otherwise with all its changes and field system. Plus it has some questionable design choices, some of which are very offputting. Kind of feels like a a love it or hate it game from what I played of it so far.. Daybreak I would recommend if you want to play a fangame that's not any of the above I guess?



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11 hours ago, Monochrome_Complex said:

Yeah I'd agree with this as well. However I do feel like it's not balanced quite as well as Reborn and Rejuv were in the early game. Charles is a real difficulty spike for so early on and Adrienne is really difficult for that point of the game too. It does smooth out afterwards at least. 


For fangames not of the Reborn family, I'd recommend Xenoverse. It's excellent and has the best art direction of any fangame I've played honestly. A lot of the NPC art could pass for official art and it comes closer to capturing the aesthetic of the actual games more than any other fangame.  The fakemon designs are mostly quite good and it's got a charming cast of characters, plus a great soundtrack. It's not as hard as Reborn's family but still has challenging moments, especially for the first 3rd or so of the game. It does get a lot easier lategame I feel. This is probably my favorite fangame not of the Reborn-trilogy. Its maingame is finished with some of the postgame finished but I think there's still a few things we can't get so I'm not sure the exact status of it. 


Uranium's fakemons are...dated somewhat and kinda jank-looking(some of the animations/designs are quite good at least) tbh but the game itself is still solid and one of the better fangames. I think the soundtrack for it good too and the story isn't too bad but takes time to get good. I did like the nuclear thing, that was cool. The postgame was never completed for this one but the main game is done. I had fun with it.


Insurgence is fun with all the deltas and how the game gives the player a lot to play with so you're never stuck in pokemon poverty with lousy mons like say early game Reborn but the story/writing is....not great? It's not bad and has its moments but it's not why you play Insurgence lol. Some of the music is cool(dat Nyx theme), but not the wild battle theme. The wild battle theme was so bad I actually had to replace it just to get through the game. I thought something was wrong with the game when I first heard it lol. Also it repeats the same 3-4 town music for every town which gets old. It's weird because the cult leaders have so much effort put into their music but then the towns and some other themes feels rather lacking in comparison. It's a real shame.


The only other ones I played were Daybreak and Empire which I just started. Empire is very weird but fresh in how it approaches the mechanics which makes it stand out.  It's not for everyone and I'd honestly only recommend it for more hardcore players because it's overwhelming otherwise with all its changes and field system. Plus it has some questionable design choices, some of which are very offputting. Kind of feels like a a love it or hate it game from what I played of it so far.. Daybreak I would recommend if you want to play a fangame that's not any of the above I guess?



I wrote in the previous page my feelings about Uranium/Insurgance. TL;DR they were dissapointing. The main reason was because of the hype they have (being ranked above reborn in most sites). Insurgance actually pisses me off cause it has so much wasted potential.

I'll check Xenoverse/daybreak/empire. thanks


Edit: just saw the trailer for Xennoverse and it looks really good


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6 hours ago, poop face said:

I wrote in the previous page my feelings about Uranium/Insurgance. TL;DR they were dissapointing. The main reason was because of the hype they have (being ranked above reborn in most sites). Insurgance actually pisses me off cause it has so much wasted potential.

I'll check Xenoverse/daybreak/empire. thanks


Edit: just saw the trailer for Xennoverse and it looks really good


I don't think I've  seen Uranium ranked above Reborn too much personally. I can see it being ranked higher by some because it's not as edgy(being a bit closer in tone to the actual games) and it's much easier, so it's not as frustrating, but personally as someone who liked both Reborn is definitely better. Insurgence is overrated to some degree I'll admit but I still think it's fine on its own merits, and while I never played Zeta/Omicron it seems like a vast improvement off what those two built(it was from the same dudes). Plus you do have to give Insurgence credit for being meaty and actually complete, something few fangames can claim lol. But I do get not liking Insurgence because like you said, it does have some wasted potential. 


Also pet peeve of mine but I don't like when NPCs use revives, especially since I don't even like using revives mid-battle myself. This was kind of annoying about Insurgence and Daybreak unfortunately does it too, in fact it's even WORSE about it if you can believe it. If I'm being honest of all the games I listed Daybreak would be the one I'd recommend least,  but if you want you can still check it out.  I think my favorite thing about Daybreak is that the rival's encounter theme is Bloody Stream lol.



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  • 5 weeks later...
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If you like something insanely challenging, try Pokemon Clover as well. Though there are some elements that may deem offensive to some so be warned on the content. The Fakemon designs were pretty good, some are darn hilarious. It got super challenging to the point where you cannot use cheats at all (if you do, after beating the Pokemon League, your save file will be deleted) and the gyms and villainous teams on the postgame can be extra tough as well. The soundtracks are pretty lit especially the trainer battle theme in the Ebin region and Burial Tower.

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Yoo guys so like the title said I ask for recommandation because I have played many PFG and now it's kinda hard to find good ones. I prefer ones with new region and no or not many Fakemons !

So if anyone can save me from my misery it would be really cool !

Here are some of ones I played (with my rates for who want to try them too) :


- Pokemon Rejuv : 100/10 (yeah I love Rejuv so f*ck the rate system)

- Pokemon Reborn and Desolation : 10/10

- Pokemon Insurgence : 9,5/10

- Pokemon Uranium : 8/10

- Pokemon Spork : 8/10

- Pokemon Empyrean : 9/10

- Pokemon Fantasy : 4/10 (Boring)

- Pokemon Radiant : 0/10 (lost at the very first minutes)

- Pokemon Empire : 6/10 (too hard with no item during battle but good story)

- Pokemon Daybreak : 5/10 (softlock nice)

- Pokemon Xenoverse : 8/10

- Pokemon Clockwork : 6/10 (will never be finish 😣)

- Pokemon Solar Light (or something like that) : 5/10 (noob friendly)

- Pokemon Raptor Ex : 6/10


And I have others but I forget their names lol.

Hope to have some saviors !









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Hi. I'd like to recommend Pokemon Ashen Frost. It's a different suggestion to the aforementioned ones and it's definitely a must play, in my opinion. You are a Pokemon Detective. You start off with a very different Starter (I won't spoil what it is) and you solve Cases during your playthrough.


I'm going to dedicate myself to it more fully after my completion of Pokemon Reborn, Pokemon Desolation and Pokemon Rejuvenation and I quite look forward to doing so. I also recommend Pokemon Empyrean and Pokemon Gaia, plus more once I discover them for myself.


There will be no spoilers here in my posts, so if you are interested within these games that I have mentioned, I strongly recommend (although it is absolutely your choice) that you check them out for your own self and see what you personally make of them. :)

Edited by Valyrian_Reforged
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Pokemon Fangame Recommendation Update: Here are some fangames that I had seen get recommended within Best Pokemon Fangames lists thanks to PokeTubers.


Please do research them and if they sound like they might be worth a playthrough to you and/or to your friends, etcetera, feel free to experience them for yourself. I do hope that this will not be considered a double post. If so, I do not mean for it to and I can edit this information into my previous post if need be. :)


  • POKEMON Amethyst

  • POKEMON Alchemist

  • POKEMON Bushido

  • POKEMON Empire

  • POKEMON Enigma

  • POKEMON Infinity

  • POKEMON Jade

  • POKEMON Melanite

  • POKEMON Nightmare

  • POKEMON Nightshade

  • POKEMON Paradox

  • POKEMON Parallax

  • POKEMON Postscriptum

  • POKEMON Raptor Ex

  • POKEMON Royal

  • POKEMON Unbreakable

  • POKEMON Vengeance

Edited by Valyrian_Reforged
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  • 3 months later...
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There are so many games that I've immersed myself in that I super recommend to anyone who loves a good story, gameplay, etc.


Pokemon Xenoverse is definitely a league on its own, it offers brand new Pokémon, the community is pretty lively on Reddit as well, I really enjoy the uniqueness it offers, and there are amazing artists who even create cutscenes during battles which I find pretty cool (Reminds me of how the Pokémon Anime would do it after every episode). There are what reminds me of Totem Pokémon in the game (Reference to Sun and Moon), overall, I love the designs the game offers, and it definitely has kept me going to want to play more, although it's one of those games I haven't finished yet within post-game. I wouldn't say it's intrigued me enough to keep going, but that's just me!


Pokémon Reborn here, still my #1 favorite! :), I find it amazing how many hours I stacked throughout my playthrough AND that was due to how challenging it gets, it put me into a chokehold. I really enjoy the characters and self-disclosure; it has given me a safety jacket of where I went to when I was going through a deep depression. There are puzzles you need to complete in order to progress, so make sure you have your guides ready. The story was jaw-dropping, brought the angst that my inner nerd has always wanted in Pokémon, yes!! ruin my childhood innocence! Jokes aside, Pokémon Reborn was the conduit that has kept me here this long and wanting to play even more fan games.


Pokémon Rejuvenation is a beautiful game, you will enjoy the story and characters, battles were definitely easier to grind than Reborn, the story is beautifully crafted, some segments that are revealed earlier in the story become uncovered later on, it has the field effects that Pokémon Reborn has that forces your Pokémon to adapt to certain conditions and the soundtracks were chef's kiss. It makes you wish that more characters would appear in the story, even when a lot of the characters take place and stay relevant in the first place, this is because I enjoyed many of them so much, and if a fan game can make a nerd like me to care enough to do that, I'd say it got me in a chokehold like Reborn did.


Pokémon Desolation, I just finished this one, and the game is almost finished! Stay updated on the developer's blog to see more details ;). I find that Pokémon Desolation is held on the same standard as Rejuvenation and Reborn, let me just say that nothing is what it seems.  This is a game where side quests are relevant to your success throughout the story, and where your decisions do matter, here's an amazing guide that someone fabulous created Deso Guide.docx - Google Docs which includes what decisions to make if you care about it, it includes the walkthrough as well. All the gym leaders are hot btw, don't judge me! Also, this is a game where speaking to random strangers within cities come to play, and that includes the beginning as well, make sure you pick up any item as you go because it may come relevant later on. I don't want to spoil, but a fact was the game offered us what I didn't know I needed, and I am definitely coming back once it's finished. Catch me joining Caz's patreon because I want my hands on that beta.


Pokémon Apex is super cool, it gave me a novelistic vibe playing as the protagonist who actually talks, and when the story has just started, it's given me goosebumps a few times, by how realistic I feel it gets, just like Pokémon Desolation, the information given from the characters become important!


by sending the Protagonist to another dimension where Pokémon co-exist with humans, in the protagonist's world you'll see that they don't particularly talk about Pokémon and dives into a world that we have which is niche.

I really hope the developers continue through this game because I want to see what happens next! The only thing I can say is there are a few bugs that cause your game to crash, I have to make sure to save my game entering new areas to prevent that.


Other games are the infamous Pokémon Uranium, it has a dark storyline similarly to Reborn but also offers a light version as well if you're not into that (It took me awhile to actually start the game until I completed the first three, I listed LOL)

Pokemon Infinity and Clockwork is a game I intend on starting, so if I like them, I'll probably come through again and write my cute analysis no one asked for.


I knew I had to recommend some games to someone who sees this, if you did, thank you for reading my recommendations and if you intend on playing any, I really hope you enjoy the fan games like I did!




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On 7/24/2022 at 9:36 AM, Zargerth said:

How far in development is Phoenix Rising? Last I checked, there was just the demo that ended in the port town I can't remember the name of, where the museum theft happened.

I actually need to edit this post -  I was referencing Xenoverse, don't know why Phoenix Rising popped to mind 

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  • 5 months later...

Pokemon Crown


Guys, you definitely should try this. I just finished the beta version and I'm bewitched! Although its pretty new and the beta is short, this game promising so much. Artwork is beautiful with middle-ages era and completely different(sorto like mystery dungeon-i guess) battle mechanic is surprisingly fitting. You will be glad to follow this games development.

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