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Radomus gym battle



I've been trying to beat Radomus but i can't, it has super effective moves for all my team, i'd really aprecciate ur help :(

The current team i'm using against him is: 

Banette lvl 58

Ditto lvl 58

Yanmega lvl 57

Noivern lvl 58

Ribombee lvl 57

Drifblim lvl 58

Let me know if i shoul switch mons or sumthn plz

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5 hours ago, mitt.exe said:

I've been trying to beat Radomus but i can't, it has super effective moves for all my team, i'd really aprecciate ur help :(

The current team i'm using against him is: 

Banette lvl 58

Ditto lvl 58

Yanmega lvl 57

Noivern lvl 58

Ribombee lvl 57

Drifblim lvl 58

Let me know if i shoul switch mons or sumthn plz

One thing you can do is use his own tricks against him. He has a trick room team, but not necessarily good slow Pokemon in a lot of cases. So if you can grab slower Pokemon that hit him supereffectively you'll be golden.


Some great Pokemon for this are Crawdaunt and Escalvier. You can find Corphish near Apophyll Academy using Rock Smash. For Karrablast you can catch a Shelmet on Azurine Island and trade it over for a Karrablast that will evolve immediately in Spinel Town.


Tsarina might also be a good choice since her Queenly Majesty gives her 1.5 times damage on the field. I like to use Drapion as well.

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My best advice is to use the type gems (you get them at the department store). Try leading Noivern and Yanmega with Flying and Bug gem, respectively. He might send out Slowking and Metagross, so you gotta focus on the Slowking, and let either Yanmega or Noivern die. Then, send out Drifblim to try and ko Metagross (and slowking, if it's still allive). After defeating Metagross and Slowking, you can just use Ribombee and Bannete to take out his remaining Pokemon. Good luck!

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i remember krookodile being very good against his team, you can easily build up moxie boost with the combo of earthquake and crunch. combine him with a fast flying type to take out his gallade and you should be good to go. sandile can be found in tanzan mountain

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Step 1: banette fakes out reuniclus, yanmega takes down gallade

Step 2: banette finishes reuniclus, yanmega takes out incoming pokemon

Step 3: repeat till win


you have a ghost type with a base 130 atk, and one of the best bug type special attackers in the game, against a psychic gym. It's not rocket science.


and if you're really struggling, grab a togedemaru or something that can learn a terrain move and eliminate the chess field, that prevents his moves turning rock and squashing your bugs.

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I’m not very good at Pokemon in general, and this game in particular, and I haven’t fought this Gym in a long while, so I’m not sure how much it’ll help or even if it’s sound advice. But I’ll give it a go anyway. 

First, I think it’s important that you mention the movesets of your mons – also the held items, I’d guess. 

Second, I notice that four (!) of your Pokemons are weak to Rock, a type which is rather common as coverage in Radomus’s team (Strength and iirc Psychic)! So you should definitely switch part of your team – I don’t know what mons you have in your rotation, it would be a good idea to mention them too. 

This is all the more important since I think that your Pokemon aren’t very solid defensively speaking, and they’re not (at least I don’t think so) very powerful offensively speaking either. 

I think that, with minor modifications (a screen setter seems necessary) you can set Ribombee up during the first Trick Room, kill Reuniclus on the last turn, and dent the other one’s team from there. Not sure how far you can be carried though. 

Otherwise, perhaps you can copy the Reuniclus and cancel the incoming Trick Room by using TR as well (do you have Quick Powder?), while literally any other mon can try and kill Gallade (Yanmega and Ribombee can deal with many of the other mons that can be sent afterwards). Then it gets harder to predict and I’m worried that any Pokemon of your team is countered by Malamar or Metagross. Ditto probably will be an asset to be switched regularly in and out (copied Malamar might be pretty good...) 

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On 3/15/2021 at 3:27 PM, Mindlack said:

I’m not very good at Pokemon in general, and this game in particular, and I haven’t fought this Gym in a long while, so I’m not sure how much it’ll help or even if it’s sound advice. But I’ll give it a go anyway. 

First, I think it’s important that you mention the movesets of your mons – also the held items, I’d guess. 

Second, I notice that four (!) of your Pokemons are weak to Rock, a type which is rather common as coverage in Radomus’s team (Strength and iirc Psychic)! So you should definitely switch part of your team – I don’t know what mons you have in your rotation, it would be a good idea to mention them too. 

This is all the more important since I think that your Pokemon aren’t very solid defensively speaking, and they’re not (at least I don’t think so) very powerful offensively speaking either. 

I think that, with minor modifications (a screen setter seems necessary) you can set Ribombee up during the first Trick Room, kill Reuniclus on the last turn, and dent the other one’s team from there. Not sure how far you can be carried though. 

Otherwise, perhaps you can copy the Reuniclus and cancel the incoming Trick Room by using TR as well (do you have Quick Powder?), while literally any other mon can try and kill Gallade (Yanmega and Ribombee can deal with many of the other mons that can be sent afterwards). Then it gets harder to predict and I’m worried that any Pokemon of your team is countered by Malamar or Metagross. Ditto probably will be an asset to be switched regularly in and out (copied Malamar might be pretty good...) 

I actually didn't focused on the items before, never thought as them as relevant, but, in this particular game i've discovered that items make the difference, so i rlly don't know how to use in a proper way my items, but i'll try my best and let u know

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21 hours ago, wcv said:

One thing you can do is use his own tricks against him. He has a trick room team, but not necessarily good slow Pokemon in a lot of cases. So if you can grab slower Pokemon that hit him supereffectively you'll be golden.


Some great Pokemon for this are Crawdaunt and Escalvier. You can find Corphish near Apophyll Academy using Rock Smash. For Karrablast you can catch a Shelmet on Azurine Island and trade it over for a Karrablast that will evolve immediately in Spinel Town.


Tsarina might also be a good choice since her Queenly Majesty gives her 1.5 times damage on the field. I like to use Drapion as well.

where can i get tsarina or drapion??

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19 hours ago, Gastronely said:

My best advice is to use the type gems (you get them at the department store). Try leading Noivern and Yanmega with Flying and Bug gem, respectively. He might send out Slowking and Metagross, so you gotta focus on the Slowking, and let either Yanmega or Noivern die. Then, send out Drifblim to try and ko Metagross (and slowking, if it's still allive). After defeating Metagross and Slowking, you can just use Ribombee and Bannete to take out his remaining Pokemon. Good luck!

thank u very much, i'll try this one first, i'll let u know how it goes

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14 hours ago, Racermannen said:

i remember krookodile being very good against his team, you can easily build up moxie boost with the combo of earthquake and crunch. combine him with a fast flying type to take out his gallade and you should be good to go. sandile can be found in tanzan mountain

where can i get ralts??

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7 hours ago, Lil' Sunny said:

Step 1: banette fakes out reuniclus, yanmega takes down gallade

Step 2: banette finishes reuniclus, yanmega takes out incoming pokemon

Step 3: repeat till win


you have a ghost type with a base 130 atk, and one of the best bug type special attackers in the game, against a psychic gym. It's not rocket science.


and if you're really struggling, grab a togedemaru or something that can learn a terrain move and eliminate the chess field, that prevents his moves turning rock and squashing your bugs.

i don't have fake out on banette i made him forget it im sorry, i could go with the move relearner tho, but i don't know where's the goddamn key lol

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1 hour ago, mitt.exe said:

where can i get tsarina or drapion??

You can get Skorupi in the Wasteland. Bounsweet can be obtained by showing the Glameow from the second salon to one of the ladies in the first.


Though while those two are nice I wouldn’t recommend going out of your way for them. I just tend to use both at this point of the game anyway.

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