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Need help beating Kiki


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I'm currently having trouble beating Kiki. My team right now is Blazekin (Lv 43), Meowstic (Female) (Lv 42), Ampharos (Lv 42), Floatzel (Lv 42), Drapion (Lv 42), and Roselia (Lv 42). I'm guessing I should replace Drapion for this fight but with what. Are there any other suggestions for replacements?

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27 minutes ago, chaotic_crusader said:

I'm currently having trouble beating Kiki. My team right now is Blazekin (Lv 43), Meowstic (Female) (Lv 42), Ampharos (Lv 42), Floatzel (Lv 42), Drapion (Lv 42), and Roselia (Lv 42). I'm guessing I should replace Drapion for this fight but with what. Are there any other suggestions for replacements?

This team seems pretty good for Kiki. Just level your mons and try the fight a couple more times.

Edited by Aariq
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32 minutes ago, chaotic_crusader said:

I'm currently having trouble beating Kiki. My team right now is Blazekin (Lv 43), Meowstic (Female) (Lv 42), Ampharos (Lv 42), Floatzel (Lv 42), Drapion (Lv 42), and Roselia (Lv 42). I'm guessing I should replace Drapion for this fight but with what. Are there any other suggestions for replacements?

Also, you can get a shiny stone for Roselia by mining rocks. The mining kit is in the Grand Stairway, along with a crap ton of rocks. Roserade should be a big help in a battle against the Fighting leader. Although, remember Machamp, Lucario and Medicham (Of course) know a Psychic move.

Edited by Aariq
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Actually, Drapion (or really any Dark type) is amazing for this fight. All of her mons that use Strength as their Fighting STAB are helpless against it, as the move is part Psychic on this field. This includes Machamp, Gallade, and Toxicroak (and Medicham, but it also knows Drain Punch). Teach it Facade via TM to hit Toxicroak and you're golden. This turns the battle into an effective 5v3 and Blaziken should have little trouble cleaning up with Bulk Up + Speed Boost.


If Drapion can't beat those mons outright for some reason, use it as a pivot to absorb Strength and heal up the rest of your team.


And as was already said - you can evolve your Roselia at this point, which won't be massive for this battle but will be a huge help in the future.

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5 hours ago, Seel The Deal said:

Actually, Drapion (or really any Dark type) is amazing for this fight. All of her mons that use Strength as their Fighting STAB are helpless against it, as the move is part Psychic on this field. This includes Machamp, Gallade, and Toxicroak (and Medicham, but it also knows Drain Punch). Teach it Facade via TM to hit Toxicroak and you're golden. This turns the battle into an effective 5v3 and Blaziken should have little trouble cleaning up with Bulk Up + Speed Boost.


If Drapion can't beat those mons outright for some reason, use it as a pivot to absorb Strength and heal up the rest of your team.


And as was already said - you can evolve your Roselia at this point, which won't be massive for this battle but will be a huge help in the future.

How do I get Facade and where else I mine rocks for Dawn Stones

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Facade is sold in the Game Corner over in the Onyx Ward, while rocks can be found all over the region - under the Grand Staircase, in the mountains both south of Shade's gym and north of Corey's, in the cave on the northern side of Apophyll Beach. You'll find more shortly after Kiki too, and eventually you'll get access to items which let you "retry" a particular mining rock once.


When looking for a specific item from mining rocks, you can save just before trying, and reload if you don't get what you need, essentially giving you infinite tries.


Although - I think I was a bit too hasty saying you can evolve at this point, I forgot Shiny Stones aren't actually in the mining pool yet (E19 iirc is adding Shiny/Dawn/Dusk/Ice). Your first one is immediately AFTER Kiki, on Azurine Island. My bad lol


(if you want a Roselia replacement just to get through this fight, Vileplume is easy to get, very bulky and comes with Sleep Powder, though I wouldn't bother anyway since 5/6 mons have Psychic moves)

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Noibat is waaaaay too weak for this fight, being an unevolved Zubat equivalent, but you can switch train (or Rare Candy) over the level cap to evolve it, then Common Candy back to 45. Medicham can't actually get a (good) Psychic move until a bit later (needs to either breed with Kadabra for Psycho Cut, or visit the relearner for Zen Headbutt), but its High Jump Kick will still hit like a freight train and it can get +3 attack using Meditate so it should still do great.

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