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The Factory (Post Episode 9)


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Hello, I'm ZeroPassion

My bundled showcase of Pokemon, still a work in progress, but nevertheless, progress after episode 9.

Without further ado....


Slayer (Crobat) / Hasty / Female / Lv 51 / Infiltrator


Confuse Ray

Poison Fang


I love Crobat, A LOT. A very nice addition to my team, although overused in this game from what I've seen. Not an issue though.


Burnious (Infernape) / Modest / Male / Lv 51/ Iron Fist

Close Combat


Flame Wheel


I'm not so creative with names, and the nature is bleh to a fault. I'll be replacing him or get another monkey by breeding.


Jolteon / Docile / Male / Lv 53 / Quick Feet


Shadow Ball

Thunder Fang

Thunder Wave

Yeah I like Eeveelutions. This guy was great vs Noel's Swellow which was a challenge to get over. Nevertheless, a wonderful addition to the team. Also, Thunder Fang is broken when you use it to beat a pokemon in the wild. Ends with no Experience, don't know if that was been addressed yet.


Gangster (Scrafty) / Lax / Female / Lv 51 / Moxie

Brick Break



Hi Jump Kick

Meh nature, fun to use against Girafarig! I'm gonna try to get a Dragon Dance Scrafty, because, why not . Bleh moveset honestly, but what else can be done?


Ninetales / Jolly / Female / Lv 53 / (SHINY! YEAAAAAAAAAAH!) / Drought




Confuse Ray

Pretty...pretty....shiny.....shiny.......ehem, ok so the Nature is ok to a point, but still. Drought is AWESOME! I love Ninetales, she is one of my favorite pokemon, yeah?


Auriol (Lucario (Yeah gonna breed) / Lonely / Male / Lv 51 / Steadfest

Calm Mind

Aura Sphere

Shadow Ball

Swords Dance

Well the nature is awesome, moveset is ok except for Swords Dance. Steadfest....AHAHAHA Cinccino. Nothing more said. Also I like Shadow Ball. A lot. I'm gonna breed for a new Lucario so this guy will get benched.

Honorary mentions:


SB-V2 (Soundboard Version 2 (Magnezone) / Bashful / Lv 46 / SHINY! / Sturdy


Flash Cannon

Metal Sound

Electro Ball

Well, this guy has been replaced by Jolteon now. He was nice before, but now he will be a memory for the time being....also Magne is shiny.


Pink Panda (Musharna) / Calm / Female / Lv 44 / Synchronize

Calm Mind




AAHAHAHAH, who would use Musharna...oh, me. Basically to beat Aya. Musharna was great. but now I must go with the flow.....


Rocky (Golem) / Lax / Female / Lv 49 / Sturdy

Stealth Rock


Rock Smash


I was not thinking with the HM's. Holy nature. I love Golem like I love my wife which I have yet to have. Such an amazing pokemon.....


The Pretty boys (and girls) of my system would like to say hi.



Oddish x 2




Another Crobat


Shuppet (<3)






Oh my....they so pretty.....

Pokemon I'm thinking about training/obtaining:

Eeveelutions. Yes, them.

Pickup team while I can still abuse them.

Octillery with Moody (lol I'm mad)


I'm still trying to figure out who I should use my 2nd Link stone on....

Well I think that's it for now. I'll update this while I continue with the game. I am a pokemon collecter, so I must catch'em all. But Zorua clashed with Zangoose, so I'm still gonna see if I can re-obtain Zorua. Thoughts on team/what I should add?

Thank you.

Edited by ZeroPassion
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Why do you have swords dance on a special Lucario?

Well, I'm going to replace Lucario eventually.

Since he's male I could breed with other pokes so they could get Swords Dance on them, but who would be worthwhile.

I'm probably gonna breed Lucario with Ditto and get a whole new Riolu just because.

But yes I will get rid of Swords Dance eventually, since it is silly to keep it on him if he's a Special Lucario.

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If you go special lucario, the smartest thing would have been to train Riolu up to 41, when it got NASTY Plot. Then evolve it, heart scale Dark pulse unto it. Have Aura sphere, then the third move is up to you. Flash cannon tm for additional stab is probably the best option.

I have a physical lucario, with Swords dance, Close combat, Reversal and what will eventually be Extremespeed. After that I will tutor something from the move tutor for coverage.

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If you go special lucario, the smartest thing would have been to train Riolu up to 41, when it got NASTY Plot. Then evolve it, heart scale Dark pulse unto it. Have Aura sphere, then the third move is up to you. Flash cannon tm for additional stab is probably the best option.

I have a physical lucario, with Swords dance, Close combat, Reversal and what will eventually be Extremespeed. After that I will tutor something from the move tutor for coverage.

Now THIS is what I should have done. Given I wasn't really thinking about what to give Lucario, but meh.

Totes gonna bench this Lucario and breed for a new one.

Edited by ZeroPassion
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