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On the hunt for...Brave Bird Crobat



Not looking for a trade but wondering if wild zubats/golbats on azurine island have a change to come with brave bird. Or is there a tudor later i dont remember.



Of course my Swanna is a female and i saved the daycare old farts late which amounts to me not having a ditto yet  sooooo getting brave bird through breeding is unlikely for now. basically at the part where you go save Cain and want a crobat with brave bird just cause...its OP and works well with my team with that speed 😳

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59 minutes ago, Lil' Sunny said:

your best bet is breeding. Grab a pidgey outside the grand hall in the morning or daytime, make sure its male. and breed a female pidgey with brave bird, then breed that with a male zubat. 

The problem with that is that Pidgey can't pass Brave Bird on to Crobat through breeding.


I think the earliest way to get it is to use Headbutt to catch a male Taillow once you reach Chrysolia Forest, get it to level 41 without evolving so it learns Brave Bird, and breed it with a female Zubat/Golbat to pass it over. (Talonflame is technically available earlier, but it doesn't learn Brave Bird until 64 so not much help)


Also I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter when you save the Day Care Couple to get the Ditto, just need to turn it into Makuhita in Blacksteam Factory, but I don't think it would help anyway since Brave Bird isn't an egg move for Ducklett.

Edited by Rendolf
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On 4/9/2021 at 6:47 PM, Rendolf said:

The problem with that is that Pidgey can't pass Brave Bird on to Crobat through breeding.


I think the earliest way to get it is to use Headbutt to catch a male Taillow once you reach Chrysolia Forest, get it to level 41 without evolving so it learns Brave Bird, and breed it with a female Zubat/Golbat to pass it over. (Talonflame is technically available earlier, but it doesn't learn Brave Bird until 64 so not much help)


Also I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter when you save the Day Care Couple to get the Ditto, just need to turn it into Makuhita in Blacksteam Factory, but I don't think it would help anyway since Brave Bird isn't an egg move for Ducklett.

i could be wrong but im pretty sure swanna learns brave bird at 47 which is like only two levels above my current cap. also, literally saved the couple but ditto not there which is so weird. to be fair i beat the imposters but forgot about them for a minute and saved them later that expected but this was still done before i went to the factory soooo kinda weird. either way not a big deal. also triggered cause when you do the murkoroh event it either gets brave bird OR perish song and i want the latter and so gotta breed that one too later on haha

Edited by Gham
spelling and tomfoolery
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Yeah you're right that Swanna learns Brave Bird at 47, but since yours is a female it wouldn't help you much because you wouldn't be able to breed it onto a Zubat, and since Brave Bird isn't an egg move for Ducklett it couldn't pass it down to a male offspring.

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