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aevia's second sprite

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i was planning to do an edit of this sprite, 



but i can't actually seem to find it anywhere in the files. usually full body sprites are in characters folder, but i've combed through there a few times and i haven't seen it (the same goes for ariana's alt sprite, that doesn't seem to be anywhere either).

i guess there's a chance that i just missed it, but if not, does anyone know where the file is actually located? thanks in advance!

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2 minutes ago, SilverAngelus said:

Graphics -> Characters -> file named "trainer 002_1.png"

i assumed it would've been named that had it actually been in the folder, but for some reason nothing with that name comes up. i know i haven't deleted it either. the sprite itself still works ingame so it still must be in the files somewhere but?? if it is supposed to be there i might just have to redownload rejuv lol

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Hey, so I redownloaded Rejuv v12 to double check if my version is up to date and I still found the same character sprites with the same name in the same location. Since you say you can see the sprites in your game, they should be in your game folder. Try searching again, but without adding ".png' in your search, just to see if that helps. Alternatively, you can scroll to the files that begin with the letter t in the Character folder and look there.


And here are the alternatives you asked for:






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i wasn't adding .png in my searches, and i thoroughly rechecked the folder and still didn't find either of the sprites. i added them in apparently they WERE in there, but they just weren't showing up for whatever reason. not sure why that was but problem solved lol

thank you! :)

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