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"What'd You Do Today?" topic


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Just a topic asking what you did today, I suppose.

Went to a computer class (It's an advanced one that gives me extra credits in different classes!) and brought my old 2005 Vista computer just to see if I could get it working again (I broke it last year by dropping a PS3 controller on it). I was doubting it, especially when we took it to the repair shop a month after I broke it and they said we'd just be better off buying a new computer.

Well! We got it working! ...But I've no clue what I'm going to do with it because this one tops it in every way. I can recover my files though!

EDIT: Oh, and I got bored today.


Edited by Tyli
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I had public speaking for like about 2 hours. Bought some Halls because I have plague

and can't go to jiu-jitsu or muay thai for the next few days, so I don't spread around my plague.

Other than that I got some coldstone......

And I finally caught back up in my Reborn file.

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Went through my old computer and found barely anything I would have liked to keep. Found a ton of OSU! stuff and other files from when I was younger.

Glad to know I found it cool to use a spirit sword and a tennis racket at the same time.

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Oof, just got back from dinner. Got this month's issue of Game Informer (I don't know why I get these) and they rated Killer is Dead a 6/10. Complaining about the story not falling into place when that's the point is pretty stupid.

By the way, this Pokemon stuff is horrible. I was expecting to take turns, but it's not like the anime where I can tell my Pokemon to dodge attacks or do other commands!

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I was up at 6am in order to go back to university, starting fresh. I finished the work in an hour and a half, half the time that the sessions were meant to last, and was allowed to leave early. Just waiting now for the bakehouse section of the cafeteria to get some bacon and cheese turnovers on the racks, then once I get one, I'm going to go see the head of student services to try and get some things ironed out, then it's back home for me

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Yesterday; I went to work...

Got a complaint, didn't give a fuck, manager didn't give a fuck because the complainer was obviously a useless tool. So we moved on with our lives.

Discovered a new Religious diety, the Goddess of Bullshit named Missy

Played Halo 4 with Mael and remembered how much I suck at competitive shooters. And how awesome mael is at them.

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Ah! Nothing eventful happened today until like, 10 minutes ago! Finally got to talk to my significant other~ <3 We don't talk much, but when we do, we're incredibly happy together. Bah! I'm so happy!

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Hmmm let's see I went to school and made a friend more or less and did most of my Japanese & Math homework during my 3 hour break. And helped out in this demonstration in public speaking. Capping it off with a download of GTA 5 because there's nothing else to do.

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I went to my family's place to have Sunday dinner, then I returned home, played a bit of Reborn, got myself about 6 different Vanillite, one Aron, and got the kid out of the way of the machine in Obsidia. Now I'm just laying on my bed, feeling very lonely, wishing I had a friend close enough to come visit and hang out with me. I also wish I had more people on my messengers to talk about Pokemon, Reborn in particular

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