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Teddiursa Bug



Hey !


I'm new to this and I start Reborn yesterday.

Unfortunately, I discovered a bug.


I'm at the game where you need to go to Julia's arena where she's saying "They trying to go BOOM and want to BOOM my arena" or something like that.

I'm right before that (I tried to continue in hope it'll fix the bug).

So the bug is Teddiursa just totally disappear from my game.

I saved before confronting him and I notice it was a female. I wanted a male.
So I quit the game using the red cross (during the battle knowing I saved before) and went to bed.

Today I log in the game and no Teddiursa. I tried to search everywhere, no Teddiursa. I looked up on internet to be sure of location, no Teddiursa.
It's ok, the game keep your old save. I tried to use an old save.. still no Teddiursa. It totally disappears from my game and even my old saves.


I don't want to start again, even if I'm at a start because I know doing this will make me less appreciate the game.
I don't like doing thing again & again when he's not intended to.

Can someone help me please ? Do I really need to start over again ?

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What I'm guessing has happened is that the day you did battle Teddiursa the weather was clear, but the next day the weather changed to something else (be it sunny, rainy, stormy, or windy), and since Teddiursa needs clear weather in order to appear it won't show up until the weather is clear again. Once it does then it should go back to the same place it was before. If that isn't the issue, then it could also be the time of day, in which case try coming back later in the day.

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30 minutes ago, Rendolf said:

What I'm guessing has happened is that the day you did battle Teddiursa the weather was clear, but the next day the weather changed to something else (be it sunny, rainy, stormy, or windy), and since Teddiursa needs clear weather in order to appear it won't show up until the weather is clear again. Once it does then it should go back to the same place it was before. If that isn't the issue, then it could also be the time of day, in which case try coming back later in the day.

Oh I didnt know it could work like that ! It's pretty cool. A little boring since I need to wait to get it but cool at the same time.
I don't know if it's weather or time of the day. My game looks like yesterday (at least I think) :



Do we see the time change (like night/day) ? Do I need to wait real time or it's a game time ?

Thank you for answering me so fast by the way !

Edited by Skorme
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The different times of day do look pretty different, with the 3 main sections being morning, day, and night. They are dependent on real time, but if you don't want to wait you can change your system clock to whatever you need it to be. Teddiursa's supposed to be available during the day, which I think is anywhere between 12 and 8 pm. As for the weather, it'll be pretty obvious if it's rainy or windy, but if its sunny then the screen will be significantly yellower than normal once morning is over, and clear weather which you'll be looking for is just the normal color scheme. If you don't get the right weather and you don't want to wait for that either, you could try downloading the weather mod to be able to change it in game, or just change your system date since it generally changes weather every day.

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So it is real-time based. Noted !

And for the weather, now than you said it (and because I also tried to create a new game to see the difference), my game was way more yellow than normal. I just thought it was the atmosphere of the city.

Thank you for every informations you gave me. You were a great help !
It's not a bug after all, just me being ignorant.

Thank you again !

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