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Enjiro Redfox

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Hi There.

Well... I'm now at Kiki's Gym and she demolishes my entire party with ease. -.- (As if the other gym leaders havn't... ... ... this game is just hard)

So, her Hitmonlee outspeeds even my Speed-EV trained Greninja! and sweeps my team, well I managed to defeat that but Lucario just again sweeps everything, even one-shoots a Shuckle because I thought "Hey, maybe I can lay Toxic Spikes with Roselia and stall out with a Shuckle whose Shellsmash in combo with his ability raises his defence and sp-defence into the heavens." but the game just "Uhm, NO, duh" because Lucario is uneffected by poisening and Croakagunk removes em entirely. -.- Then I tried to use my Noibats flying moves in combo with the Arena to reduce Lucarios Accuracy until he is quite blind, but again the Game just punched straight into my face because SOMEHOW Lucario NEVER misses but I do EVERY time after just one hit. >x< ... TwT


Can you please give me some advise what I can do with my Team to get over her?


My Team:

Greninja  Lv.44 (EVs: HP 17, Atk 100, Def 26, Sp.Atk 70, Sp.Def 50, Spd 247) / Docile / Protean / Sea Insence / (Water Pulse, Smokescreen, Cut, Water Shuriken)

Pangoro Lv.44 (EVs: HP 58, Atk 252, Def 100, Sp.Atk 0, Sp.Def 100, Spd 0)  / Brave / Srappy / Black Belt / (Vital Throw, Bullet Punch, Crunch, Embargo)

Houndoom Lv.39 (EVs: HP 12, Atk 196, Def 68, Sp.Atk 12, Sp.Def 22, Spd 200) / Naughty / Early Bird / Charcoal / (Bite, Ember, Fire Fang, Feint Attack)

Roselia Lv.38 (EVs: HP 39, Atk 43, Def 52, Sp.Atk 37, Sp.Def 23, Spd 175) / Docile / Poisen Point / Rose Insence / (Giga Drain, Toxic Spikes, Stun Spore, Growth)

Onix Lv.40 (EVs: HP 101, Atk 34, Def 17, Sp.Atk 46, Sp.Def 26, Spd 85) Sassy / Sturdy / Hard Stone / (Screech, Sand Tomb, Rock Slide, Iron Tail)

Noibat Lv.39 (EVs: HP 20, Atk 80, Def 64, Sp.Atk 49, Sp.Def 31, Spd 252) / Hardy / Telepathy / None / (Gust, Supersonic, Air Cutter, Roost)


Pangoro is at the Moment the only proper EV-Trained one because an area to train SP-ATK and SP-DEF I still havn't found. 

I plan it this way:

Greninja: (EVs: HP 0, Atk 108, Def 0, Sp.Atk 150, Sp.Def 0, Spd 252)

Houndoom (EVs: HP 0, Atk 125, Def 8, Sp.Atk 125, Sp.Def 0, Spd 252)

Roselia (EVs: HP 0, Atk 0, Def 6, Sp.Atk 252, Sp.Def 0, Spd 252)

Steelix (Onix) (EVs: HP 252, Atk 0, Def 100, Sp.Atk 0, Sp.Def 156, Spd 0)

Noivern (Noibat) (EVs: HP 0, Atk 6, Def 0, Sp.Atk 252, Sp.Def 0, Spd 252)

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First of all, half of your team is weak to fighting types. I recommend using Simple Swoobat (Railnet) and Gothitelle (Beryl Library) against her, since Psychic moves are boosted in the Ashen Beach. Noivern could also work, but each time you use Hurricane, it's gonna reduce your accuracy

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3 hours ago, Gastronely said:

First of all, half of your team is weak to fighting types. I recommend using Simple Swoobat (Railnet) and Gothitelle (Beryl Library) against her, since Psychic moves are boosted in the Ashen Beach. Noivern could also work, but each time you use Hurricane, it's gonna reduce your accuracy


Thanks for the Reply :3

I'll go and train up a Swoobat then, it's even 4x resisting fighting-type moves, too


EDIT: I have now a shiny Swoobat (Timid Nature) with Simple... my plan was to use Calm Mind with that ability and sweep her team with Confusion but her first pokemon allready one-hit-K.O.s me -.- meh

Guess I realy need to bring it to the Lv-Cap and grind for EVs, too. -.- this game takes soooooo long sessions of grinding and farming every time -.- not realy what keeps me in for long, but I want to know the Story and be on an Adventure in it... but it doesn't feel like that if you're having grinding-sessions while you actualy should feel the urge to rescue some kidnapped orphans, it takey away that tense and flow. At least in my Oppinion. Or maybe I am just a too casual trainer, before this game I never realy got into things like Natures or EV-Training at all. 

Edited by Enjiro Redfox
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I don't think stall is helpful in this battle, as any boosting move she uses (swords dance, bulk-up, calm mind) is boosted even more. One way to counter this is to get yourself a booster as well. Another way is to bring bulky psychic types (grumpig/musharna, who even uninvested have natural bulk and can withstand hits) as the boost in those moves help a lot and you can dodge ohkos from her sucker punches etc. Some flying/fairy types can be useful too (insert granbull with intimidate here and butterfree/vivillon with speed+ status moves). 

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5 hours ago, Enjiro Redfox said:

So, her Hitmonlee outspeeds even my Speed-EV trained Greninja! and sweeps my team,

Her Hitmonlee has the Unburden ability, which doubles its speed after its item is used up. Her typical move is to fake out on coming in, which immediately used its normal gem and so doubles its speed.


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Since Kiki uses a Normal Gem to activate HItmonlee's Unburden, you can simply get any Ghost-type Mon and swap it in against Hitmonlee and you will have completely countered her strategy with that mon. Sandygast is found on the beach. Drifloon is next to Shade's gym (on a windy day/night), Frillish in one of the eggs, Shuppet, Nincada if I remember is available too.


Emolga is also available to you, who is strong against Kiki. Growlithe, too.


You can fish up a Grimer and train it into Muk. With a MInimize move-set is a force to be reckoned with, too. (Muk is a little bit of a favourite of mine)


Nidoran M is there, too, in the arcade.


Dugtrio, Sandslash are also very good mons available to you in the cave under the gate.


The game really isn't that hard, especially the early game, you just need to not use mons that are weak towards whichever gym you're fighting - or get a little bit creative my friend!


Good luck :)!

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