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Hardest Gym Leader In Reborn

Dark Legend

Hardest Gym leader  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Hardest Gym Leader In the Reborn Region

    • Adrienn
    • Amaria
    • Aya
    • Charlotte
    • Ciel
    • Corey
    • Florinia
    • Hardy
    • Julia
    • Kiki
    • Luna
    • Noel
    • Radomus
    • Samson
    • Saphira (if you choose this I get to slap you)
    • Serra
    • Shade
    • Shelly
    • Terra
    • Titania

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Hardest Gym leader has to be (for me) Adrienn and Amaria

My signature is a dark/fire. i have two ground types, one rock type and a dragon type. Very hard. Overall though i say Amaria

Edited by Dark Champion
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Based on lots of factors, I'm going to go purely by the first time I faced them, since every time after that is going to be far easier since I know going in what they're going to do and how to win.


So, that said the answer is...


Shelly. That girl is outright evil the first time through. Her team is built specifically to beat the most obvious strategy against her, and indeed if you try it you will just get annihilated. Fire types are outright useless against her a lot of the time. Shelly is easily the early game wall, and she's great. That said, let her evolve her Anorith Ame. It wouldn't be THAT bad. Right? Okay, yes it would. But it would also be deeply funny.


Runner up goes to Charlotte, Amaria, and Titania.


After a multitude of playthroughs I think Titania gives me the most trouble overall on replays.

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Shelly as well.


During my first playthrough, I was caught off guard with the perfect mix of offensiveness (anorith/yanmega/forest field) and defensiveness (volbeat/struggle bug/rain dance) of her team- and she still gives me a lot of trouble. I think the thing about Shelly is that she catches a lot of people by surprise with how tanky a bug team is, especially once a few struggle bugs go off, and her rain just deletes the fire types you throw at her. And most people don't think to use a weather move/fake out during their first time.

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Shelly is difficult yeah and unlike others who got nerfed over versions she's still plenty tough. 


I think Titania and Charlotte are other fair choices. Terra can be annoying too sometimes, her claydol's bulk is unholy, swagsire is some nonsense and Garchomp as usual is a total PITA. Also Excakill is always a problem.


While he's not super terrible as a whole, Samson's Hawlucha is bullshit blazing ever since the seeds were put into the game. Almost feels like he's guaranteed to KO one of your pokemon.

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For me, the hardest would be Charlotte. I remember getting stuck on my first playthrough for over 8 hours non stop fixing/ rebuilding team just to get pass her. It is after her battle that i started thinking about team building seriously. ( Shelly is quite difficult but i think i got quite lucky because i don't remember being on her city that long )

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If we compared this by difficulty on first time facing them, then i have to answer Titania, most of her mon is able to sweep through your whole team and her Seed Excadrill is very scary and the field Effect is so broken it basically cripple fire type which if you don't pay attention to before fighting her is a guarantee sweep

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Terra. Unless you have a team specifically designed to face her, she's a terror on that Glitch field. And that's not mentioning that you have to face a Gen 1 Mewtwo before battling her.

  • Max HP-Shore Up-Synthetic Seed-Amnesia Palossand
  • Unaware-Max HP-Max Defense-Amnesia Quagsire
  • AV Draco Meteor Garchomp.

It gets even worse if you play in SET mode without using items in battle.

Edited by Progfan_r
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10 hours ago, Dark Champion said:

omg thats so true. i had my team during my fight has Metagross and gyarados, all over leveled like crazy

How did you get/make that picture with your reborn team around your avatar? just curious. Totally unrelated to the gym leader topic



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For me, It's definitely Shelly.

Not only do her buggies annihilate fire and rock types but the mons you can catch are also limited. More so the flying types.

Titania wasn't that hard for me since I had a clear plan in mind to beat her but I still struggled against her nonetheless.

Charlotte was definitely a pain the ass.

These gym leaders are my top 3😁

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For me, Shelly (I'm at Charlotte so can not say anything about the ones who come next) For many reasons.. limited access to good counters, the Prankster Rain Dance, Speed Boost Yanmega.. Anorith hits like a fucking train and extremely good coverage all around .. Also Grass coverage in Giga Drain and Energy Ball if you can bring Rock types 


Florinia and the first one were pretty easy (the first one was easy just because I picked Mudkip tho) 


Heather's dad wasn't too bad, just Skuntank and Crobat were a bit of an annoyance 


Kiki was a Simple Calm Mind Psychic Swoobat sweep, pretty much 


Aya is also kind of annoying but you can get some good counters around Kiki's gym (Camerupt and Pallosand) just watch out for the Water moves on Drapion and Dragalge, and leave Toxapex for the end, just double target her other Pokémon (Muddy Water accuracy drops from Swampert/Marshtomp kinda helped for Icy Wind misses


Shade was pretty easy, Crunch/Sucker Punch Skuntank pretty much swept him



Radomus is annoying as well but Intimidate Play Rough/Crunch Intimidade Granbull (Because of the Gallade lead) + Drapion (Night Slash, Cross Poison, Fell Stinger, Bug Bite) kind of carry(my strategy was to kill the Reuniclus first turn since it's so OP in Trick Room (and the Magic Coat from the seed makes it so you can not stop it from Trick Rooming) and the SpA boost from the Seed makes it just yikes, from there it wasn't too bad,just don't let Gardevoir stack Calm Minds with other pokemon on it's side or she sweeps you away) 


The Normal one was pretty easy except for the Porygon and Swellow 


The Ice one (I don't remember her name 😂) I broke the mirrors with EQ and wasn't too bad.


Samson can be annoying but Minimize/Cosmic Power/Stored Power /Moonblast Unaware Clefable with Weakness Policy totally bodies him(its a prize on the Circus itself, if it does not come with the HA just Ability Capsule it) . Had a lucky Quick Claw Play Rough with Granbull on the Hawlucha, baited Lucario to go for its Steel move, switched to Swampert and killed it, then bring Clef in safely, Minimize, Cosmic Power and sweep him with Moonblast and when he procked the Weakness Policy i went for the Stored Powers.. Huge Power Medicham is pretty helpful as well (you can get it in Route 2)


Charlotte was just a question of terminating the Superheated field with Surf+Blizzard (Swampert and Walrein with a Telluric Seed) send in my Thick Fat Haryiama with Damp Rock Rain Dance after the Ninetales came out and pretty much sweep her... Even went for the memes on Rotom (she sent it last) with Smack Down into Earth Power 😂

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On 5/19/2021 at 3:34 PM, Progfan_r said:

Terra. Unless you have a team specifically designed to face her, she's a terror on that Glitch field. And that's not mentioning that you have to face a Gen 1 Mewtwo before battling her.

  • Max HP-Shore Up-Synthetic Seed-Amnesia Palossand
  • Unaware-Max HP-Max Defense-Amnesia Quagsire
  • AV Draco Meteor Garchomp.

It gets even worse if you play in SET mode without using items in battle.

Can you PP stall the Mewtwo? Like

I have a Sandile and a Thick Fat Walrein, can I pivot between the two (like start with Walrein, baiting either Psychic or Tbolt, go to Sandile, baiting the Ice Beam, back to Walrein, etc? 

Edited by JDMM
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On 5/27/2021 at 10:27 PM, JDMM said:

Can you PP stall the Mewtwo? Like

I have a Sandile and a Thick Fat Walrein, can I pivot between the two (like start with Walrein, baiting either Psychic or Tbolt, go to Sandile, baiting the Ice Beam, back to Walrein, etc? 


The Glitch field makes the mechanics similar to gen 1 mechanics. So Dark and Steel types get changed to Normal. So there's no mon which is immune to Mewtwo's Psychic type attack. Sandile won't work. It might work.

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1 hour ago, Progfan_r said:


The Glitch field makes the mechanics similar to gen 1 mechanics. So Dark and Steel types get changed to Normal. So there's no mon which is immune to Mewtwo's Psychic type attack. Sandile won't work.

Actually it does.. The field only changes the moves to normal, not the Pokemon.. I actually did this as a test for Terra herself 

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24 minutes ago, Raghav said:

I had an A-raichu,an elektross,a mega amphross,a rosred,a draglage with sludge wave and a torterra so amaria was a literal joke for me

And radmous was by far the most hardest one for me, second will be charolette, titania was pretty easy for me after I set up 5 coils on my elektross and swept her team

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37 minutes ago, Raghav said:

And radmous was by far the most hardest one for me, second will be charolette, titania was pretty easy for me after I set up 5 coils on my elektross and swept her team

Does she have a Ground move on some of her Pokemon? Because I think the AI does not "see" Abilities. Terra's Excadrill set up Swords Dances on my Unaware Clefable after not doing anything with Amnesia Scalds with her Quagsire.. 

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54 minutes ago, JDMM said:

Does she have a Ground move on some of her Pokemon? Because I think the AI does not "see" Abilities. Terra's Excadrill set up Swords Dances on my Unaware Clefable after not doing anything with Amnesia Scalds with her Quagsire.. 

I don't really understand your question...

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