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Hardest Gym Leader In Reborn

Dark Legend

Hardest Gym leader  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Hardest Gym Leader In the Reborn Region

    • Adrienn
    • Amaria
    • Aya
    • Charlotte
    • Ciel
    • Corey
    • Florinia
    • Hardy
    • Julia
    • Kiki
    • Luna
    • Noel
    • Radomus
    • Samson
    • Saphira (if you choose this I get to slap you)
    • Serra
    • Shade
    • Shelly
    • Terra
    • Titania

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3 hours ago, Raghav said:

I don't really understand your question...

Because setting up 5 turns is something that I don't see happening with Reborn's leaders.. That or you did it on one of her Physical attackers and healed up.. I said t because Electric=weak to Ground, but Levitate ignores it and I was asking if it's something that could happen, AI not "seeing" the Levitate and going for the Ground move.. 

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52 minutes ago, barath1989 said:

Definitely shelly.


This is my 1st playthrough and am finding it difficult to get past her .. Her prankster illumise is a nightmare. sets up rain dance at the beginning and basically nerfs my team everytime i try. 


For me she was the most annoying one.. For all others a few team tweaks did the job.. But for her it's pretty impossible to get good counters (Fire types are useless, because she has multiple Rain Dancers, no access or very limited to Sunny Day or Drought pokemon at that time (I guess??) and Araquanid will wreck any fire type you can get, plus Hydro Pump on the Masquerain) Flying types? Get rekt by her Anorith.. Rock types? Get rekt by Energy Ball and Giga Drain.. Fighting for the Bug resist? Nah, she has Flying coverage as well 


Also Ciel and freaking Para flinch togekiss lead.. Like really?? Good thing that Im training my future Flyer already (Inner Focus Crobat) and I think it will help against that thing.. That or Inner Focus Lucario with Meteor Mash 

Edited by JDMM
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21 hours ago, JDMM said:

Does she have a Ground move on some of her Pokemon? Because I think the AI does not "see" Abilities. Terra's Excadrill set up Swords Dances on my Unaware Clefable after not doing anything with Amnesia Scalds with her Quagsire.. 


If I recall correctly, the AI does 'see' abilities. Even if a pokemon can have multiple abilities, the AI will know which one your mon has. There was a post recently where Cass commented on this. Of course, this applies for the latest released version and may change in the next version.

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17 hours ago, JDMM said:

Because setting up 5 turns is something that I don't see happening with Reborn's leaders.. That or you did it on one of her Physical attackers and healed up.. I said t because Electric=weak to Ground, but Levitate ignores it and I was asking if it's something that could happen, AI not "seeing" the Levitate and going for the Ground move.. 

No, Ai knows abilities affect moves I used my elektross against Titania's excadrill and she never used eq on me

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18 hours ago, barath1989 said:

Definitely shelly.


This is my 1st playthrough and am finding it difficult to get past her .. Her prankster illumise is a nightmare. sets up rain dance at the beginning and basically nerfs my team everytime i try. 


Castform is good against her. Use Sunny Day turn 1 and you'll end up in the Rainbow field, which will then make Weather Ball hit like a truck. Alternatively, a Fake Out user can stop rain from being set up turn 1, which might give a chance to knock Illumise out immediately.

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18 hours ago, barath1989 said:

Definitely shelly.


This is my 1st playthrough and am finding it difficult to get past her .. Her prankster illumise is a nightmare. sets up rain dance at the beginning and basically nerfs my team everytime i try. 


Castform is good against her. Use Sunny Day turn 1 and you'll end up in the Rainbow field, which will then make Weather Ball hit like a truck. Alternatively, a Fake Out user can stop rain from being set up turn 1, which might give a chance to knock Illumise out immediately.

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finally i have beaten shelly.. 
what started as a intense battle turned into a dogfight at the end. 🤣😂


Only Unfezant was left from my side and volbeat was left from her side. 
unfortunately i didn't have revives or any cotton candies at that moment
My unfezant's moveset : Quick attack, Air slash, Taunt and Roost
her volbeat's moveset: dazzling gleam, struggle bug,tail glow and moonlight
She had already used her volbeat's dazzling gleam to knock out some of my previous pokemons. hence she started spamming struggle bug on my unfezant so that air slash became virtually useless as it hardly did damage. 
Then i went into troll mode. am a fan of pokemon showdown , love to set up trolling teams and irritate opponents. so i started SPAMMING and STALLING her and make her run out of PP. 😈. I repeatedly used roost & some of my potions to recover my health just to make her run out of her attacking PP's.  

Though she had moonlight and tailglow. Her moonlight was a nuisance though
Then i used the ultimate weapon.. the move "taunt" . This "taunt" move is severely underrated in competitive battling IMO.  Her struggle bugs & dazzling gleam  were over.  She set up a few tail glows before i used "taunt". she had no other option but just to struggle and take recoil damage
Luckily i still had PP left in quick attack and air slash
A few quick attacks & her "struggle" came to end. 
Taunting unfezant FTW. 🤓

Edited by barath1989
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13 minutes ago, barath1989 said:

finally i have beaten shelly.. 
what started as a intense battle turned into a dogfight at the end. 🤣😂


Only Unfezant was left from my side and volbeat was left from her side. 
unfortunately i didn't have revives or any cotton candies at that moment
My unfezant's moveset : Quick attack, Air slash, Taunt and Roost
her volbeat's moveset: dazzling gleam, struggle bug,tail glow and moonlight
She had already used her volbeat's dazzling gleam to knock out some of my previous pokemons. hence she started spamming struggle bug on my unfezant so that air slash became virtually useless as it hardly did damage. 
Then i went into troll mode. am a fan of pokemon showdown , love to set up trolling teams and irritate opponents. so i started SPAMMING and STALLING her and make her run out of PP. 😈. I repeatedly used roost & some of my potions to recover my health just to make her run out of her attacking PP's.  

Though she had moonlight and tailglow. Her moonlight was a nuisance though
Then i used the ultimate weapon.. the move "taunt" . This "taunt" move is severely underrated in competitive battling IMO.  Her struggle bugs & dazzling gleam  were over.  She set up a few tail glows before i used "taunt". she had no other option but just to struggle and take recoil damage
Luckily i still had PP left in quick attack and air slash
A few quick attacks & her "struggle" came to end. 
Taunting unfezant FTW. 🤓

That's a pretty cool strat ngl

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6 hours ago, Raghav said:

No, Ai knows abilities affect moves I used my elektross against Titania's excadrill and she never used eq on me

Oh.. Good to know that.. I just found weird that Titania's Excadrill used SD into my Unaware Clefable like 3 times.. 😂 I just murdered it with a +18 Stored Power in the Glitch Field 

Edited by JDMM
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I'm still stuck on charlotte she somehow ohko's my whole team without effort even if I chose pokemon that resist her team I have no Idea why eruption does so much and if I get past the wall of her typhlosion the delphox cleans up after her before I can land a singular earthquake to break terrain.

Then shelly for me other people mentioned this but Shes built to bully the people who though "fire type should be good" I regret not having a flying type but my ampharos came clutch with a rock gem boosted power gem

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3 hours ago, adimai said:

I'm still stuck on charlotte she somehow ohko's my whole team without effort even if I chose pokemon that resist her team I have no Idea why eruption does so much and if I get past the wall of her typhlosion the delphox cleans up after her before I can land a singular earthquake to break terrain.

Then shelly for me other people mentioned this but Shes built to bully the people who though "fire type should be good" I regret not having a flying type but my ampharos came clutch with a rock gem boosted power gem


For Charlotte, you could grab a Camerupt. It resists fire and can 1-shot any opponent with Earth Power / EarthQuake. It is slow so it can work better if you pair him with a Prankster Meowstic-M who can use screens first turn. Holdng a light clay it would garantee you 8 turns of light screen which would reduce Eruption damage a lot. You could also lead the fight with a Drizzle Pelipper for a guaranteed Rain.

Good luck.

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I think Shelly is widely consdered as the most difficult during a first run because it comes so early in the game. You don't have a lot of pokemon available yet so your options are quite limited. Also everybody takes Blaziken and don't expect to be muredered by that Illumise too^^ I personally struggled more against Ciel because I didn't have proper answer to boosted Flying STAB in my main team and main rotation, and I was too lazy to babysit replacement pokemon back to level 70+ just for this fight.

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17 hours ago, Silkerin said:


For Charlotte, you could grab a Camerupt. It resists fire and can 1-shot any opponent with Earth Power / EarthQuake. It is slow so it can work better if you pair him with a Prankster Meowstic-M who can use screens first turn. Holdng a light clay it would garantee you 8 turns of light screen which would reduce Eruption damage a lot. You could also lead the fight with a Drizzle Pelipper for a guaranteed Rain.

Good luck.

Oh I beat her yesterday after tons of sweat and tears I just had an extremely lucky run and hit a ton of crits with flash fire arcanine Currently I'm grinding for terra I saw a snorlax strategy on youtube and I plan to use it to sweep her team if it fails I have an abundance of ice types currently.

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2 hours ago, adimai said:

Oh I beat her yesterday after tons of sweat and tears I just had an extremely lucky run and hit a ton of crits with flash fire arcanine Currently I'm grinding for terra I saw a snorlax strategy on youtube and I plan to use it to sweep her team if it fails I have an abundance of ice types currently.


Make yourself a favor and grab an A-Ninetales. Snow Warning + Aurora Veil + Light Clay + Nasty Plot + Blizzard = Good night Terra...

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On 6/2/2021 at 4:54 PM, Silkerin said:


Make yourself a favor and grab an A-Ninetales. Snow Warning + Aurora Veil + Light Clay + Nasty Plot + Blizzard = Good night Terra...

That looks like a good moveset even for using for the whole game 😅 just replace Blizzard with Freeze-Dry(to kill some Gyarados, Swamperts etc) and last slot for moonblast 

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17 hours ago, JDMM said:

That looks like a good moveset even for using for the whole game 😅 just replace Blizzard with Freeze-Dry(to kill some Gyarados, Swamperts etc) and last slot for moonblast 


I agree with Moonblast in the last slot, but I think Blizzard should stay there if water is covered by other members of your team. With snow warning, you trigger hail and Blizzard has 100% accuracy in hail. Maybe swap for Amaria fight though.

And yeah, the icy fox is a nice team member through the whole game. I usually end up using Meowstic Male first and then A-Ninetales. I love having Scrafty with dragon dance and Volcarona with Quiver dance and Aurora Veil / Reflect / Light Screen for 8 turns help to set up and won me many fights.

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7 minutes ago, Silkerin said:


I agree with Moonblast in the last slot, but I think Blizzard should stay there if water is covered by other members of your team. With snow warning, you trigger hail and Blizzard has 100% accuracy in hail. Maybe swap for Amaria fight though.

And yeah, the icy fox is a nice team member through the whole game. I usually end up using Meowstic Male first and then A-Ninetales. I love having Scrafty with dragon dance and Volcarona with Quiver dance and Aurora Veil / Reflect / Light Screen for 8 turns help to set up and won me many fights.

In fact I currently don't have much to deal with Water(although I don't have any weaknesses to it) just some coverage moves (Elemental Punches on Medicham and Thunder Fang in Granbull.. Even though I just caught a freaking Vikavolt at level 75in that garden in Peridot, just used a few Heart Scales(I have a lot from Pickup) to give it Tbolt, Bug Buzz, Air Slash and Agility, it also has pretty good IVs as well 

I wanted to get a Magnezone for Amaria but I can't access the backroom of Shades gym to evolve my Magneton.. I will very surely get a Ninetales A with Freeze-Dry for her anyway 

Just because Grass isn't really an option since every Water type and their moms gets Ice coverage 😂😂

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3 minutes ago, JDMM said:

In fact I currently don't have much to deal with Water(although I don't have any weaknesses to it) just some coverage moves (Elemental Punches on Medicham and Thunder Fang in Granbull.. Even though I just caught a freaking Vikavolt at level 75in that garden in Peridot, just used a few Heart Scales(I have a lot from Pickup) to give it Tbolt, Bug Buzz, Air Slash and Agility, it also has pretty good IVs as well 

I wanted to get a Magnezone for Amaria but I can't access the backroom of Shades gym to evolve my Magneton.. I will very surely get a Ninetales A with Freeze-Dry for her anyway 

Just because Grass isn't really an option since every Water type and their moms gets Ice coverage 😂😂


Galvantula could be a nice option as well. It is not really bulky but if you are lucky you can set up sticky web, which helps a lot to compensate the awful terrain effects. And with compound eyes, nearly 100% accuracy Thunder is no joke. Ampharos is bulky enough to be useful for this fight as well and hit decently hard. And my favorite Electric pokemon, Eelektross, has no weakness and can really be good with Acid Spray / Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave (last slot I run Flamethrower, but you can guess it won't be that useful here^^).

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22 minutes ago, Silkerin said:


Galvantula could be a nice option as well. It is not really bulky but if you are lucky you can set up sticky web, which helps a lot to compensate the awful terrain effects. And with compound eyes, nearly 100% accuracy Thunder is no joke. Ampharos is bulky enough to be useful for this fight as well and hit decently hard. And my favorite Electric pokemon, Eelektross, has no weakness and can really be good with Acid Spray / Thunderbolt / Thunder Wave (last slot I run Flamethrower, but you can guess it won't be that useful here^^).

Eelektross is pretty pog, no weaknesses is good and it has a pretty good move pool as well.. Galvantula im not a big fan but yes, Compound Eyes Thunder is super powerful. Ampharos is slow as crap tho wich i dont like... But the Sticky Web support from Galvantula is something i could make use.. I see Pimpnite using Galvantula a lot to set up sweeps with Sticky Web and Thunder Wave support so its a good support, but i would like getting screens up and having 2 support slaves isnt that good for a boss battle , plus Supersonic and many other good Compound Eyes action..... I first have to beat Titania.. In fact i got the Magikarp from the side quest now, i might try a DD+Moxie Gyarados sweep (it only has Bulldoze tho, not EQ, since no EQ TM yet, but Crunch and Waterfall as well, and setting up DDs is going to offset Agility and Sand Rush)( she cant do shit to Gyarados as well, no Electric or Rock coverage)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

The first run I actually completed was a ghost mono and ended up fairing better than my first ever attempt which was a non mono team ironically. Anyway, because of that Luna gave me absolute hell, and terra was super annoying. everyone else was relatively easy and Saphira was a very fun battle where I used Jellicent and Mismagius to turn her field into a dark crystal cavern and overpowered her :)

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  • 6 months later...

I have been writing a story based on Reborn....and maybe because it's dragon themed...but Adrienn is a constant thorn in my side. At most, I have two mons that effectively counter...but they get reversed countered in no time at all. I have no effective strategy for xim. So I have been stuck writing my battle with xim for AGES... so that's my vote. Again, could be cause I use a dragon theme, but fuck that battle...


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