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Best Characters In The Reborn Story

Dark Legend

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"best" could mean many things. Ima clarify this rn. I MEAN UR FAVORITE CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I think Julia and Blake are the best. I dont really need to explain Julia do i??? But blake. Yes Blake is a Psychopath but hes a cool dude and a strong trainer

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I like Cain too, probably my favorite.. He's super funny, always flirting with everyone and cracking jokes even when things are tense, good for some comical relief and relaxation in hard times, which I think makes a lot of sense (Reminds me of Marnie from Sword and Shield) ... But most of the characters are pretty good.. Everyone has so much personality and so many intricacies between the stories..Some are psychos like Blake, yes, but hey, I like it. And yes, Julia is outright hilarious as well.. If only we had more interaction between her and Cain I guess it would be gold 😂😂 


Overall I only don't like Fern.. He's just outright rude, hypocritical and narcissistic.. Even the Meteor bosses seem less of an assholes than him, even if they are hostile.. He's not even the strongest rival. Cain would wreck his ass in a battle(not outside of battle tho, that honor is reserved for us) , also his team is horribly weak to Ice while Cain's and Victoria's are pretty well balanced 

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22 hours ago, wcv said:

Titania. Does not hurt that she uses my favorite type (that's actually good in battle, which cannot be said for ice which is my theoretical favorite).

Ice is imo pretty under rated.. Surely has a lot of weaknesses, but is amazing offensively.. For example Mamoswine is an absolute beast, Ground Ice is amazing STAB coverage, hits like a truck and is pretty bulky as well, even more if it's Thick Fat. Then Hail chip, Aurora Veil, Slush Rush, etc

Also Freeze-Dry has to be one of my favorite moves. Being able to hit Gastrodons, Swamperts, Kingdras, Dracovishes, Palkias, etc for 4x damage is pretty cool.. It's basically free coverage for Ice mons

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Luna (bc of having the fantasy aesthetic)

Titania (badass with a strong will)

Victoria (my favourite rival with flaws and I can relate to her in a few aspects)



Taka (my favourite husband to travel through the places. Thanks you Ame for making me fell in love with him)

Cain (2nd husband and a nice rival with personality. Similar like with the above.)

Samson (Big guy with a soft heart and being a softie with rrspect breaks the machi stereotype)

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