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Cryogonal or Marowak


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Assuming i get thick club on marowak, it can have the highest attack without move boosts or choice band of any pokemon in the game, by far, with a max of 568. Also, i have no ground moves on my team currently. But he's slow, and his defense is great but sp def is not good at all. And it will only contribute ground moves which means in the case of Flying or Levitate enemies, i must switch out. My cryogonal contributes only ice moves, and its defense is awful but its sp def is amazing, and it also has Recover, and none of my other pokemon can heal without items. Also, it has reflect and light screen, and holds light clay, so even if it dies it can help a lot for the rest of my pokemon, for 8 turns. And its speed is good, not amazing but good enough to outspeed most pokemon i fight.

Since i currently have no access to trick room i have no hope of making my marowak move 1st so i'm afraid it could die easily, but as long as it sruvives it will destroy everything...

So which one should i use? all my pokemon are around lv53 by the way.

Oh and my others are Yanmega, Typhlosion, Gyarados, Ampharos, and Gallade. Besides ground i have offensive moves of every type except for poison and steel right now, and flying and bug actually but my yanmega is about to get those.

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Adding Cryogonal would give your team a glaring rock-type weakness (Cryogonal, Gyarados, Typhlosion, Yanmega [4x eep]), and while Khayoz's suggestion of Lucario is good, it would mean that you'd have a ground-type weakness in your team (Lucario, Typhlosion, Ampharos).

My suggestion is to try out Marowak. It gives you something reliable to switch into rock moves due to solid defense and has decent attacking power if you put the time in to locating its item without giving you any more type weaknesses. Additionally, Marowak can have Iron Head bred onto it, and while it's flinching capability will likely not see use I'm sure you could benefit from non-ground-type attacking move. Other ideal moves are Double-Edge if you have Rock Head and Stone Edge later on when we get better TMs. It gets some neat tutor moves too, like Fire Punch. I'd say it's worth the investment to try it out on your team and see if you like it.

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It's true that rock types are often an issue for my team...Ampharos' weakness is irrelevant though, it has cotton guard, it can tank everything with ease. Typhlosion's use is becoming limited as well it seems but i don't think i need to replace him(yet). I've already been using cryogonal though but i think i'll try to get a thick club cubone now...i guess ill just catch a bunch and hope XD

Nothing has more attack than thick club marowak though. Literally nothing. Except choice band pokemon but that limits their effectiveness and also is not available in reborn as far as i know.

i've never liked lucario anyway because he's too balanced, same thing for Flygon. It would be much better if lucario had high special attack and low attack in my opinion, and the reverse for flygon...they could have the same BST but with more useful stats and instead it's so balanced that it isn't that useful.

i need an Aron or Shieldon to give marowak iron head though...

Edited by chuckles
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