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Battle against El's Arceus


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That battle takes place in a crystal cave right?


You can go grab some sturdy geodudes or graceless with bulldoze, then just sp that until the cave collapses, ko’ing both Pokemon. Three or four is sufficient.

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On 5/21/2021 at 10:42 AM, wcv said:

That battle takes place in a crystal cave right?


You can go grab some sturdy geodudes or graceless with bulldoze, then just sp that until the cave collapses, ko’ing both Pokemon. Three or four is sufficient.

No, it's on the Holy Field. In fact, it's the 'Holiness' of the field that lets Ditto transform into Arceus. Please ignore my comment. I was wrong.

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Aside from ""cheese"" strategies like Perish Song, Mirror Coat, Bulldoze/Magnitude/Earthquake + Sturdy etc. there are a few ways you can just kill the Arceus:


- Tailwind allows most reasonably fast mons to outspeed Arceus, and there are great setters available in either Noivern or Talonflame. One of the most notable abusers is Medicham who can nearly OHKO Arceus (81.5% - 96.7% with a perfect IV and neutral nature, with a boosting nature it even has a chance to OHKO - this is assuming Arceus has an even EV spread) with EV training.

- All of Arceus' attacking moves have associated immunites, and thus it can be quite easily PP stalled by switching between a Normal and Ghost type.

- Status is your friend. El has Full Heals, but you can just spam status until he runs out so they don't do a whole lot. Toxic is particularly effective but Paralysis is more widespread and practically guarantees a victory as long as you can find the damage (any Fighting type should do the trick, as well as especially strong neutral attackers like Noivern, Exploud, Primarina and Mamoswine; Leech Seed helps turn 4HKOs into 3HKOs and 3HKOs into 2HKOs)

- Super Fang is a great way to force it to spam Recover, effectively removing its ability to heal after 10 uses.

- Just throwing bodies at it until it dies works... surprisingly often. It really shouldn't, given it can OHKO most things with Judgement, but sometimes it just decides to click Focus Blast and miss, or gets a bad typing on Judgement and misses the kill.

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Personaly, I don´t really care to form strategies or play with field effects. I just train HARD. So, in my opinion, the best thing to do is scream ¨FUCK LEVEL CAPS¨, train a bunch, screw El´s Ditto/Arceus, and move on with your day.

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On 5/21/2021 at 2:57 PM, Progfan_r said:

No, it's on the Holy Field. In fact, it's the 'Holiness' of the field that lets Ditto transform into Arceus.


No they're right its crystal cave. At least last time i checked it was. Cryogonal was able to use aurora veil with no hail up and i'm pretty sure Crystal Cave is one of the few fields that enables that.

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I just recently did this fight! I was determined not to have to go back and switch out Pokemon for it. Luckily I had a focus sash, so Arbok held that to get Glare off. That at least made it so I'd be quicker than Arceus. Next turn Arbok used Acid Spray to lower the special defense harshly. Then I put out Meowstic to use light screen while holding the item that extends the number of rounds it's up for (I'm blanking on the name!) and Misty Terrain to change the field. After that it was just a matter of Meowstic and Arcanine whittling Arceus down with special attacks, with the rest of my team just fodder for me to revive and heal the main two. I lucked out at the end with Arcanine as my last Pokemon up. Arceus was too paralyzed to move a couple rounds when it should have killed me, but I was able to end it thank goodness.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just set up a Light Screen with Blissey, used Soft-Boiled until the Arceus ran out of Focus Blasts, and then Toxic-stalled it to death. Of course, this was back when you could still breed TM moves onto Pokémon, so I dunno if you'll have access to that now.

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  • 9 months later...

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