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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Yep, you're right. I have an idea, but it would require some help from Hukuna, and I want to know if you guys agree. Basically, acolytes show up, we start to defend the position, then someone calls the headquarters and we get teleported away. Short and (hopefully) effective.

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  • 1 month later...

Well, I would like to know that too, but anyway I think I'm gonna delete/remake my last post to add the acolytes arriving in the generator room (and bring Aftermath back to the first page where it belongs XD). Thanks for bringing it up Dark Light!

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK everyone, I have an announcement to make: after talking to Hukuna and Acquiescence, I'm assuming as Co-Host for Pokémon Aftermath. This story is simply too good to let it die, and I really want to get things going again.

So, first thing we need to do is finishing the Covert Ops Thread. We are going to use the teleport plan for this, since it is the fastest route. Murdoc, Flux and Alina, if you could post something in order to keep it going it would be great.

After that is wrapped up, I'll take one or two more days to review everything and then we will start preparing the next chapter for both the main and covert teams, so everyone who was playing and wants to keep on it, please post below. New players who want to sign up also better do it soonish.

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Okie dokie. I'm still here, and I'll try to get a post in sometime soonish. We really should get word out to find some new people interested in this too. Most of the original members seem to have either left the forums or forgotten about this, so new blood would be great to keep things moving.

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Yep, though first I'll shoot PMs around to check if the older players still want to keep going. Huk already confirmed he is still in. But we better spread word of this as much as we can.

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That's great news! Like Notus said though, it is a shame that some from the main thread have disappeared. There is one that returned to the forums recently (Tomas Elliot) who was in the main thread. He said he dropped it back then because he would be gone for a long time. Should we ask him if he wants to continue?

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OK, welcome aboard Jakler! The new ICs will probably be out more to the end of the week, or next week at most. Until then I suggest you read all you can of the first chapters, I thik you'll enjoy it. ^_^

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OK, welcome aboard Jakler! The new ICs will probably be out more to the end of the week, or next week at most. Until then I suggest you read all you can of the first chapters, I thik you'll enjoy it. ^_^

Thanks, man. I'll be sure to catch up on what's been going on!

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