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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Of course Dobby! It's a pleasure to have you aboard as well. :)

Ah, another thing to everyone: I'd like the new characters to have a proper profile, with backstory, personality, appearance etc. for organization reasons. You can either post it here, send me a PM with the info, or post in the Character Thread (pinned) and provide me a link.

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Ok, welcome to Aftermath too Commander! It's good to see this is getting attention enough!

So, Sign-Up layout (pretty basic one btw):

Pokémon: Aftermath Sign-Up Sheet


Age: (between 15-50)





Things to Notice: (this is basically for stuff that doesn't fit in the others, like if your character has some kind of weapon/object of importance, a different fighting style, etc.)

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Final question, what's the policy on swearing and such? I kinda want to play an angry character, as opposed to an easily riled one from my prior RPs, and I want to know what's considered overboard.

Pokémon: Aftermath Sign-Up Sheet

Name:Adam Kytel

Age: 16

Partner: Lockhart The Honchkrw

Appearance: 5"9, chestnut brown hair, murky turquoise eyes, medium weight build with somewhat masculine features, though he has yet to truly grow into the man he may yet be.

Personality: Very immature, Adam was forced to deal with things he didn't understand just as he entered puberty via the death of his single mother. The combination of emotional stress and biological stress has made the past few years quite... tumultuos to say the least. This means he is very eager to direct and vent all his emotions toward the people around him, most notably his enemies. Generally an abrasive person, though generally should one wish to avoid his prickly manner, one must simply stay away.

Backstory: Born during Dawns reign, he grew up accustomed to the society around him, though he certainly wasn't happy about it. He was forced to fight alongside his mother to survive in the poverty stricken portion of Sinnoh from an early age. Around the age of 13, he lost his mother. Combine puberty, the loss and the current state of things, and you get a volatile cocktail of angry teenager, ripe to fight the person he sees as causing all this: Dawn. It was after his mother died that he encountered Lockhart, as a murkrow, who immediately tried to steal Adams bracelet. Naturally not allowing this, Adam put a stop to Lockharts mischief and forced the Murkrow to help him survive to pay off a debt that Adam considered the bird to have. The two grew to trust and depend on each other to survive, though it was always clear who the master was. After some time, they were fortunate enough to come across a dusk stone and evolve Lockhart.

Things to Notice: Wears his mothers simple silver band on his wrist, engraved with a crescent moon.

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Ok, Adam looks all right to me! Also, you choose how you received your partner, and you must have him before entering Dusk. Also, note that all characters are supposed to be strong trainers/have something that could aid in Team Dusk's operation, so you'll probably want to make Lockhart be a long time companion.

About swearing, quoted from the OP:

"7) This RP is rated 16+. Swearing is fine so long as you keep a certain 4-letter word out of it. Sexual implications or allusions are fine so long as you make them subtle and not overt. Gore and Violence is expected and encouraged. Homosexual overtones will be present later on, so if you're homophobic, don't come anywhere near this one."

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Name: Drake Everton

Age: 38

Partner: Crobat - Typhoon

Appearance: Tall, somewhat muscular build. Short brown hair with a clean shaven face. Rarely ever smiles.

Personality: Usually has a firm expressionless face. The only other face he has is his angry face. He doesn't like jokes and takes everything seriously. Sometimes he mocks the uneducated especially when they act foolishly.

Backstory: Drake grew up in the Hoenn Region. He lived his life as a normal trainer until the reign of Dawn came upon the world. With little choice, he abandoned all of his Pokemon except for a Crobat and played by Dawn's rules. Seeing this new way of life really changed Drake into a strong believer of equality. As long as Dawn remains in power, he knows that dream will never become true and is willing to do whatever it takes to finally end this.

Things to Notice: Despite his beliefs, he is very loyal and will follow orders perfectly no matter how immoral they may be.

Edit: I decided to change it around a bit. I like both Frank and Drake about the same, but I'm willing to switch it back if you want to see that pyro sadist.

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Introducing Mercy Blake. Hope everything's up to par.

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Well, I just saw Notus's status and learned that I'm the only covert ops member without Ace Membership... Such sad. :(

But yeah, this was my first RP as well. It really takes me back to look at those first posts I made. :P

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  On 11/25/2014 at 3:51 AM, Flux said:

Well, I just saw Notus's status and learned that I'm the only covert ops member without Ace Membership... Such sad. :(

But yeah, this was my first RP as well. It really takes me back to look at those first posts I made. :P

*Looks at your post count* Eh, you're considered an Ace even though it doesn't say so ^^

Same here. It's going to take me a while to get back into Miki's character too.

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All Ok Commander, Drake looks like a great character! (Not to mention Crobat is waay less OP than the Kung Fu Chiken XD)

Flynn, Mercy seems pretty good too! Sign-up accepted! ^_^

Now, Covert Ops members, please let's wrap everything up there until this Friday. That's a dealine I'm putting on, so if things are not finished till then I'll step in and do it myself OK? My goal is to have new threads up Saturday or Sunday, depending on how irl stuff goes for me.

Also, we currently have Jory & Shredder, Lupus & Lobo from the original main group confirmed to continue. I'm waiting a response from some other players, but as a good ammount of them decided not to continue immediately I can say that we will have spots open for Unit Sylveon in this 3rd arc. Who is interested?

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If I remember well, there are acolytes heading our way. according to the teleport plan someone gets to hold them off for some time, and whoever has the intercomm (I'm assuming you or Flux) has to call the headquarters and ask for them to get us out of there. Then they send Alakazam in and rescue everybody. What you think, sounds good?

(Explanation as to why Alakazam can Teleport there: the intercomm has a tracker, so it can pinpoint the exact location you're in and do it even without being there beforehand).

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Name: Carissa Petale

Partner Pokemon: Milotic

Appearance: Light brown hair, soft, gentle face. Clothes are always toned down and never too flashy.

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Age: 19

Personality: Incredibly shy and quiet. Even if you know her personally, if she doesn't have to talk, she won't. She twirls her hair when she's nervous or stressed. She is incredibly smart, finding joy in figuring out things.

Backstory: Carissa comes from Lavaridge Town. Her older sister was the most popular girl in town, aside from, you guessed it, Flannery. Carissa always lived under her shadow. But that was how she liked it. Her only friend was the Feebas she was given for her 5th birthday. Her sister always laughed at her, taunting her for being so quiet. When she was 18, she left town, not saying a word to her family, and stealing the majority of their funds. She took the ferry to get to Lilycove, where she bought a house and lived secluded with her newly evolved Milotic. When she was leaving the department store from getting supplies, she saw an elderly man being beaten brutally by followers of Dawn for being "a worthless heretic." Carissa had known of incidents where people were punished for their refusal to follow the somewhat new religion. But she'd never seen one is person, nor had she been a follower, herself. She was smart enough to realize that letting her refusal to follow the religion be known would end up horribly for her. Determined to end this violence, Carissa made her way to Sinnoh to figure out how to stop Dawn's despicable tyranny.

Things to Notice: She wears a necklace made of a small blue gem shaped like a tear that she found near the shore of Lilycove. She never takes the necklace off, as she considers the necklace an extension of herself.

Not exactly sure how the characters are introduced but I'm just saying she's going to Sinnoh as its the source of the problem. I'm assuming all new people will be joining the resistance?

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  On 11/25/2014 at 2:26 PM, TacosAndFlowers said:

Name: Carissa Petale

Partner Pokemon: Milotic

Appearance: Light brown hair, soft, gentle face. Clothes are always toned down and never too flashy.

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Age: 19

Personality: Incredibly shy and quiet. Even if you know her personally, if she doesn't have to talk, she won't. She twirls her hair when she's nervous or stressed. She is incredibly smart, finding joy in figuring out things.

Backstory: Carissa comes from Lavaridge Town. Her older sister is Flannery, the town's gym leader. She always lived under her shadow. But that was how she liked it. Her only friend was the Feebas she was given for her 5th birthday. He sister always laughed at her, taunting her for being so quiet and enjoying water, of all types. When she was 18, she left town, not saying a word to her family, and stealing the majority of their funds. She took the ferry to get to Lilycove, where she bought a house and lived secluded with her newly evolved Milotic. As she was getting supplies from the department store, she overheard someone speaking about a despicable champion and goddess from the Sinnoh region, who had tamed a god. She rushed home, the thought spinning in her head. She packed her bags, leaving the house, and was determined to make her way to Sinnoh, to hear more about this woman.

Not exactly sure how the characters are introduced but I'm just saying she's going to Sinnoh as its the source of the problem. I'm assuming all new people will be joining the resistance?

Bear in mind, it's 20 year on since Dawn took over iirc.

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Also Tacos, is is highly taboo to ever attach a character to an established character in an established franchise. So the bit about being Flannery's sister has to come out. There is no way a character of that close of relation was never shown or even heard of in established canon if such was the case. It is super Mary Sue territory, and is best to avoid it at all costs. ((not to mention it is just poor form, and only ever looks like an attempt to grab power or to make a character special. A character shouldn't need to be attached to an established character to be special, and in fact....it usually detracts from the character a lot, and as such makes them uninteresting. Too many hoops need to be jumped through as a sister of a canon character would obviously be privy to info about them none of us know, and you can't really pretend to have that knowledge, it makes the character very ingenuine and feel forced and quite frankly...fake.)).

It is honestly one of the reasons I hate running established universes. People always try to attach characters to big movers and shakers that have already been seen. And everytime I have to say no, because those character always end up just not being fun for them to play, and really just add strain to the group. I highly advise you consider this, because if I was still hosting this, I would 100% say no.

((also Notus if you still want me to Co-Host, I can still do that, I just can't run the whole dang thing XD. I also already know the bulk of the story content so if you need one, I already was modding for this RP so I don't need to be brought up to speed.))

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It would be great to have you co-host it too Huk, thanks a lot. =D

Also Tacos, as Hukuna said relating yourself to canon characters is a no-go. You can always say you knew them from view, or even that you talked to them a little bit (let's admit, Lavaridge is small enough for that), but no close relationships. Also, as Dobby stated, Dawn has been reigning for 20 years and Hoenn was also under her control, so you might want to change somethings in your backstory. Also yes, all players are with the resistance for this story. Other than that all OK, Milotic is a great pokemon and I'm actually surprised no one picked it before. ^_^

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