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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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But yea, just try new things, honestly my favourite characters usually end up being ones I thought I would hate or wouldn't do very well. ((then again one was a Lizardman who aspired to be a Knight......so I play weird characters.))

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Well I was just in the mood for a timid character, and then I was watching some Durarara! and tried to think of a reasonably timid character, and Rio just fit it perfectly. I'm excited for her though. Especially in a dystopian world.

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XD, I am just messing with you. They usually are though, Apoc settings are super unkind to those characters, as they are to anyone with some semblance of moral. It is just the way of the setting. Only the strong survive, the timid and the meek are typically the first to go.

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Now that is looking better! Clarissa is aboard then Tacos, thanks for understanding te situation. ^_^

Also, I more or less know the feel about playing girl characters (though all of mine were NPCs for Under the Hill). It's weird to try and put yourself in the skin of an opposite gender person at first, but in the end it is not that different, and also a very cool challenge!

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I am interested in this, would it be okay if I joined if there were open spots? This will be my first rp as well, if that is alright.

Name: Nemir Asmodean

Age: 38

Partner: Lucario - Vis

Appearance: Pale, tall (About 6'3) and thin, somewhat muscular but doesn't appear so. Long black hair and red eye(s) with an eypatch covering his right one. Wears a black leather jacket whenever possible.

Personality: Wise beyond his years. While usually calm and collected, tends to flit in and out of bouts of silence and rage when angered.

Backstory: Born in the Orre region, he lived in the Under. During the first Shadow Pokemon incident (when he was about 13) he caught the attention of Team Cipher and was given a shadow pokemon, a male riolu, which was to be his partner. Thinking this would bring him out of poverty, and not really caring about anything else, he went along with it. One day, while doing research for the team, he stumbled upon what shadow pokemon really were. Pokemon that had the door to their hearts artificially closed. At that moment he realized what he had to do. He severed all ties with the team, and began to try everything to help his riolu even working with the laboratory that helped purify the other shadow pokemon from Cipher. Something was wrong though, they couldn't purify the riolu, as much as they tried. Three years after the team was defeated, one of the higher ups contacted him, hoping that he would rejoin them. Enraged at this, he sent out his shadow riolu against the man, but he could no longer control the riolu's power, and riolu let out a massive blast of aura without being commanded to, killing the Cipher member and striking him in the eye. When the blinding pain ended he realized that he could no longer see out of his right eye, and he began to run. He ran to the pokemon laboratory and broke down outside it. He cried for hours, for both his pain, and his riolu's and eventually he realized that someone was speaking to him. There was nobody around, and he realized that it was all in his head, that it was the riolu that was speaking to him. The riolu thanked him, for the pure emotion that he had showed for it had purified its heart. This gave him a new look on life, a look that all entities should should be able to follow their hearts and be able to think for themselves. Afterwards, they went on a journey together, and eventually they ended up in the Sinnoh region, where riolu evolved into Lucario. He took up combat, with two nekode (Nekode - Spiked gauntlet, with another spike on the palm. Used for both combat and climbing), in order to practice with lucario, and because they were telepathically linked they soon became very good, at both fighting and pokemon battles. Soon, however Dawn took over the region and they went into hiding, as they hated Dawn because her beliefs clashed with their own. They had no way of leaving the region, so they have lain in wait, for years, hoping to finally be able to do something about Dawn.

Things to Notice: Wields dual nekode, can telepathically communicate with Lucario.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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^^I feel the same Jory, it is great to see so many people joining in!

Krim, it is completely all right for you to get in! However, there are is something you should notice about your character.

It's actually the same problem Tacos initially had with the time line. Dawn has been in the power for 20 years, and Orre too would be under her rule. Cipher would have been extinct in that time, and your char would have grown under her regimen. Either you'll have to change your backstory, or you character's age (I think 38 would suffice).

Additionally to that, there's already a Gallade in. It's actually no problem at all if you want to keep it, there's no rule against repeated mons, but I thought you would like to know.

Aand finally, since you're a new face around here, I suggest you take a look at this thread: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10966

Welcome to Reborn's Roleplay Forums mate! ^_^

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Okay, age is changed and ill be keeping gallade, thanks! Ill watch the videos in a minute, and I saw that they relate to d&d somewhat (which I play) so I can probably understand them pretty well.

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They are pretty good, not all of them super apply to this RP. ((you can probably skip the alignment one.)) but there are very useful tools for General RPing and Tabletop RPGs, I recommend giving them a watch when you get the chance. ((I mean...I sorta posted them, though to my RP's OOC, notus kinda just collected them up for me lol.))

Anyway, it is super awesome to see a new face down here in the RP forum, and I look forward to RPing with you Krim. ((and if you ever need help feel free to ask me, I don't bite. Crunch's base power is better. They also don't call me Hukuna Sensei for nothing.)). Kinda makes me giddy to see a new RPer here espically in this RP, it is the one that got me to stay at Reborn, and therefore indirectly is the very reason I am a mod of the forum. I am glad to see the renewed interest in the project, and it does me proud to say we won't let down the original creator, Acquie. I am glad Notus is Hosting it, and I hope to see this new blood invigorating it and seeing this awesome RP to conclusion.

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Pokémon: Aftermath Sign-Up Sheet

Name: Pine Lastlile

Age: 18

Partner: Skarmory

Appearance: Faux Hawk brown hair, Silver leather padded jacket, Deep red undershirt, Red belt and White cargo jeans with sneakers, Regular height.

Personality: A little blunt, Doesn't like to dodge around saying what he thinks out loud but he will see when someone is feeling down and bend the truth as much as possible to make them feel better, Loyal, Protective and at times can be a little bit lazy and does what gives him pleasure rather than doing something that's not on his own personal enjoyment.

Backstory: Pine has always been lazy, has a resident of Sootopolis City though he has a itch for history, One day when looking through ruins with his Sandslash members of Dawn's church had appeared. They use explosives to destroy the ruins of how Hoenn was created and to replace all myths with the church of Dawn. As the ruins fell around him Sandslash protected Pine but at the cost of its own life, As Pine buried his beloved pokemon he swore he would get his revenge on Dawn. At his side was an old pokemon, a Skarmory that is older than Pine himself. It was his mother's pokemon and with it he would get the vengeance he's looking for.
Edited by Rielly987
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Na, it is fine lol, I understand there is a lot of backlog. ((I kinda think a new OOC should be started, with the reboot, but I dunno. I would leave that up to Acquie since I don't want to lock her out of her RP, she created this world, and I want to respect that, but it is kinda a pain that we can't update the main thread. I can technically do it now.....but it feels wrong to use my mod status for such a thing.))

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  On 11/26/2014 at 3:34 AM, Rielly987 said:
My bad thought it was the old format T_T
Pokémon: Aftermath Sign-Up Sheet
Name: Rinnol Evermoore
Age: 18
Partner: Swampert
Appearance: Short, Spiky black hair, Italian appearance. Has a scar across his stomach.
Personality: A little blunt, Doesn't like to dodge around saying what he thinks out loud but he will see when someone is feeling down and bend the truth as much as possible to make them feel better, Loyal, Protective and at times can be a little bit lazy and does what gives him pleasure rather than doing something that's not on his own personal plan.
Backstory: Rinnol is from the Hoenn city Pacifidlog Town, One day his father came running into the house and told Rinnol to run, and gave him the family pokemon Swampert to swim away on. As Rinnol dived into the sea, he turned back to see his father defending himself from two of Dawn's followers with his only pokemon on hand, His Walrein. The poor pokemon didn't last long and was killed along with Rinnol's father. With the image of his death in mind Rinnol joined the rebellion, with vengeance and anger.
Things to Notice: Rinnol is adept at swimming, fishing and knows how to drive boats.
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Ok, I don't mean to be a prick here but... Can anyone else see some resemblance? XD

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I saw it immediately and was going to point it out, but I figured you'd catch on. If you hadn't I would have said something, though.

I'd recommend picking a different Pokemon. There are a lot of Water-types to choose from, and you'd be surprised at how much a different partner can change a character (especially in this RP).

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honestly i made that witout looking at the other ones... kk good lord so off... Sorry Swampy looks like your in the pc... AND WITH THAT CHARACTER CHANGE. darnit i really wanted swampert...

Edited by Rielly987
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