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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Pokémon: Aftermath Sign-Up Sheet

Name:Micheal Braeden

Age: 23


Appearance:Short for his a male of his age,about 5'5''.Micheal Has spiky red hair and a large scar on his leg caused by a Glameow using slash on it.

Personality:Silent but willing to speak to others if it is neccesary.His silence was caused by the killing of his father and consistent bullying when he was a child.The rise of the church of dawn only made things worse and he soon rarely used his vocal abilities.

Backstory:Due to the dark nature of this day and age,Micheal was forced to fight off persecution for being weak by secluding himself from society.He was only 2 when the church of Dawn came to live and it soon reached his hometown of Floaroma due to it's close proximity to Jubilife city.One day while walking in the forest,he encountered a Pack of Glameow.He was spotted and in turn attacked by them,he barely made it out and gained a phobia of cat pokemon.A few months after this incident he went into the forest again and saw a Golden tree,when he got close a Munchlax fell into his arms and they became fast friends.

Things to Notice: (this is basically for stuff that doesn't fit in the others, like if your character has some kind of weapon/object of importance, a different fighting style, etc.)Has a Locket with a picture of him and his Snorlax(A Munchlax when the picture was taken).

Edited by Can't Type
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Pokémon: Aftermath - Revival [Control Post]

Previous Chapters

Current Player List

Hukuna - Lupus & Lobo (Houndoom)

Jory - Jory & Shredder (Zangoose)

King Murdoc - Sarcus & Absolution (Absol)

Dark Light - Miki & Raito (Jolteon)

Flux - Flux & Ogre (Aggron)

Notus - Jon & Kyte (Swampert)

Silver Jakler - Seth & Gigawatt (Electivire)

A Happy Elf - Adam & Lockhart (Honchkrow)

commander218 - Drake & Typhoon (Crobat)

Flynn - Mercy & Sentinel (Gallade)

TacosAndFlowers - Clarissa & Milotic

DragonMasterKrim - Nemir & Vis (Lucario)

Rielly987 - Pine & Skarmory

Can't Type - Michael & Snorlax

M_Cowher - Thoron & Rusgon (Zoroark)


Green = Main Team (Unit Sylveon)

Blue = Covert Ops

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Soorry for taking so long with this guys (and double post) XD.

Anyway, back to business: Can't Type, it's all ok but I'd like to know more about how Michael met Snorlax. Same applies to Rielly's Pine and his Skarmory.

Krim, your character being able to sense and control auras is a no go. Lucario can do that, but no normal human should be able to. Other than that, all ok!

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I should note...this was my first ever forum RP....so if Lupus is a bit rough it is cause he was my first character for this style of RPing. ((I have come a long way since then.))

I don't mean to offend or anything, but compared to the characters I've seen from you, such as Sinbad, he is a Lot rougher :P

Soorry for taking so long with this guys (and double post) XD.

Anyway, back to business: Can't Type, it's all ok but I'd like to know more about how Michael met Snorlax. Same applies to Rielly's Pine and his Skarmory.

Krim, your character being able to sense and control auras is a no go. Lucario can do that, but no normal human should be able to. Other than that, all ok!

I thiink the aura thing is based on the small bit of Canon from the 8th(?) movie where the aura trainer/knight/guythinger could sense and manipulate aura.

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I don't mean to offend or anything, but compared to the characters I've seen from you, such as Sinbad, he is a Lot rougher :P

I thiink the aura thing is based on the small bit of Canon from the 8th(?) movie where the aura trainer/knight/guythinger could sense and manipulate aura.

That is correct, and what I was going for. I removed it now though.

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Uhmn, I didn't watch the movie so I actually don't know how much of an impac that kind of ability would have. I'm not much inclined to let trainers have special power though. Opinions?

EDIT: Ninja'd.

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yea, but a character can't have an ability that other people don't have in an RP and not be labeled a Sue. That was a special situation, not everyone that has a Lucario can also sense auras, therefore it should be left out.

I don't mean to offend or anything, but compared to the characters I've seen from you, such as Sinbad, he is a Lot rougher :P

not sure what you mean by that lol. Though Sinbad is my Speech Machine these days. keeping that rabble of a group from having literally everyone killing them is a pain in the tuckus.

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yea, but a character can't have an ability that other people don't have in an RP and not be labeled a Sue. That was a special situation, not everyone that has a Lucario can also sense auras, therefore it should be left out.

not sure what you mean by that lol. Though Sinbad is my Speech Machine these days. keeping that rabble of a group from having literally everyone killing them is a pain in the tuckus.

Now, if you want individual abilities, go check out my RP... Just kidding, that isn't meant for this topic

And last off topic thing, I just mean that your writing seems a lot better nowadays.

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I'm interested in this as well, Krim showed me this. I am familiar with RPing in general.

Name: Thoron
Age: 26
Partner: Zoroark-Rusgon
Appearance: Roughly adverage height 5'8, somewhat on the thinner side, but not too much. Dark brown hair that comes down
to shoulder height. Pale blue eyes, and normally dresses in dark green clothing, and normally wears a cloak.
Personality: Generally quiet, calm, and very perceptive. A fast thinker, gets him as easily out of trouble as he gets into it.
His quiet nature also is true about his ability to move quietly adapted from his long time in the forest.
Back story:
Thoron was born in the Hoenn region and orphan, he never knew what had happend to his parents and left his orphanage due to being bullied as a child. He never knew of what happened in the Sinnoh region, and of the darkness that would soon engulf the entire world. Being exiled in the forest, Thoron was alone... or so he thought. Thoron mainly lived off of berries for a short time, and slept in trees. One day late in the morning he was awakened by the sounds of a fight, it Wasn't very hard to spot because he had a clear view from the tree he was sleeping in. A trainer was fighting a Zoroark in a clearing off to his right. This was a new pokemon that he had never seen before in all of his life! The battle wasn't very long and the trainer captured the Zoroark in a ultra ball, he overheard the trainer say that this pokemon was brought to Hoenn from a far off place, and that another was hiding in the forest, but it wasn't his problem. Thoron Stayed still until no sign of the trainer remained.
Thoron sensed movement near the clearing that the battle took place in, and he noticed a small dark and red pokemon enter the clearing. It cried out and seemed to be in great pain. He rushed out of the tree and went immediately to help the injured pokemon, who seemed scared at first but sensed the the human meant no harm to him. Thoron nursed the small Zorua back to health and found a small abandoned cave that they lived in for a while. Zorua was eager to show off his Illusionary powers in the cave and Thoron was amazed by what the young Zorua could do.
Thoron and Rusgon spent a lot of time training in their secret base, Thoron with his bow, and Rusgon battled with other pokemon and honed his illusion skills, but Thoron sensed that Rusgon had always wanted to find out what had happened to his mother, and decided one day to try to find the far off land that Rusgon was originally from. So one night the two traveled to Lillycove city, and using Rusgon's illusion were able to sneak on board a ship, disguising themselves as sailors. Little did they know that the ship was bound for the Sinnoh region. For most of the time they were hidden in the cargo hold in a crate half full of books mostly literature, but also some books about pokemon. Being on the ship for months Thoron had little to do besides read most of the time, and he became a lot smarter because of this, and he also found a book about different species of pokemon and finally found the name of Rusgon's species. Though in light of this he still prefered Rusgon over "Zoroark", and there was also a mention of the Unova region, and they hoped that that was where they were going. Thoron heard many of the Sailors talk about how someone by the name of "Dawn", many of them disliked mentioning the name so it wasn't very hard to conclude that this "Dawn" wasn't very liked, and that buisness was normally bad with cargo, and that security is very high in the Sinnoh region.
The two had knew that because Sinnoh's security was so high that they would need ID cards if they wanted to leave the ship. It wasn't hard to knock out two sailors and hide them in the cargo hold long enought that they wouldn't spoil their plans, and left the ship with relative ease. The pair steped off into Canalave City, and tried to find out more about this "Dawn" before they left to explore this strange new land. People called Thoron ignorant mostly, but they did find out of the tyranny of Dawn, and he legend. This harsh tyrany clashed with Thoron's ideals, and Rusgon didn't seem very pleased about it either. People and pokemon should have the chance to become stronger and not be stomped out at a single sign of weakness.
Towns people quickly became suspicious and the pair figured that they should hide while they still had the chance. Thoron and Rusgon hid in
the wilds and have been training to become stronger ever since...
Things to notice: Thoron is very skilled with a bow, stealth, and knows how to knock someone on their ass relativly easy.
Rusgon's Illusionary abilities also allow him to disguise both of them for long periods of time (few hours without rest), and
even become invisible, though takes much more focus and can be done for only minutes.
EDITED --Sorry about the formatting error, I copied this from a text document originally. I fixed the problem with the spacing inside of the paragraphs, but if there is another problem let me know.
Edited by M_Cowher
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Ah, I see. It probably does, since i have vastly improved since then. Msotly through hardcore writing Graterras and truly fleshing out that world. A lot of my other characters on here are very well done due to my experience with Graterras I think. However, this was my first Forum RP, so I was learning the differences between this type of RP and Tabletop RPGs at the time. ((since I ahd played quite a bit of D and D etc...before I ever knew Rebonr existed lol.))

also guy above since you ninja'd me I have to edit this in, clean that up a bit the spaces make it a pain to read. Formatting things goes a long way. Not to mention you are wasting a lot of space with all the unnecessary enters after every line. Doing in that in an IC thread is going to get ya in trouble, since nobody wants to read something that isn't formatted at least semi-well.

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@Mcow, I will be sure to skim through it at a time where I can. However, I may suggest cutting it down a bit it is a very long backstory XD. Not that it is a bad thing, but remember it is okay to keep soemthings secret about your character that way we can learn things about them while the RP goes on. ((not sayijng this is a problem, I have;t read it yet, but give it a once over, see fi there is something that maybe fluff or something you want to keep to yourself, see if it has any of those things. If not, I commend you on writing that much xD. I rarely wirte that much for characters I run, I am more of a guy who develops them on the fly.))

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Ok M_Cowher, Thoron looks all right to me. Welcome aboard! ^_^

And it's ok, I had this kind of formatting problem once too, it is really a pain. Generally it's best to write all without jumping lines in your text tool and format in the Forum's.

Also, Covert Ops members our deadline is this Friday.

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also we are at 15, I say we get no more than 16, might get hard to handle with any more. ((as you know with Graterras I don't like having more than 8 personally.))

I also only say 16 since it makes dividing the teams up easier if we are still doing that.

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