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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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You can put tags on your threads, so that they can be linked to other threads with the same tags. This one is tagged under the keywords: RP, Role Playing, story, fanfiction. Notice how at the bottom, there are other threads linked by the same tags.

And now that I'm done with that long post, its time to finish reading the previous parts of the roleplay. >.>

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I never even payed attention to tags in Graterras...though it ended up working out in the end....XD. And it feels weird dusting off Lupus.....going to have to spruce him up a bit he was definitely one of my worse characters. Hopefully isn't too hard. ((Lobo is still awesome though. Nothing better than a showboat of a Houndoom.))

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Ok, I'll see if I can update the tags (nooow i understand what they're for yey!). On another note, holy hell guys I'm out for a few hours and two pages already! Guess te hype was real eh? XD

Jon is gonna have a post later too, but right now I'll have to be out for a while.

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  • Support Squad
  On 11/29/2014 at 10:24 PM, Notus said:

And speaking of getting it covered, I don't seem to be able to change the tags now. Huk and Murdoc, do your mod powers allow that?

Go into full editor on the first post, should be able to do it there.

Edit: ninjad

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  On 11/29/2014 at 10:31 PM, TacosAndFlowers said:

So... looks like everyone's having fun over in that group :c

Not Adam. He's getting the fuck out of there. Unless someone calls him back to the room.

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Ugh, Sarcus did something to Jory that I hate so much irl...

Seriously though, this is a (19?) year old that just participated in a full-scale war for control of a city. You expect him to not be on edge? Also you totally ignored the part about a member of his squad being mauled to death in front of him...

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Probably a bit, but he wouldn't have eeeeeeeeeeeever said anything about his little sister. He doesn't talk about that. ((keep in mind it literally tore his family apart. It is where his nickname Lupus comes from. He is the Festering Wolf, or the one who destroys anyone he cares about. At least in his own eyes. It is a bit of a sore spot for him.))

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