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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Are you serious and wait so were 100% certain shes on our side? like surprise im the gym leader and we couldnt tell you guys because.... I think the PC's are getting played... and if it was her city why is Dawn in it...

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  On 12/20/2014 at 10:04 PM, Notus said:

Ok, thanks for the effort mate!

EDIT> Oh, and speaking of foreshadowing, cultural note: Fria is the feminine for the adjective "cold" in portuguese. XD

It's the same in Spanish, I had noted it but didn't think anything of it.

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Soorry for the delay here guys, I meant to post some more explanation yesterday night or this morning, but my net simply stopped and just got back a while ago. XP Post incoming!

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Hey.. As a reader that twist was just awesome.. While not something unexpected, it definitely made reading much more enjoyable.. Having completely blind sided the group was a brilliant idea.. Only the reader would have all the info to put together she was Candice, since each event happened among a different set of people.. Its kind of like putting a puzzle of Fria together to reveal Candice.. @Acquiescence that was some brilliant writing and @Notus did some great work letting it all fall into place.. I just would like to point out some stuff I felt dulled the reveal, something that as a reader I felt gave away too much information..

There were a few too many hints about Candice helping the team.. To have so many ice pokemon come and help the different groups in a variety of places, even the scene with the abomasnow trio made it obvious something was up with Fria.. On retrospect, her frivolous attitude seemingly made a mock of the teams attempt to break in.. It would have been so much better had she acted more careful.. I know that isn't in her character but maybe in such a case it could be justified.. Just feel that it could have enhanced the element of surprise for readers.. I can understand that the multiple events were necessary so that the groups have a reason to trust Candice, but maybe it wouldn't be so bad to leave a few of them in doubt??

Another thing I was curious about was the abruptness of the different groups meeting each other.. Was that planned to shorten the time taken to finish the chapter? I mean it is plausible, but the groups all enter at different times in different places in the city.. Maybe they could scout for slightly longer or set up a base before the other teams get in, I believe that was Jory and Carissa's plan..

Anyway those are just some of my ramblings.. I tend to get talk too much on such things.. :P.. I just hope that registrations open soon.. Can't wait to be a part of this!! :D

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Hehey, thanks for the feedback Acquie! It's really good to know I managed to do it to your liking. ^_^

Also thanks for the opinions Yash, your's were valid points - specially about the abrupt meeting - and I'll consider them for the future. Hopefully you will be playing along with us soon!

So, from here we will go to chapter #3b. The group will be divided in two, but you will all post in the same thread with tags identifying which team you're on (something like Conclave or Gym just above your posts.). This way we will avoid having multiple threads to browse in the future.

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I honestly don't know where to send Adam. If I send him to the conclave I feel he'd become a bit more unhinged than he's been so far, but if I send him to the gym, I feel he'd let his guard down about the possibility of death and pay for it later on...

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@Dobby, go for the conclave. It will lead to better character development, and the others will be there to stop you going crazy.

@DarkLight, go for the gym. Miki may be a strategic thinker, but she's also a very excitable girl. More than likely her anticipation of seeing Regice in battle would overpower her fear of a terrain disadvantage. Besides, you could always just work around said disadvantage.

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For those of you still undecided, a list might help.
Gym: Nemir, Thoron, Flux, Pine, Seth and Miki
Conclave: Drake, Jory, Carissa, Adam, Alina and Sarcus
Undecided: Jon and Michael

Edit: Undecideds moved around. Let me know if anyone has problems with this.

Edited by DragonMasterKrim
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  On 12/23/2014 at 1:53 AM, DragonMasterKrim said:

For those of you still undecided, a list might help.

Gym: Nemir, Thoron, Flux and (Most likely) Pine,

Conclave: Drake, Jory, Carissa, Alina and Sarcus

Undecided: Jon, Seth, Miki, Adam and Michael

I agree with Acqui, that would probably be best.

I'd send seth with the Gym team thanks to Giga's high HP stat and ability to use both Fire and Fighting attacks.

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  On 12/22/2014 at 10:09 PM, Jory said:

Jacob looked to Carissa and then to the others. With the assortment of Pokemon the rest of the group had, he knew they wouldn't have too much trouble in terms of type matchup against Candice.

Such.. Jacob?


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