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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Well, I had forgotten that this existed. I'd like to thoroughly apologize for my abrupt disappearance and any inconvenience it may have caused, and this will be my official drop out post. School and maintaining multiple rp's at one time made this one slip my mind, I guess.

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DarkLight and Tacos have both dropped out from this RP, leaving it with no host. As such, I will be re-assuming the reins on Aftermath.


Right now I'm about to enter my busy period, so to avoid any kind of frustration or unintentional cliffhanger, Aftermath is temporarily on hold, tentatively until mid-August. At that point, I'll do a check of who's left; and if we have enough participants, we can get right back to overthrowing Dawn.

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I´ll try to be on as much as possible as an assistant host too, when time comes for Aftermath to keep going. This isn´t going down that easily! ;)

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I´ll try to be on as much as possible as an assistant host too, when time comes for Aftermath to keep going. This isn´t going down that easily! ;)

I feel like of all the RPs on this forum, this one has the best record for bouncing back.

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(looks left and right) Yeah, I kind of got caught up in a lot of different things which is why I haven't been around the RP section that much. I'm sure there are others around that are still interested in this. I pretty much withdrew from the RP section, but this might be one of those exceptions (since I love it). Just PM me when it's go time.

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(looks left and right) Yeah, I kind of got caught up in a lot of different things which is why I haven't been around the RP section that much. I'm sure there are others around that are still interested in this. I pretty much withdrew from the RP section, but this might be one of those exceptions (since I love it). Just PM me when it's go time.

Are you going to make a new character then? Drake died iirc, and he was yours, right?

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My PC is Neville "N" Henson, AKA John Smith, with a Partner of a Samurott named Otto.

Neville was born in Aspierta City about eleven years before Dawn took power. it was one year before Dawn's Leave of Absence that he recieved his Partner, and started to take on the Unova League. His Mom, Jane, went off to try to stop Dawn ten years after Dawn came back, but she never returned. Neville decided to go Undercover, thinking that he could become a target because of his mother's actions against Dawn. He pulled out of the League, and changed his name to John Smith, working alongside his Partner to survive on the fringes of society, developing a close bond with Otto as a result. Ten years later, the world had almost completely forgotten about him, and he came back into the Urban Areas of Unova. Now a wanderer, he travels from place to place, and he encountered Team Dusk while on a visit to one of the Cities.

Edited by K_H
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As has been stated earlier, the RP won't start backup again untill like Mid-August, also mons can have any move they can learn under their disposal as far as I know....

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My PC is Nate "N" Henson, AKA John Smith, with a Partner of a Samurott named Otto.

Nate was born in Aspierta City about Two years after Dawn took power. His Mom, Hilda, went off to try to stop Dawn twelve years after Dawn came back, but Hilda never returned. Nate decided to go Undercover, thinking that he could become a target because of his mother's actions against Dawn. He changed his name to John Smith after heading into the Mountains of Unova, working alongside his Partner to survive in the wilderness. Eight years later, the world had forgotten about him, and came back into the Urban Areas of Unova. Now a wanderer, he traveled from place to place, and then encountered Team Shade while on a visit to one of the CIties.

I might save the potential hosts here and point out definite no nos as well some I wouldn't let fly as host.

1: Having Hilda, I'm assuming you mean the female prot of B/W as a mom. For one, I believe that Hilda is actually a character featured in this RP under the Alias White, playing the role of tech whiz in the organisation. Thus, you really can't do that as it interferes with the existing world and that character. P sure the mom would notice if they, you know, had a kid in the team. This would stretch to all characters in the pokeworld because, if I know Acqui, there's a plan for all of them. Besides, it reeks of "Son of the Legendary Hero" Sueism to me.

2: That timeline for Nate is really freaking weird. If I'm not mistaken, Dawn seized power immediately after coming back, so from your words, Hilda left Nate at the tender age of... Ten. Then, this ten year old for some reason decides "Woo, let's go hiking for 8 years" for whatever reason. What happened to other guardians, the dad, grandparents? Furthermore there's a whole lot of issues with going to live in the wilderness at that age. After 8 years this kid would have next to no clue what any kind of civilisation is like. He'd be freaking feral after learning to survive, if he survived. Because even with a pokemon, how many people manage to survive solely in the wilderness? The games protagonists not withstanding as they merely travelled, they didn't live solely in the wilderness.

3: Just a personal one. There's no detail at all on the relationship between him and his partner. Like, at all. He's just there. Like, whatevs.

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Sorry for leaving this RP guys. I really would have loved to continue with this and also remain a participant, but my life has taken an unexpected turn that's keeping me from doing so. I apologize once again, and I wish Team Dusk the best of luck in their next adventure. It's a good one, I can guarantee.

My PC is Nate "N" Henson, AKA John Smith, with a Partner of a Samurott named Otto.

Nate was born in Aspierta City about Two years after Dawn took power. His Mom, Hilda, went off to try to stop Dawn twelve years after Dawn came back, but Hilda never returned. Nate decided to go Undercover, thinking that he could become a target because of his mother's actions against Dawn. He changed his name to John Smith after heading into the Mountains of Unova, working alongside his Partner to survive in the wilderness. Eight years later, the world had forgotten about him, and came back into the Urban Areas of Unova. Now a wanderer, he traveled from place to place, and then encountered Team Shade while on a visit to one of the Cities.

Just poking my nose in to say that relating your characters to a canon character is a big no no here.

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I've changed the names of the Mother and the Character, how he survived, and the TImeline of what happened when.

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