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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Here is a tip for you who are a bit newer, I don't know how many of you are, but I am putting this here just to address what I am thinking This actually comes from my D and D days, but they still apply to a extent.

The only thing I really want to stress mostly to everyone here is, don't attach your characters to any established universe heros, important characters etc. This usually leads to Sueness very quickly, as the stories of how they know these people etc, tend to end up ridiculous in nature, and must be stretched extremely far to make sense. These characters basically have a extremely vibrant past to encompass these stories, and it makes them end up becoming too ridiculous. Though I can understand wanting a chartecter to be frineds or know a favourite character from a universe sounds cool and harmless in practice, it usually leads to the character not having the same rules apply as they would logically be a leg above everyone else by simply knowing someone like that. Established Characters are best left to the OP or the Dungeon Master, or whatever the title of the person running the game, because they are typically tools to move a story forward etc...and are well known by players so they get a good idea of what is happening or might happen due to what they know about that character (this can also be used in reverse by making character do something very opposite of their nature, like with Dawn in this rp, if we were there when she went crazy, I doubt we would have seen it coming.) Sorry about the long paragraph I tend to talk a lot, and am not the best at getting my point across, this is not aimed at anyone in particular, it is just to let you guys know.

This is actually why I decided to use a world I created for D and D. As none of my heroes and villains would be known to the players off the bat, it would be more of a learning experience, and a journey. Even If i did use something like the Forgotten Realms, I would never let a player write a backstory involving Drizzt or any noteworthy character.

Edited by Hukuna
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And to Murdoc, Lupus is headed back to base, separate from Aeon and Josh. He doesn't want to be associated with what happened with the conclave Squad 2 was sent to being destroyed, as it is out of character for him to kill for the most part (he would only kill those he feels are guilty, and are willingly helping and working with the church).

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You're a pretty good writer, if so. I don't think that you're overcomplicating things, personally.

As for Flux, yes it makes me think more than I had intended to. That's not necessarily a bad thing though.

I really like your writing Flux, so please don't be sorry! It makes the plot more interesting! Plus, everyone's style of writing helps other RPers improve on their own writing.

Never properly thanked you guys for the encouragement. I guess it was mostly my self-consciousness. So thanks!

Also Murdoc, Miki should still be in the base although you can't really meet her, and I can't do much right now since I'm supposed to be following Silver. I'll just have to wait for Acquiescence to get back.

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Think I'll have Kael head over to the pokecenter and heal up Kaine (they still have pokecenters in this universe, right?)

I was going to have Kael go give Aeon a piece of his mind, but frankly, I don't want Lunar to powerplay my character again, so I think I'll just keep them apart for now.

Josh was also going to be a target, but...I can hardly understand what's going on in his owner's posts half the time, so forget that.

Maybe Kael's just the kind who holds his anger inside...

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^ I can usually figure it out, but damn it is hard sometimes lol. Lupus is going to have a bit of a reflecting walk back to the statue though. I am thinking it out so it should be soon when I post lol. (Might be something backstory related for Lupus....not sure yet.)

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Is this your first forum rp Flux? or have you done them before lol? either way I do enjoy your writing as well, as it sticks out in a good way. Do keep up the good work lol.

Yeah, it's my first, and I'll try to just keep doing what I'm doing since people seem to think it's good. ;)

Um...hold up, guys.

Miki, Sarcus and Flux are NOT in the base, they are in the conclave building which Lucas seized

Oh yeah...

So do I need to do anything or do I just wait until you decide to do something? I can't think of anything really left for me to do except get Aggron back.

Edited by Flux
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Well seeing as Aeon blew up the whole damn building XD

He pretty much did the work for pretty much everybody xD

I cannot wait until everyone meets up again, oh boy the hell that is going to be broken lose.

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Well seeing as Aeon blew up the whole damn building XD

He pretty much did the work for pretty much everybody xD

I cannot wait until everyone meets up again, oh boy the hell that is going to be broken lose.

the three squads are at three different buildings so he just blew up squad 2s building the other two still need to get done.

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Yeah, it's my first, and I'll try to just keep doing what I'm doing since people seem to think it's good. ;)

Oh yeah...

So do I need to do anything or do I just wait until you decide to do something? I can't think of anything really left for me to do except get Aggron back.

Silver brings you to the spa room, where Aggron is in a Pokemon Healing machine. Retrieve it and make friends with Sarcus. Or enemies. Up to you.

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the three squads are at three different buildings so he just blew up squad 2s building the other two still need to get done.

IIRC, Squad 1 is still on the Second floor.

(OOPS double post. Would appreciate if someone could help to merge.

Edited by Acquiescence
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Confirming we are still on 2nd floor, will prolly post on monday to advance...

EDIT: I have checked the whole topic twice, and I don't really get Color's last post... Why exactly is she leaving? If she is leaving at all, I am really not sure I got that post right...

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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She had gotten lost in all of the chaos of the sandstorm and while wandering had ended up in squad 2 's buildin. Since imnpretty clumsy like that I wanted to represent thst confusion. At this point she is heading outside to try and get some familiar location.

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