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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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oh and just to be clear, the Nasty Plot isn't special in anyway, Lupus just loses control over Lobo when he uses it. (It has to do with Lobo's backstory, and is kinda a disadvantage, since he just attacks and goes nuts. This is just incase people get confused about it lol. Not trying to like Sue in anyway)

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Wasn't really expecting some this ridiculous, but I guess I have to roll with it. (Such hax, much Bull, wow. But in all seriousness, saw something like this coming from a mile away, not really all that surprised. So this is going to be a fun challenge I guess?)

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In my defence, it's perfectly possible for a Venusaur to learn Hydro Pump. The flower on its back will, naturally, have xylem of some sort, and it's therefore theoretically possible to train it to a point where it is able to redirect the water being transferred to its xylem outwards, while varying the pressure at the same time.

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So if we are going to use science as a way of explaining things. Then there for eventually Gardenias walls will run out of power because they are being produced from stored solar energy and the energy is not being continually produced. Basically they are running on a battery so it’s going to run out eventually.

Also related to that it would be possible for my Venusaur to start firing Solar Beams to help drain the walls of power faster you know.

Just saying unless of coarse the gym leaders are the only ones allowed to be clever.

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If that's how it works then the walls being made from stored solar energy is pointless. Given she basically has unlimited energy. but I digress and I won't also mention the fact that in order to get walls made from solar energy there would have to be something directing it like what you would do with a magnifying glass so there for if say the thing directing it got destroyed then the wall would just be sunlight and not concentrated...umm I mean candy, candy, candy, candy, ooooo sweats.

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They have never said Pokémon can create matter. "Matter can not be created or destroyed, but it can be altered." I forget where that quote is form but Pokémon basically alter the matter to do thing they do. They don't make it out of nothing but I rather not argue. Actually give me a example of a non-legendary Pokémon creating matter because I actually can't think of a example off the top of my head that I can explain though so sort of science.

Though the sun is still the same as our sun and the energy is still produced the same way and in order for it to be used to make a wall it would need to be magnified and given she did not say the wall was made by Pokémon in the gym(they are producing the energy for it though) it would need to be controlled by something anyway.

I just do this to keep Acqui on her feet and have her give me a reason why I can't do said thing. Even if its not that good of reason. If she does not want me doing this all she has to is ask me to stop and I will. But this is the kind of stuff that happens in RPs thats why i won't post anything until I know what I can and can't do.

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So it's not actually stored; Let's just take it that Gardenia is bad at explaining things. As for the magnifying glasses, that was what I had intended the system to be like; numerous focal lenses scattered within the walls and ceiling of the room, serving as a amplifier of the heat of the light.

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Ahmn, not sure if I should be posting this here, but anyway...

I've been reading this Aftermath for a while and would like to join, if there's no problem. Also I don't know if it's a good time to do it, but there's no trouble if you think I should wait for the next arc.

Congrats for everyone, the story is getting awesome!

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I am really confused, I thought the Venusaur already landed? Or did I miss something here...(not that it matters he would still be able to use Earthquake, but he would also have to take the Fire Fang as well, I just need to be clear on what is going on, because now I am confused).

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