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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Raito is so simphatetic XD I'm going out for a bit, hopefully i can answer that when I'm back. Also thanks for everyone's efforts to break through Jon's trust issues.

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Drake is the same age (I used that age so that he'd be 18 when the reign of Dawn began)

I'll be sure to have Miki look to you as a father figure lol!

@Hukuna: Yeah, I wanted to see my horrible application to recall what I had for Miki. But I can't recall the exact name of that Character thread that we had to post it on before we joined...

Raito is so simphatetic XD I'm going out for a bit, hopefully i can answer that when I'm back. Also thanks for everyone's efforts to break through Jon's trust issues.

lol! Raito likes good company and since he and Kyte get along so well in battles...

EDIT for Hukuna: I'm going to give Flux and Notus time to engage us before I make another post. Is that alright or should we just move onwards towards our destination?

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No, I intended you to do so. I kinda just put that in there since if I go to sleep before that happens I want Lupus to be ready to leave. Otherwise if any of them strike up convo with him I will respond, but yea I am good with that personally.

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I believe Flux used to be the oldest until our two new recruits here. If I remember correctly, he's late twenties, though he always acts like its more than that. It's been a while, so I don't remember exactly. I'll see if I can dig up that description...


I found it, and man did I give a horrible description. :ph34r: It's pretty vague, and doesn't really describe him accurately anymore with how I developed him.

Anyway, here's the link to the thread for anyone who had a character posted there that they wanted to check.


Edited by Flux
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I'll be sure to have Miki look to you as a father figure lol!

The character he's based off of is definitely not someone to look up to. That one sacrificed his almost all his morals in order to try and achieve his goals. I'm not sure which direction I'll go in this RP though (he won't be killing people without very, very good reasoning).

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The character he's based off of is definitely not someone to look up to. That one sacrificed his almost all his morals in order to try and achieve his goals. I'm not sure which direction I'll go in this RP though (he won't be killing people without very, very good reasoning).

I was joking with my previous statement, but I do agree with you. Based on what I saw so far, he's definitely not a role model to us kids right now. Maybe we could influence him in the future? ^^

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You never know, the company one keeps can change them for the better. Miki jsut being around is actually a bit positive for Lupus, in that it actually makes him think about his little Sister Serah. And since he thinks about it, maybe he will eventually learn it wasn't really his fault. ((I know he hasn't told anyone what happened yet, but trust me it doesn't actually involve the church.))

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I feel like the same thing is happening with Seth. This is the first time he's been with people who share his ideas in a LONG time, and on top of that they're actually going to do something about it as well. So you could say that's why he feels more at ease and casual with the group, even though he just met them.

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Wait, are we doing things after getting clothes? Cuz if so, i've got a nice little idea.

The clothes thing is like a signal we're ready to move on to Snowpoint and are done with the small talk. If there's something else you want to do, I'm sure it's okay but be prepared if it gets cut off.

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^Hehe, If you explain it in a PM I can tell better if it's OK.

Also soo sorry for being late, my net crashed last night and I only got it back today. =/

I made Jon get out because I think he would do just that, Even considering how welcoming Flux and Miki are. Trust issues are his main flaw, so I can't let it fade away very easily.

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I don't understand how everyone expects to get through waist-deep snow with sweatpants on...

Considering we're marching into an area where we can easily be ambushed and frozen to death led by a leader who will be hax Serra but with much stronger Pokemon (and a Mind Reader+Sheer Cold Articuno) I think that should be the least of our worries.

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Considering we're marching into an area where we can easily be ambushed and frozen to death led by a leader who will be hax Serra but with much stronger Pokemon (and a Mind Reader+Sheer Cold Articuno) I think that should be the least of our worries.

That is also a good point... and oh god the nightmares you've just instilled in me...

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That is also a good point... and oh god the nightmares you've just instilled in me...

If I were the host, I could turn Candice into something that could could easily wipe the floor with our Pokemon choices even without legendaries or hax moves. I'm actually rather shocked she isn't like the sixth or seventh leader as she is final gym leader worthy.

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Also you guys really think we would resort to the Mind Reader+Sheer Cold combo? Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooring. Much more interesting ways to dispose of some mons than that. ((also, the moves like Mind Reader are kinda god-modding in an RP, so no, they aren't allowed. And things you guys can't use we aren't using either.))

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