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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Yea, people expect really snowy places to be dark.....heck no. During the days they are blinding. That is why i hate snow. ((it mainly doesn't help I have no eyelashes.....so even more light gets in my eyes. I actually have to wear sunglasses outside.)).

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Ski glasses should help a bit in this case, but you are right.

Also, going to sleep now... Huk, please take over till I'm back ok? Have a nice trek everyone!

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How did I know that Hukuna would say something like that?

Anywho, I think this is the first time that I see Dobby playing an a**hole. I am so not used to this >.<

As with all my characters Adam is just another piece of me. He's the asshole who appears to most people, thus he has my real name, he is my most common persona.

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Funnily enough, Jacob from Academy is actually my most self-inserty. Lately I've been so disgusted with the treatment of animals at industrial farms that I'm strongly considering becoming a vegetarian.

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I have never really done a self-insert. ((Jupiter from Graterras is probably closest...but even she isn't that close.)).

While a lot of my characters have pieces of me. ((or someone I know.)) in them, rarely are they exactly like me lol. ((or that person.))

Lupus is a weird one for me though. He is kinda mopey and hangs on a past that wasn't really his fault, but he can't get over it. It is sorta foreign to me as I don;t let anything get to me in such a way. ((granted I have never had a close relative or friend die.)). It is probably why he is one of my more weak characters.

((I say this....when the most logically foreign character of mine has to be Nadia from Fate/Full Moon on here. Like complete polar opposite to me, yet I can write her pretty well.))

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Am I that predictable? :P

Yes, but it's not a bad thing~

Dobby/Adam, I didn't know you were such a jerk! Because I apparently missed how you curse up a storm in your Reborn LP.

If we are talking about our characters, Miki would probably represent me the most although that is not my name (that would be Grace then). When I made her, I was in my Japanese craze so...

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XD, I see. Though I am nice to everybody. I probably don't have a mean bone in my body. ((until one pisses me off, but that is very very rare. Got to be a special kind of asshole to do that. XD))

and Jak, I probably would take forever to be able to talk to any of you if I met you irl. I am super awkward lol. Like me and people don't mix very well. Less nerves over the internet though.

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