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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Tacos, you're surrounded by snow, use that to quench the thirst, or it'll be Adam to volunteer for that position.

She isn't asking for volunteers, and neither am I. I'm saying if someone were stubborn enough to follow her there would be a slim chance her plan would still work. She'd just have to tweak a few things but it could come out perfectly fine.

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I just thought of a crazy idea. Do you guys think it'd be possible to drive good ole Marshmellow into the city? We're obviously close to something if they could hear it.

Sadly Nemir isn't close enough anymore, but I would be totally up for that idea XD

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I probably could pull it off with the Crobat, but Team Dusk would not be happy with me destroying part of the city (so many Frozen references you could make out of this). If you all vote for it, I will send Drake off to his possible death to create one of the greatest distractions ever.

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I probably could pull it off with the Crobat, but Team Dusk would not be happy with me destroying part of the city (so many Frozen references you could make out of this). If you all vote for it, I will send Drake off to his possible death to create one of the greatest distractions ever.

Well I'd at least like Carissa's plan to be attempted before this is done...

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Well I'd at least like Carissa's plan to be attempted before this is done...

I did kind of get the idea off of yours so you technically have priority when it comes to this situation. In the end, it's Notus/Huk who's going to decide what happens.

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I'm sorry to double post, but I kind of need to say something. I know Huk and Notus haven't been on here all the time, but that doesn't mean you can make events that haven't happened. The only thing that has been confirmed is the Abomasnow was hit by a couple attacks and their are patrols headed our way.

When it comes to events, you can't just make events up, especially without the Hosts permission. This RP has a plot so you have to be patient for when the host gets back on. Maybe he wants us to stick together so the Abomasnow uses an ice move to prevent us from getting away. And the Hypnosis is uncertain to hit or not until the host says if it worked or not (same goes for any attack outside a battle you are permitted to control yourself).

As for the cabin, I know there's one in the games, but that doesn't mean it's there now as that's up to the host to decide. I know some of you are new to this RP, but it's stressful when players start doing things like this without a hosts permission.

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I'm sorry to double post, but I kind of need to say something. I know Huk and Notus haven't been on here all the time, but that doesn't mean you can make events that haven't happened. The only thing that has been confirmed is the Abomasnow was hit by a couple attacks and their are patrols headed our way.

When it comes to events, you can't just make events up, especially without the Hosts permission. This RP has a plot so you have to be patient for when the host gets back on. Maybe he wants us to stick together so the Abomasnow uses an ice move to prevent us from getting away. And the Hypnosis is uncertain to hit or not until the host says if it worked or not (same goes for any attack outside a battle you are permitted to control yourself).

As for the cabin, I know there's one in the games, but that doesn't mean it's there now as that's up to the host to decide. I know some of you are new to this RP, but it's stressful when players start doing things like this without a hosts permission.

Yep yep. I had similar thoughts about the cabin, but I've been waiting to see what Notus has to say. I still have to catch up on the IC now, so I don't for sure know what else you're talking about, but anyway, this is a valid point. There's a lot of new RPers here, so you kind of have to expect this stuff and deal with it as it comes. They'll get it down with experience.

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Sorry guys, my net has been epically bad these last few days... Hope now it stabilizes. I'll need some time to catch up and think of the next step, so you can expect updates tomorrow at the worse.

As for attacking the city, that's a no go, you're still a good way far from it. The acolytes that saw you are only route patrols. The cabin can be used, but be aware the acolytes may know of it too, as it is in a fairly obvious location... Though maybe the storm might help you sneaking in it with no problem. Or maybe not. XD

EDIT: Uhmn... Ok, you can use those tunells, but don't enter Snowpoint before I say so ok? It may be a different way, but don't think I'll be making it an easy one XD.

Edited by Notus
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Sorry guys, my net has been epically bad these last few days... Hope now it stabilizes. I'll need some time to catch up and think of the next step, so you can expect updates tomorrow at the worse.

As for attacking the city, that's a no go, you're still a good way far from it. The acolytes that saw you are only route patrols. The cabin can be used, but be aware the acolytes may know of it too, as it is in a fairly obvious location... Though maybe the storm might help you sneaking in it with no problem. Or maybe not. XD

EDIT: Uhmn... Ok, you can use those tunells, but don't enter Snowpoint before I say so ok? It may be a different way, but don't think I'll be making it an easy one XD.

Haha as expected. I knew not to hope for that much.

Anyways, sorry for my lack of posting today, had to study for a stats midterm, and there was no way I wasn't going to play episode 14.

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Uhmn, sorry mate, this one is already closed until someone dies ofc, but if you want to you can try on Under the Hill. I make it a rule to always take new players there, but I might only answer tomorrow since I'm hella tired. In any case, make a char and post there if you're interested.

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