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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Closing things up now, but you can expect #3b soon! Some final considerations:

-Flux, your non violent approach on the Abomasnow trouble was perfect to convince Candice to trust you guys, kudos!

-Dobby, Tacos and Jory, nice job bringing the acolytes back to Snowpoint despite the risk. If you had left them there it would be harder for Candice to trust you all.

-Everyone: Amazing job on playing you characters, I have no complaints at all! That was a great chapter and I personally loved hosting it, so thanks a ton!

-Once again, thanks a lot for writing that awesome story Acqui, it's a honor for me to help out on it.

Aand last but not least, just going to make an announcement: Since holidays are coming [insert Ned Stark meme here] and I will probably be a little busy with visits and that stuff, I'm taking in a temporary Co-Host who will help out with the Conclave Group while I play the Gym battle. Everyone welcome our friend DarkLight a.k.a Conclave Mother of this next chapter!

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Good Luck. I mean if you don;t do a good job your life is forfeit so..... ((Notus would know, he was my student. And my students must teach theirs as rigorously as I teach mine.))

Shhhhh Sensei, I'm trying not to scare her *cough* I mean, what? XD

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Congrats DarkLight!

Also, I have no idea which route to have Seth go to, I got some ideas for both situations.

As was said earlier, the gym would probably be better because Giga learns both fire and fighting moves.

Also, congrats Dark!

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I kind of had Drake suggest that so more active RPers don't go turbo mode and basically claim a majority of the battle and so that the not as active posters don't have to worry so much about posting since half would be against the mother and half would be taking care of the rest of the Acolytes. I'm fine with making this a total group, but some people like myself aren't going to be posting every day.

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