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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Guys remember the acess card thing that you had to find in the first chapter? The security here is the same! I'm hella busy IRL now, but Jory knows what I'm talking about... Can you explain to them mate?

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I'll do it.

Basically, every floor of the conclave requires an access card to enter. On each floor, the card is held by a random acolyte, on a duty roster, who stays on that floor. To get to the next floor, you either need to search all the acolytes for the card, or convince the holder of the card to give it to you. For reference, each floor has about 236 acolytes. The specific acolytes holding the key are determined by the host. Also, since it's duty-based, all the acolytes know who has the key on a specific day, so if you can get them to tell you...

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I'll do it.

Basically, every floor of the conclave requires an access card to enter. On each floor, the card is held by a random acolyte, on a duty roster, who stays on that floor. To get to the next floor, you either need to search all the acolytes for the card, or convince the holder of the card to give it to you. For reference, each floor has about 236 acolytes. The specific acolytes holding the key are determined by the host. Also, since it's duty-based, all the acolytes know who has the key on a specific day, so if you can get them to tell you...

...So if we wanted to take out a single floor of trainers, each of us would have to take on about 40 trainers per floor. I guess we could try that or ask nicely, but maybe we could try this:

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Thanks a ton Acqui. ^_^ I'm counting that this specific conclave is under guarded though, since many acolytes are patrolling the woods, but the longer you take, more likely it will be for the patrols to come back in your rear...

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@Conclave Group: Who hasn't made a post yet in the group? I kind of have been holding off posting/moving so that everyone in the group has a chance to respond.

So far I saw Jory, Tacos, Azery, Murdoc and you, yourself for the conclave. Each of you has posted at least 2 times. We are missing Grasssnake, who, if I remember correctly is in our Conclave group since Serperiors can't handle ice attacks.

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Does someone wanna give Grassnake a PM? I don't want to move on without her saying something, but if she doesn't respond (or anyone else in the group that we didn't realize) I'll bunny them following Drake inside the Conclave.

@Jory and Tacos: Go ahead and work together to get the first card key so that we don't keep holding you guys up. We'll have everyone back together on the second floor.

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Does someone wanna give Grassnake a PM? I don't want to move on without her saying something, but if she doesn't respond (or anyone else in the group that we didn't realize) I'll bunny them following Drake inside the Conclave.

@Jory and Tacos: Go ahead and work together to get the first card key so that we don't keep holding you guys up. We'll have everyone back together on the second floor.

I sent a PM to Grass. I'll keep you updated (or she will let us know what she wants to do).

EDIT: Grassnake has informed me that her character could be bunnied. She was away on vacation and has crappy Internet. Grass will be back tomorrow. Whether you want to move along or not is up to you.

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So, seeing as Notus is going to attend a boarding school and may leave us for a time, what will happen with this RP? Am I correct in guessing the reins have been passed to our dear Darklight?

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I was going to say this yesterday, but net kept trolling me XD.

So, as Dobby correctly assumed, I'd like to pass Aftermath over to Dark Light. She's shown multiple times that this RP is as important to her as it is for me, and that she has the ability to make it happen. The one thing that is left to know now is if she wants to do it, so... What do you say DL?

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If you guys and girls believe I could do it, I'm willing to keep it on course to the best of my ability. However, like Notus, I will be going back to school by the end of this month to start my master's. Since I don't know how the course load will be so far, I would like a co-host to help in this endeavor.

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