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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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Guys, I would really love to co-host but I'm not sure I can spend the time I'd need to in order to run it properly. There's a reason I haven't started my own RP yet. My priority is and always has been school, and I start classes again tomorrow.

Essentially, earlier this year I was effectively suspended from my home university for smoking weed in my dorm room. Instead of taking the suspension on my transcript (I'm an accounting major, so that would majorly impact future hireability) I took a medical withdrawal. That means that all my grades from last semester got discarded. I'm now a semester behind, which means that I need to knuckle down and get really good marks this term in addition to taking summer classes.

If I find out after a month or so of class that the material isn't overly difficult I'll definitely reconsider, but until then I'm not willing to make such a big commitment if I can't give it 100% effort.

Sorry gang, but you'll need to find a different co-host :( DarkLight/Notus, PM me if you want my recommendations for co-host. I already have two in mind.

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Ouch, I didn't know that. It's ok mate, school always comes first. Good luck with your classes, hope you can catch up well!

So as for co-hosting I'll leave the decision to DL. Just remember guys, whoever does it will have the story spoiled!

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Okay, so since you've been away, Skarmory took a lot of hits and was forced to back out. Jon took your place, and him and Adam managed to take out Candice's Auroras, but Lockhart was also forced to back out. Then Seth took Adam's spot, Candice sent out Abomasnow and Mega Evolved it. Regice is still in. Also Carissa and Jory are in the process of getting the first floor conclave card. That's pretty much it.

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Jory, since I got my undergrad as an Accounting major, I understand and respect your decision. Good luck with your studies and feel free to ask me on accounting-related issues if you need to. I'll try my best to answer.

I'll give it until tonight before I announce the co-host(s). So, if you still want to join the council, speak up now or forever hold your peace :)

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Jory, since I got my undergrad as an Accounting major, I understand and respect your decision. Good luck with your studies and feel free to ask me on accounting-related issues if you need to. I'll try my best to answer.

I'll give it until tonight before I announce the co-host(s). So, if you still want to join the council, speak up now or forever hold your peace :)

I'm good for now. Like I said, I'll let you know if I end up with more time than I thought.

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I wouldn't mind if Drake stayed out a little longer to direct Ann and Susana to safety.

Drake is going to have to escort the whole first floor if anything. Once the other acolytes see them leaving, they will follow. xD

And on that note, I would like to formally announce Tacos as the new co-host! He has expressed his interest with co-hosting and, giving his upcoming schedule, I feel that it could work out. Jory, if your schedule allows, I will give you co-host privileges as well.

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*waves shyly*

Hey guys! I'll try my best to make this experience just as exciting and thrilling as Notus and Acqui have made it previously, and I'm glad to be helping out! Good luck and I'll see you all on the battlefield!

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Drake is going to have to escort the whole first floor if anything. Once the other acolytes see them leaving, they will follow. xD

And on that note, I would like to formally announce Tacos as the new co-host! He has expressed his interest with co-hosting and, giving his upcoming schedule, I feel that it could work out. Jory, if your schedule allows, I will give you co-host privileges as well.

Again, thanks for the offer xD

And on the topic of Drake, seeing as he's the only person outside the Conclave who's active maybe we could have grassnake's char or Sarcus escort the Acolytes so that he can come in and participate more actively.

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Yeah, but I figured since we're surrounded right next to the door there's not really much of an opportunity to move across the room to them just yet.

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I'll shoot him a pm real quick.

Much appreciated Tacos!

I'm waiting on Azery's response to see where he is at before I allow Jory and Tacos to take care of things. I'm trying to get everyone some action before the Mother.

Also, Notus has given me control over the gym squad as well since he is a bit busy at the moment. I'm currently waiting to see if he has something planned with Kyte's Rock Slide. Expect a response from me once that is sorted~

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Well, I'd appreciate if you took control of Lealia considering I have yet to get the information to start posting officially. Also, Azery said he plans on posting soon, he was just busy.

Lealia is just a random acolyte I decided to give a name to (and some personality) because she has the card key. She has no script. You are free to control her.

Sorry about not being able to post earlier.Kinda on a busier schedule now since School started back up D:

It's fine. I just wanted to see where everyone is at.

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Sorry for not posting. I was a bit busy playing Bravely Default while waiting to see if anyone else was going to post. (I might've gotten a bit carried away on there). I'll have Drake stay out there to take care of reinforcements in case they start coming back from patrol.

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