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Pokemon: Aftermath. A Dystopian RP. (OOC + Sign Up)


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You may kill if you please. I won't be responsible for your reputation though xD

Flux and Murdoc, are you still around?

No, you'll be responsible for punishing us BECAUSE of that reputation. Won't you, little missy, disciple Of Notus, who was taught by Acqui the Evil

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I was hoping this was still alive.. I can't wait to try out my PC in the new chapter.. Whenever it starts.. Almost as long as waiting for a new episode of Reborn

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Hopefully it'll start up again as Exam season ends. It's just that time of year

Dobby got the gist of it. I have 2 finals coming up after next week so I'm trying to get my butt in gear for it.

But I do have apologize for the inactivity. I tend to give 1 week for the RPers to respond to my last post. However, it never happens and then I get distracted and forget about this one. So, again, I apologize and after exams are done, you are sure to see this thing flying off again. Notus and Acqui/Code has also notified Tacos and me that they are having more free time nowadays so Chapter 4 will be more smooth than this.

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I'm supposed to be updating my own RP with a new chapter as well, but I've been kept busy with school wrapping up and graduation approaching, so I don't really feel like I could give it the attention it needs right now. I'm honestly kind of thankful this is so slow right now, as I don't know that I could keep up with it if it weren't.

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Crap...I'm supposed to updating the RP I have which by some miracle hasn't died. There's also that new project I'm supposed to be revealing pretty quick. And like Flux, I'm starting to enjoy the slow RPs more and more. Gives me something I like to call a social life.

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  • Support Squad

Crap...I'm supposed to updating the RP I have which by some miracle hasn't died. There's also that new project I'm supposed to be revealing pretty quick. And like Flux, I'm starting to enjoy the slow RPs more and more. Gives me something I like to call a social life.

Nice to know Ymoras steady pace is nice for someone.

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Steady? Ymora was steadly super fast in my time. XD

I´m also on a pretty turbulent season here, training for a ceremony, trying to keep up with calculus (/cry), having a ton of school work to do... I know the feel.

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Crap...I'm supposed to updating the RP I have which by some miracle hasn't died. There's also that new project I'm supposed to be revealing pretty quick. And like Flux, I'm starting to enjoy the slow RPs more and more. Gives me something I like to call a social life.

Just another trick by politburo... Eh, such is life.

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  • Support Squad

Steady? Ymora was steadly super fast in my time. XD

I´m also on a pretty turbulent season here, training for a ceremony, trying to keep up with calculus (/cry), having a ton of school work to do... I know the feel.

Dood, we thought for a while you were going dead silent for two years, the ccasional post from you is A-OK

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  • 4 weeks later...

As I have stated on the other RPs that I participated in, I have been losing my motivation to roleplay anything lately. It's just that I'm interested in other things and I don't feel like writing anything lately. As a result, I think I am going to resign as host to avoid stalling this out even further. I will message Tacos, Acqui and Notus to see to the arrangements. I'm sorry for being such a crappy host D:

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If the hosts drive doesn't exist then there's not much point to continue, post quality will suffer. I'd rather you didn't go, you know your way around an RP, but ultimately it's your choice.

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I understand how you feel DL.. Sometimes it's just not enough and you can't go on with it, despite everything else.. Take a break/leave of absence.. Hopefully you will be back.. If not, you will be missed.. You did a great job moving this along..

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If the hosts drive doesn't exist then there's not much point to continue, post quality will suffer. I'd rather you didn't go, you know your way around an RP, but ultimately it's your choice.

I understand how you feel DL.. Sometimes it's just not enough and you can't go on with it, despite everything else.. Take a break/leave of absence.. Hopefully you will be back.. If not, you will be missed.. You did a great job moving this along..

As I explained to Acqui, I'll try and stick around as a player, but I just don't know when I could pick up the pen and write as actively as I did. As a result, it's better for me to hand it off to someone who can push it along rather than having everyone wait on an inactive host trying to find a muse that just won't appear. Perhaps reading some books can help me. I haven't read for fun in years, and those are what kept my imagination alive...

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  • Support Squad

As I explained to Acqui, I'll try and stick around as a player, but I just don't know when I could pick up the pen and write as actively as I did. As a result, it's better for me to hand it off to someone who can push it along rather than having everyone wait on an inactive host trying to find a muse that just won't appear. Perhaps reading some books can help me. I haven't read for fun in years, and those are what kept my imagination alive...



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There's a what are you reading thread?? Why am I just hearing about this?? :blink:

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